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Comments Thread For: Baumgardner Vows To Clear Name: I Have No Intention Of Sitting Back In Silence And Letting This 'Play Out'

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  • #21
    If anything those PEDs made her finer.

    1 year suspension, she keeps her undisputed status but has to vacate belts. look forward to seeing her winter next year


    • #22
      i wonder which route she will go down, outlandish story, contamination of supplement, contamination further down the chain (surely A & B samples must be different to have a shot at this) & they rarely if ever are, maybe the tester dropped the stuff in her samples out of spite somehow, i dont know wtf happened argument, my pet was injured and i rubbed cream one was pretty good, amir khans got it from a handshake not so good, wild boar, steak & surely more good ones out there too


      • #23
        Originally posted by MANNY67 View Post
        If she fails the b sample then does the belts go to linardatou?? Does anyone know
        No, the result would be changed to a NC which means no one won. The individual sanctioning bodies would each make the decision to strip Baumgardner or not, which they almost certainly would.

        If Linardatou had been holding a belt a lost it to Alicia, then that belt would go back to her, but because they weren't her belts to begin with they would just go vacant.

        However it's highly likely Linardatou would be ordered to fight for one of more of the vacant titles against another top-10 challenger.
        MANNY67 MANNY67 ozzy616 ozzy616 like this.


        • #24
          She fine as hell

          maxresdefault.jpg maxresde***ult.jpg 2021528.jpg oar2.jpg devin-haney.jpg
          Teetotaler69 Teetotaler69 likes this.


          • #25
            June 16th - Clean. July 12th - Dirty. July 15th - Clean.

            This is perfectly possible as Baumgardner's July 12th "dirty" sample could have had low levels of those metabolites and been only just above the limit of testing clean.

            As the WBC doesn't adhere to a strict liability principle Baumgardner will make up an excuse and get away with it.

            Talking about getting away with it...

            I'm pleased that UKAD have appealed against the National Anti-Doping Panel's decision on Conor Benn.

            This is very important as the decision appears to fly in the face of WADAs strict liability principle which stops boxers & athletes making excuses up about herbal tea etc., as they're solely responsible for what ends up in their body.
            Smash Smash likes this.


            • #26
              Originally posted by Noelanthony View Post

              Because she is ***y. ***y women never ever lie. They tell me everyday they love me for me and not my money and I believe all of them
              You probably do you fvkcing loser. She literally looks like Devon Haney lmfao


              • #27
                Matchroom fighters testing dirty? Never!
                Oldskoolg Oldskoolg likes this.


                • #28
                  when u let a clown like stumble bum off scott free who has a history of peds as well u are just asking for trouble, everyone and their granny will demand that treatment, what a monumental error that was, in cahoots with slimey eddie hearn too, drug testing is boxing is a total mess, it needs a total overhaul, u pop u face a ban & stricter testing too that u pay for or some other common sense rule, the vast majority of people who pop are guilty i would say, if u are careless & consume a dodgy dinner then thats on you too, prove it by keeping a sample and find the smoking gun yourself, u consumed it, respectable supplements dont have contamination & if they do u wont be the only person caught up in it, thats for sure


                  • #29
                    African American boxers need to get away from Eddie *****, he's no good for them.


                    • #30
                      I've never been in such situation, or will I ever be, but...
                      when I know I'm innocent and people keep accusing me of something I didn't do,
                      I'll be fuming mad and would do everything to clear my name, which includes suing the bastards.

                      Meaning, I have to see this in Baumgardner.

