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Serious question what's the deal with all the excessive holding lately?

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  • Serious question what's the deal with all the excessive holding lately?

    Seems like I'm seeing more guys display a hit and hold game plan. Obviously Haney has been at it for a while now, Plant held like no other against Benavidez and tonight Bunch threw 1 jab then hold rinse and repeat.

    And the worse part is refs seem to enjoy it. Not one point or waring tonight. I mean seriously are refs looking to put the nail in the coffin for boxing by letting this behavior go on.

    I've been seeing a lot more lately. Could this be a new tactic being trained during camp for some guys?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Regge View Post
    Seems like I'm seeing more guys display a hit and hold game plan. Obviously Haney has been at it for a while now, Plant held like no other against Benavidez and tonight Bunch threw 1 jab then hold rinse and repeat.

    And the worse part is refs seem to enjoy it. Not one point or waring tonight. I mean seriously are refs looking to put the nail in the coffin for boxing by letting this behavior go on.

    I've been seeing a lot more lately. Could this be a new tactic being trained during camp for some guys?
    I didn't see the fight because it wasn't showing on my Showtime subscription, which is ****ing annoying as hell. Second time it's happened, so I can't really comment on that fight. However, I will say that "jab and grab" has been around for a long time. Klitschko is who I remember really making it a prominent tactic, so Haney can't take credit for that. (Floyd used it on Manny to steal the win too.) I imagine it was a tactic a long time ago too because, otherwise, the Rules of Queensbury wouldn't have prohibited it.

    As to your other question, yes, they work on it in training camp. Absolutely. Especially now, I imagine, because it's become obvious that you can get away with it. As you said, refs are not discouraging it, so I believe we will see it used with much more frequency as time goes on.


    • #3
      Ask Vlad or Devin, as it seems the torch was passed forward!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cypocryphy View Post

        I didn't see the fight because it wasn't showing on my Showtime subscription, which is ****ing annoying as hell. Second time it's happened, so I can't really comment on that fight. However, I will say that "jab and grab" has been around for a long time. Klitschko is who I remember really making it a prominent tactic, so Haney can't take credit for that. (Floyd used it on Manny to steal the win too.) I imagine it was a tactic a long time ago too because, otherwise, the Rules of Queensbury wouldn't have prohibited it.

        As to your other question, yes, they work on it in training camp. Absolutely. Especially now, I imagine, because it's become obvious that you can get away with it. As you said, refs are not discouraging it, so I believe we will see it used with much more frequency as time goes on.

        Yes I agree with pretty much everything you said but it seems more guys are doing it now than before.

        If this continues to be allowed it will dig the sport into a bigger hole. Bottom line is holding is not boxing its not a skill any bum off the street can challenge you to a fight then can proceed to hold the **** out of you and you won't be able to get any shots off.

        Again I don't see how this should be allowed it is not boxing nor fighting. Holding is stalling plain n simple it should 100% be banned from the sport.


        • #5
          The GOAT is literally a master clincher.

          It has been around since the sports inception and a viable tactic.

          If you've been in the ring, you'll know that its easier to be in the moment, and let the guy clinch you and hit him cleanly when he comes in "next time", and the next time, and the next time....aaaand the fight's over.
          Last edited by TheIronMike; 04-08-2023, 01:05 AM.
          Regge Regge likes this.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Regge View Post

            Yes I agree with pretty much everything you said but it seems more guys are doing it now than before.

            If this continues to be allowed it will dig the sport into a bigger hole. Bottom line is holding is not boxing its not a skill any bum off the street can challenge you to a fight then can proceed to hold the **** out of you and you won't be able to get any shots off.

            Again I don't see how this should be allowed it is not boxing nor fighting. Holding is stalling plain n simple it should 100% be banned from the sport.
            Totally agree. I mean, I think clinching to some extent should be allowed, but if it becomes excessive, then it should be docked. I also think that if a man is clinching because he's hurt, then that's okay. But if he's clinching just to clinch and gain an advantage and doing so excessively, then that's where I draw the line.

            I also have noticed that boxers who are bigger and taller, who have a massive reach advantage, like Devin and Fury, will clinch. That is hugely unfair because the shorter fighter has to work his way into mid-range to fight. And if the taller fighter clinches, it forces the ref t separate the boxers and put the shorter fighter back on the outside to have to start the process of closing the gab all over again. Then it's a vicious cycle, and the shorter boxer can never do anything.

            That is a BIG ISSUE. Some refs don't allow. One ref in particular who hates that and will penalize those antics is Jack Reiss. He is the one guy I know who will not let it happen.
            Rico_85 Rico_85 Regge Regge like this.


            • #7
              Closeted h0mo***uals


              • #8
                Originally posted by BodyBagz View Post
                Closeted h0mo***uals
                Hahaha maybe you're right


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Regge View Post

                  Hahaha maybe you're right
                  ''Just a little longer, ref.....''
                  Gideon lock Gideon lock likes this.


                  • #10
                    boxers saw MMA guys rolling on the ground and got jealous they dont get to hold they mans as much so amped it up some

