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Comments Thread For: Tim Tszyu: Charlo's A Real Angry Man; He Barks A Lot, Just Grumpy All The Time

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  • #11
    Tim doesn't understand America. ****** life is constant turmoil, you grow a scowl for self defense. If you cant fight, you have to look like you can fight. The other crabs in the bucket keep pulling you down.
    mjh1969 mjh1969 likes this.


    • #12
      Don’t say that Timmy! Now you done pissed him off lol


      • #13
        Originally posted by Corelone View Post
        Tim doesn't understand America. ****** life is constant turmoil, you grow a scowl for self defense. If you cant fight, you have to look like you can fight. The other crabs in the bucket keep pulling you down.
        Agreed, growing up in Brooklyn, New York was like that. If you walked around smiling all day and looking happy you would definitely get picked on and beaten up. Sometimes, a person could win a mental fight with someone else before it even started by walking around and looking serious all the time. To me Charlo mimicks Hagler who never walked around smiling all the time either. Once he retired though he seemed to me a much more pleasant person.


        • #14
          Originally posted by fumiphobic View Post
          Terence Crawford is not even in Charlo's division, but somehow "Bud" wants a piece of Jermell. So Tszyu can't be alone in that observation in the grumpy department.
          That would be the easiest way to grab 4 belts in history. Of course Bud would probably take less money too.
          Corelone Corelone likes this.


          • #15
            Good job tim at beating tony . A lot of people doubted you but I didn't . I like jermell but imma be rooting for tim .


            • #16
              Charlo acts like your typical gangster. Has no sense of humour and easily triggered. Tim takes boxing seriously but enjoys the journey. Cant wait to see the action and will be rooting for Tim!


              • #17
                My buddy from L.A. talked about smiling in Chicago. Walking down the street grinning, he heard a voice from an alley say. Bring your happily smiling ass over here. You know what I'm saying?

