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Comments Thread For: Services For Heavyweight Maurenzo Smith Scheduled For August 13

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  • Comments Thread For: Services For Heavyweight Maurenzo Smith Scheduled For August 13

    Services for heavyweight boxer Maurenzo "Tdiddy" Smith will be held at 11 am on August 13, 2022 at the Mount Vernon Baptist Church Inc., 3618 Stassen St., Houston, Texas 77051.
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    I heard about this on the news but didn't know that the guy was a boxer. Dumb move on him and the woman as well. If she thought that something would happen at the meeting then she should've had a police officer near. The crime of passion is deep. The estranged husband was 61 and she is 29 tho!!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by T.M.T View Post
      I heard about this on the news but didn't know that the guy was a boxer. Dumb move on him and the woman as well. If she thought that something would happen at the meeting then she should've had a police officer near. The crime of passion is deep. The estranged husband was 61 and she is 29 tho!!!!
      This definitely could’ve been prevented. That woman is not worth dying for. She belongs to the streets.


      • #4
        I thought this happened after he sparred Jake Paul. JP is too fast. Too strong


        • #5
          Stay out of ppl's relationships. U don't know if she gave that man herpes, u don't know what's going on with two ppl who slept together. Women have to be more accountable for having poor judgment and choosing these no good mofos, as opposed to always getting another man involved in her poor decision making. Passion is a mofo u don't wanna be in the middle of that. Sometimes u get involved and the chick goes back to the dude, or gets mad at u for hurting him. I saw a dude beating a chick up and a guy tried to break it up and then the chick and her man both jumped the other dude and kicked his ass for trying to break it up
          Last edited by archiemoore1; 08-10-2022, 09:33 AM.


          • #6
            There are those here passing judgement and don’t know everything so why? All we do know is a friend and a innocent man who was a boxer lost his life due to supporting a friend. End of a very sad story!


            • #7
              Originally posted by T.M.T View Post
              I heard about this on the news but didn't know that the guy was a boxer. Dumb move on him and the woman as well. If she thought that something would happen at the meeting then she should've had a police officer near. The crime of passion is deep. The estranged husband was 61 and she is 29 tho!!!!
              head about it aswell, ****** move, females get to many people killed with their selfishness

