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Boxers with degrees, Good or Bad?

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  • #11
    Originally posted by !! 2Tough !! View Post
    an educated man, will make better decisions in the ring and on his match-making
    Having smarts and having ring smarts are two different things mate.


    • #12
      Originally posted by !! 2Tough !! View Post
      an educated man, will make better decisions in the ring and on his match-making
      Easily one of the most ******est thing I have ever read. There is no correlation between book smarts and ring intelligence.


      • #13
        as with everything else "degree" related, it depends on what it is and where its from.... yes, there are such things as waste or garbage degrees


        • #14
          Originally posted by catalinul View Post
          Ike Ibeabuchi has 2 college degrees now.Both of them in prison.

          Yet he still was denied parole 3 times.
          its hard, but hes in prison for a reason..

          Originally posted by Guantánamo Bay View Post
          i don't know wheter it makes em better, but i do like em better

          and i think it's good for the sport to. most people think boxers and fighters in general are knuckle dragging cave men that don't know how to add and multiply
          yeah.. you mean the perception changes..


          • #15
            Originally posted by -veteran420- View Post
            as with everything else "degree" related, it depends on what it is and where its from.... yes, there are such things as waste or garbage degrees
            like bull**** like... "strategic business"

            basically padded out degrees that do nothing for the person..


            • #16
              Having a degree means nothing in terms of actual boxing, look at James Toney and Bernard Hopkins. But i do respect a boxer more if he's taken the time to further his education as it's a refreshing change from the age old story of the poor guy from the streets who's had a hard life and found boxing as his sanctuary.
              Shows they have talent outside the ring too which is good.


              • #17
                Getting an education is never a bad thing, but I don't think an MBA is gonna make you a better boxer.


                • #18
                  Think of it this way: he's spending time studying rather than trainingm, or vice-versa. It's extremely difficult to have it both ways (world champion and well-versed student).

                  Juan Diaz pulled it off; he became a world champion while still attending a university.


                  • #19
                    Degrees are worthless if youre a boxer, if you are smart you will shmooz and gain connections, learn how to gain assetts and capital. Why would you want waste money on a degree. Read some books, take a trip to barnes and nobles . Its much cheaper than a degree.


                    • #20
                      Klitschkos... PHD's... The art of great boxing takes training, dedication and innate ability. The same principles can be applied to attaining a degree...

                      Do college educated athletes perform better than non college athletes? You'd have to look at the stats, but a college degree says that you have been certified competent in your chosen major by an organization... The man who has his hand raised at the end of each boxing match is validated in the same way… You could look at it like this…

                      You beat a nobody: High School degree
                      You beat a Journey Man: Jr. College Degree
                      You beat a Contender: Bachelors Degree
                      You beat a Champion: Congratulations you have just attained something that less than 1% of the world will ever attain – I’ll even call you Dr. Boxing.

                      I know a lot of idiots with college degrees and a lot of fighters who could have paid a just a little more attention while they were in school… What I am saying is a degree is a piece of paper saying you passed whatever standard for the school you graduated from – a championship belt is a trophy saying the same thing – it is what you do, with either, afterwards that is the important part.

                      Whatever you go after in life, go after it full throttle and degree or no degree you can make your place in the world.

