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Mayweather Contradicts Himself Badly (How can you defend him still?)

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  • #51
    Originally posted by Bhopreign View Post
    Who said anything about resume, Williams has called out Cotto many times but Cotto will not fight him. Andy Kolle is a middleweight also, lets' see Cotto go up and fight a middleweight.
    You said Cotto has only fought Bums dude, and you ait talking about resumes?
    WTF? LMAO jajajajajaj

    Williams have callled out everybody. That **** doesnt impress me. I mean what he have to lose by calling people h e is a nobody trying to make a name. Wait till 2 or 3 answer his call ay how he will change his tune.

    I can say 100% than Cotto would of KO Kolle, easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cotto is a WW, period, Williams wants to fight grab a belt again, a make the fight interesting, right now, he is irrelevent to all the top WWs!!!!!

    Again you failed to answer the thread question.

    WHy you still defend Floyd?


    • #52
      Originally posted by Bhopreign View Post
      Not at all, depends on what his defintion of legacy is. Fighting mega events and fighting who the public thinks are the best are two different things. Like I've said many times and even made a thread about it, and I heard Floyd say this the other day, if Shane carried on like Floyd and sold himself, he would be just as big as Floyd, but thats not Shane. You didnt answer if you would like to see Floyd fight Pac.
      I answered of course I'd like to see floyd fight Pac. who wouldnt. I agree it depends on your definition of legacy but the man already attached a defintion to it. "by taking on the toughest fights available".

      Like i said from the beginning it's not that i have a problem with floyd fighting Marquez. It's that he considers himself the best welterweight...and i guarantee you if he beats Marquez he will brag about bein the best welterweight in the world..when he didnt fight a weltweight. When you consider yourself think Marquez will be a bigger legacy booster or a tougher fight than Mosley then you are smokin that Mayweather crack rock.

      The Marquez fight will be a good fight and he will get credit for being the #1 p4p from me. But in no way will that make him the #1 welterweight just because of his p4p status. Just like when Pacquiao won the wbc lightweight belt...he was #1 p4p but not the #1 lighweight.


      • #53
        Originally posted by Ch@mpBox@PR View Post
        You said Cotto has only fought Bums dude, and you ait talking about resumes?
        WTF? LMAO jajajajajaj

        Williams have callled out everybody. That **** doesnt impress me. I mean what he have to lose by calling people h e is a nobody trying to make a name. Wait till 2 or 3 answer his call ay how he will change his tune.

        I can say 100% than Cotto would of KO Kolle, easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Cotto is a WW, period, Williams wants to fight grab a belt again, a make the fight interesting, right now, he is irrelevent to all the top WWs!!!!!

        Again you failed to answer the thread question.

        WHy you still defend Floyd? killed them with that pic in ya sig.....GAME OVER


        • #54
          Originally posted by shadeyfizzle View Post
          I answered of course I'd like to see floyd fight Pac. who wouldnt. I agree it depends on your definition of legacy but the man already attached a defintion to it. "by taking on the toughest fights available".

          Like i said from the beginning it's not that i have a problem with floyd fighting Marquez. It's that he considers himself the best welterweight...and i guarantee you if he beats Marquez he will brag about bein the best welterweight in the world..when he didnt fight a weltweight. When you consider yourself think Marquez will be a bigger legacy booster or a tougher fight than Mosley then you are smokin that Mayweather crack rock.

          The Marquez fight will be a good fight and he will get credit for being the #1 p4p from me. But in no way will that make him the #1 welterweight just because of his p4p status. Just like when Pacquiao won the wbc lightweight belt...he was #1 p4p but not the #1 lighweight.
          Ring ****zine before he retired said he was the best welterweight. Do you have footage or a quote where Floyd said he was the best welterweight?


          • #55
            Originally posted by SekondzOut View Post
   killed them with that pic in ya sig.....GAME OVER
            LOL jajajajajaj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            • #56
              Originally posted by Bhopreign View Post
              Ring ****zine before he retired said he was the best welterweight. Do you have footage or a quote where Floyd said he was the best welterweight?
              Do you really need prove of that?

              He said he was the best, not only curent but of all time, and then he said he is better tha SRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              • #57
                Originally posted by Ch@mpBox@PR View Post
                You said Cotto has only fought Bums dude, and you ait talking about resumes?
                WTF? LMAO jajajajajaj

                Williams have callled out everybody. That **** doesnt impress me. I mean what he have to lose by calling people h e is a nobody trying to make a name. Wait till 2 or 3 answer his call ay how he will change his tune.

                I can say 100% than Cotto would of KO Kolle, easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Cotto is a WW, period, Williams wants to fight grab a belt again, a make the fight interesting, right now, he is irrelevent to all the top WWs!!!!!

                Again you failed to answer the thread question.

                WHy you still defend Floyd?
                Nobody on this board will take you seriously when you say Williams is a nobody and that he is irrelavant. He said he will fight from 147-160, quit saying he cant make welter when he said he would fight there. Not sure how Cotto would do against Kolle because he hasnt fought him.


                • #58
                  If he doesn't need pacquiao, who's he gonna fight next?
                  cotto? mosley? williams?



                  • #59
                    Originally posted by Ch@mpBox@PR View Post
                    You said Cotto has only fought Bums dude, and you ait talking about resumes?
                    WTF? LMAO jajajajajaj

                    Williams have callled out everybody. That **** doesnt impress me. I mean what he have to lose by calling people h e is a nobody trying to make a name. Wait till 2 or 3 answer his call ay how he will change his tune.

                    I can say 100% than Cotto would of KO Kolle, easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Cotto is a WW, period, Williams wants to fight grab a belt again, a make the fight interesting, right now, he is irrelevent to all the top WWs!!!!!

                    Again you failed to answer the thread question.

                    WHy you still defend Floyd?
                    cotto actually has williams old wbo belt that williams vacated cause he couldnt get a fight. cotto didn't wanna fight him for it but he will surely fight michael "i'm in way over my head" jennings for it.


                    • #60
                      real talk I think the Marquez fight will be good for Floyd, he's fighting a game competitor who will bring 100%, he is by far not a tune up in any way so Floyd is coming back with a hand full here. Marquez is at an advantage because all he has to do is stand up for this fight and bring his best, he wont lose his titles if he loses, it'll be another Hatton-Mayweather or Hopkins-Pavlik where the loser remains champ of his class so he's chillin, he really has nothing to lose and all to gain, if ever there was a time for Marquez to face Floyd this would be it, he been out for 1 1/2 years so he's bound to have some kind of rust especially against a guy like Marquez who can force a fight.. I always respected Floyd's skills I just didn't respect the hand picking, I see now he is planning to change that so that's great, start with Marquez, then Pacquiao and then everyone else. Floyd has the skills to do it, question is will he sign for those fights, only time can tell but he's on that path.. 1

