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Jesus loves it when you punch people into unconsciousness for large amounts of money

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  • #21
    Originally posted by GrizzleBoy View Post
    Boxing and religion. How can it possibly work?

    I wonder if any boxer who preaches God is actually being serious?

    It always baffled me when boxers talk about religion in the ring/pray in the ring.

    "Please lord, give me the strength to knock this pretender the **** out, so that I may earn ****** amounts of money so that I can have the nicest wimminz and cars when I get to heaven. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

    I mean what else could they possibly be thinking or saying? They're about to step into a ring for the sole purpose of hitting someone till they cant hit back. Am I missing the part where this is somehow condoned in religion?

    To me, it's no different than religion based wars.

    Makes no sense to be honest.
    Dog, it's just a damn sport with rules and not what. These fighters aren't trying to kill each other. That ain't the goal in boxing.

    If you don't like boxing then watch it. If you don't like religion then don't go to church.

    To each their own.


    • #22
      Originally posted by GrizzleBoy View Post
      You are the idiot lol.

      I'm not downplaying religion you tool, I'm downplaying people who engage in ANTI RELIGIOUS activities while praising and asking of God.

      Anyone with at least a smidgeon of brain matter within their skulls would be able to tell that what I wrote was not supposed to be the words of Pac (I got a sarcasm detector on ebay if you need one), but rather a list of ANTI-CHRISTIAN things that he engages in and supports while he is boxing or is being part of boxing.

      As another poster has said, Islam rules out boxing as a sport, yet many people still do it and praise Allah for their achievements blah blah etc. I think Hopkins is one of those guys.

      Doing anti-christian things in order to help people you favour is still doing anti-christian things to get money, therefore I dont see how God could be on his side.

      Punching someone for money is not something God would want, but because the other man agreed he would do it to you too and you decide to give it the name "sport", all of a sudden, two wrongs make a right and promoting ******** and violence is okay?

      Tell me how that works?
      Boxing training in Islam is fine, but some people think if you fight with a person, hitting them in the face, it is something against the religion...but there are so many things, in Islam you are not meant to harm your body, yet alot of ******s smoke and dont see it as haram (forbidden) and even the highest of the ******s (that decide what is halal (permissible) and haram) say smoking is not haram but is frowned upon....So I think with certain things you have to go with how you feel.

      There are always going to be people that see it as wrong and people that see it the opposite...even people that see it more as frowned upon.

      At the end of the day, with religion there is always going to be some confusion, but it all comes down to personal opinion, i could read any holy book, lets say for example The Bible, and i could have a complete different view of things then your views if you read the Bible....It all comes down to interpretation.

      Pacman may not see it as doing wrong....At the end of the day only god knows... (i am religious so that last bit may not apply for you)

      And as for your part about it provoking ******** and violence... i dont think thats true...people bet on everything and anything now a days...just because hes boxing doesnt mean hes provoking ********...hatton said bet your house on me...tht could be seen as provoking it, but i haven't seen manny said bet on me from what i have seen. People bet on lots of sports that are not seen as wrong sports in religious views, does that mean those people are provoking ********?


      • #23
        Originally posted by El Romeo View Post
        Dog, it's just a damn sport with rules and not what. These fighters aren't trying to kill each other. That ain't the goal in boxing.

        If you don't like boxing then watch it. If you don't like religion then don't go to church.

        To each their own.
        I swear people dont actually read posts. I swear people literally dont actually read the posts?

        Someone said earlier that boxing is not allowed as a follower of Islam, yet there are fighters that are openly ****** and still box.

        It doesn't matter if you give it a name like "sport" or "job", nor does it matter that the underlying goal is.

        If you are taking part in an event which is either forbidden, or not something that a follower of scripture would take part in if they were truly devoted, what is the damn point?


        • #24
          some of the responses here are pretty rediculous. listen boxing is a very entertaining sport. but it is 2 humans FIGHTING each other, and HURTING each other. So, it is common sense that God does not like it. I mean come on humans were not put on earth to beat each other up!


          • #25
            Originally posted by GrizzleBoy View Post
            I swear people dont actually read posts. I swear people literally dont actually read the posts?

            Someone said earlier that boxing is not allowed as a follower of Islam, yet there are fighters that are openly ****** and still box.

            It doesn't matter if you give it a name like "sport" or "job", nor does it matter that the underlying goal is.

            If you are taking part in an event which is either forbidden, or not something that a follower of scripture would take part in if they were truly devoted, what is the damn point?
            so wat religion are u?


            • #26
              Originally posted by GrizzleBoy View Post
              Someone said earlier that boxing is not allowed as a follower of Islam, yet there are fighters that are openly ****** and still box.

              It doesn't matter if you give it a name like "sport" or "job", nor does it matter that the underlying goal is.

              If you are taking part in an event which is either forbidden, or not something that a follower of scripture would take part in if they were truly devoted, what is the damn point?
              Read wht i said in my last post pls

              And like i said, alot of it comes down to interpretation....Thats why people cant judge other people, and why people say "only god knows"

              I mean (i know this is a little far fetched but im tired n its only thing tht popped in my head as an example), there are people doing suicide bombing in the world who really think they are doing right....yet i am completely against it. But at the end of the day how do i know wrong from right, i know in my head i think it is wrong, yet in theirs it is right, so again it comes down to only god knows.

              Anyway nite people im shattered.


              • #27
                Originally posted by AssasinKing View Post
                Boxing training in Islam is fine, but some people think if you fight with a person, hitting them in the face, it is something against the religion...but there are so many things, in Islam you are not meant to harm your body, yet alot of ******s smoke and dont see it as haram (forbidden) and even the highest of the ******s (that decide what is halal (permissible) and haram) say smoking is not haram but is frowned upon....So I think with certain things you have to go with how you feel.

                There are always going to be people that see it as wrong and people that see it the opposite...even people that see it more as frowned upon.

                At the end of the day, with religion there is always going to be some confusion, but it all comes down to personal opinion, i could read any holy book, lets say for example The Bible, and i could have a complete different view of things then your views if you read the Bible....It all comes down to interpretation.

                Pacman may not see it as doing wrong....At the end of the day only god knows... (i am religious so that last bit may not apply for you)

                And as for your part about it provoking ******** and violence... i dont think thats true...people bet on everything and anything now a days...just because hes boxing doesnt mean hes provoking ********...hatton said bet your house on me...tht could be seen as provoking it, but i haven't seen manny said bet on me from what i have seen. People bet on lots of sports that are not seen as wrong sports in religious views, does that mean those people are provoking ********?
                You're right about the betting, I have to agree, however, Boxing is still a glorification of brutality towards another human being for another humans enjoyment.

                There is no religion I know of that by reading their basic principles, would condone that.

                Because the two men agree to it and it labelled as a sport by man, doesn't change the fact of what it is at the very heart of it.


                • #28
                  Originally posted by AssasinKing View Post
                  Read wht i said in my last post pls

                  And like i said, alot of it comes down to interpretation....Thats why people cant judge other people, and why people say "only god knows"

                  I mean (i know this is a little far fetched but im tired n its only thing tht popped in my head as an example), there are people doing suicide bombing in the world who really think they are doing right....yet i am completely against it. But at the end of the day how do i know wrong from right, i know in my head i think it is wrong, yet in theirs it is right, so again it comes down to only god knows.

                  Anyway nite people im shattered.
                  You know what is right by following the words and example of the person you worship.

                  You dont have to even ask yourself more than once whether Jesus would enjoy watching dudes hurt each other to make a living, especially in the circumstances that most people get into the sport.

                  Also as was said before, in Islam you are supposed to not cause harm to your body?

                  Is that not enough of an indication of what you should and should not do regarding fighting and or killing yourself along with other people?

                  If you are unsure about something, but you have something which at least gives you an idea, why ignore it?
                  Last edited by GrizzleBoy; 05-03-2009, 09:32 PM.


                  • #29
                    first of all.. you dont hear pacquaio "preach the bible"
                    whatever his personal relationship with Jesus is his own..

                    blame the media for making a big issue about it..


                    • #30
                      I don't think its a coincidence that all of the top fighters/athletes are religious.

