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Can a boxer take it to a Navy Seal in a street fight?

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  • Navy seals are trained to break bones like their twigs. Boxers are trained to punch hard with their fist and have great foot-work. But how much will that great foot-work of theirs do against a trained killer?


    • I think some of the people who responded to my quote would do well to read up on Special Forces and their training. I have a fair amount of books on the subject and find it fascinating.

      SEALS are trained in CQC-Close Quarters Combat. This takes place within a 6 month training period in Phase Two of their ULT in a school nicknamed by all operators as "killing school". They teach you pressure points, how to snap a mans neck, gouge a mans eyes, destroy a mans groin etc. etc in addition to training other mission areas.

      A man trained in self defense or CQC will have the advantage over any fighter in a street fight because they're trained to kill. Fighters on the other hand are trained to KO or submit. Big difference.

      Fighters are trained to fight within a certain framework of rules that is there by and large to prevent fighters from seriously injuring each other. Special Forces operators have no such rules for obvious reasons. They will kill the well trained fighter in a street fight simply because that's their area of expertise.

      Take a Navy SEAL and force him to box in the boxing ring or fight in the octagon under MMA rules and he'll lose. He'll be out of his element seeing as how he hasn't been trained to fight under those guidelines and vice versa. It's pretty cut and dry IMO.

      Fighters are trained to fight. SEAL's are trained to kill. Which one do you think would come out on top in a street fight? Not that hard to figure out.


      • No boxer will have any tyoe of chance against a well train Navy seal or Special forces guy.

        They are train to kill with their handsm feet and every part of teh body they can use, to inflict damage.

        This special foces and Navy Seals, are not train as a regular soldier. This people training is insane.

        Theyl whoop any boxer alive!!!!!!!


        • Originally posted by twanky1 View Post
          In this thread: Delusional, incredibly naive Americans who think that their Spec OPs are unstoppable at anything.

          Well. Clearly a boxer who trains day in day out to win fights with his fist is going to beat a fit soldier with some unarmed combat training.

          Ive seen military unarmed training, they dont punch or block punches to the head because all soldiers wear helmuts.

          I know you guys love your military but jesus, dont be ******, Navy Seals couldnt win Vietnam and they sure as hell cant win a streetfight against a boxer.
          Are you fucking ******? First of all, boxing isn't real fighting. Its a sport and its nice to look at but its not real fighting. Thus the boxer automatically loses to a SOCOM trained killer. Boxer would try and fight and all of a sudden get sliced in the carotid artery with a tuna-can lid.

          Your dumb as fuck. Vietnam was a big fuck up from the get go. What country are you from? Lets hear your nation's history in war?


          • You guys are quite ******. Maybe they are trained to kill, but do they even get a chance to kill. A boxer would have more physical strength and endurance than these guys. Let’s not forget a boxer would also have better punch resistance.


            • Originally posted by Malcolm. View Post
              You guys are quite ******. Maybe they are trained to kill, but do they even get a chance to kill. A boxer would have more physical strength and endurance than these guys. Let’s not forget a boxer would also have better punch resistance.
              You are just a idiot who dont know ****!!!!!!!!

              A boxer would have more physical strength? Not a chance dude.

              A boxer would have a better punch resistance? How do you know that?

              Dude those people will kill you 10 times before you even hit the ground!!!!!


              • What country do you think im from ****head? Ill give you a hint : ITS IN MY SIG!

                We were pretty much the only other country helping you and the South Vietnamese in that war so we lost it too.

                How about you get off your Playstation and hop in the ring, Weaboo, typical, American propaganda convincing you that your Forces are the be all and end all of everything.


                • Originally posted by Ch@mpBox@PR View Post
                  You are just a idiot who dont know ****!!!!!!!!

                  A boxer would have more physical strength? Not a chance dude.

                  A boxer would have a better punch resistance? How do you know that?

                  Dude those people will kill you 10 times before you even hit the ground!!!!!
                  Of course a boxer would have more strength. They are athletes

                  Of course a boxer would also have a better punch resistance since they get punch everyday, it's their job

                  Navy Seal GOES FOR THE TAKE DOWN. One uppercut LIGHTS OUT


                  • Originally posted by Ch@mpBox@PR View Post
                    You are just a idiot who dont know ****!!!!!!!!

                    A boxer would have more physical strength? Not a chance dude.

                    A boxer would have a better punch resistance? How do you know that?

                    Dude those people will kill you 10 times before you even hit the ground!!!!!
                    On the strength and resistence: It comes down to each person

                    "Dude those people will kill you 10 times before you even hit the ground!!!!!" ?

                    Just how are they going to do this? They train to kill people with guns where as boxers literally train to do as much damage as they can with their hands on a standing opponent, so it would be the boxer killing you 10 times before you hit the ground.


                    • Originally posted by twanky1 View Post
                      What country do you think im from ****head? Ill give you a hint : ITS IN MY SIG!

                      We were pretty much the only other country helping you and the South Vietnamese in that war so we lost it too.

                      How about you get off your Playstation and hop in the ring, Weaboo, typical, American propaganda convincing you that your Forces are the be all and end all of everything.
                      WHy you dont STFU for a second.

                      You better show some respect, to soldiers, who bust ass in wars and ****, so other people can sleep with out worries.

                      Do I think, the US Army has done ****** thing and loss wars? Hell yes. No body is perfect. But we do what we have to do.

                      When you are in a combat zone, all politics and all that crap goes out of the window.

                      I bet you are a fat ass, who tries to be tough on the internet

                      SO STFU!!!!!!!!!

