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I'm nothing but a selfish fight fan

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  • #11
    Originally posted by mr.crust View Post
    Doh! replied to the wrong message.sorry dans.
    I figured. I don't really want a Hopkins rematch, but a lot of people do that think he got robbed, which I don't. I nearly fell asleep in that fight, awful.

    Good comment about Benn, that's what I'm talking about.


    • #12
      I don't mind watching tactical chess matches as long as they're relatively free flowing and not full of clinching. But you're dead right - everyone finds two guys beating the living daylights out of each other entertaining. Good post man - well written!


      • #13
        I only scanned over it, but it seems you slate Calzaghe in almost every paragraph. Nice try, but it comes across as a dig at Joe plus an awful lot of hot air. I'm not crying about it, I couldn't care less who you like, but it does come across as biased, therefore it's a bit meaningless to me. You could have said the same thing without disrespecting any other fighters.

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        • #14
          Originally posted by S a m u r a i View Post
          I only scanned over it, but it seems you slate Calzaghe in almost every paragraph. Nice try, but it comes across as a dig at Joe plus an awful lot of hot air. I'm not crying about it, I couldn't care less who you like, but it does come across as biased, therefore it's a bit meaningless to me. You could have said the same thing without disrespecting any other fighters.
          C'mon samurai,it wasnt that bad.Imagine if daggum or onion had wrote it!


          • #15
            Originally posted by Queen_Leia View Post
            That **** was ******** too long to be that important, either get to the point or STFU and let other with more important things to say open up post.

            So you like mindless blood lusting fighting instead of a match that requires you to use your boxing IQ...big deal, this is not thread worthy. It's your opinion, Oh and please use spell check and proper punctuation.
            You didn't even read the whole thing did you? I'm talking about the irony between fighters and fans. What we want isn't necessarily what they want and vice versa.

            By the way, it's my right to decide what's thread worthy and what's not, it's my name. The fact that it's too long for you to read or care about is your own decision too. If all you got out of it is that I love brawls, then I can't help you.


            • #16
              Originally posted by dans01234 View Post
              I have followed boxing since my early teens, and there is one thing I have learned, I am a selfish fight fan. I want blood, I want guts, I want Gatti-Ward, I want Castillo-Corrales, I want Hagler Hearns, I want war.

              It's not that I hate technical fights or technical fighters, but I always would rather a brawl then a pugilistic chess match. It's just me being a selfish fight fan, as so many of us are. But what is ironic about fight fans is that even though we are in fact selfish ourselves, we expect the exact opposite from fighters. We criticize guys like Lennox Lewis, who hated brawling. We rip apart the resumes of guys like Joe Calzaghe. We hate on guys like Floyd Mayweather for leaving on his own terms. None of this is fair, but can you blame us? Boxing fans like everyone else are in it for entertainment over everything else, so it is to be expected that we are selfish.

              My favorite fighter of all time is Erik Morales. Morales was one of the rare fighters in history that arguably was not selfish at all. Yes he wanted money and accolades, but as a fighter in the ring he was as far from selfish as one could be. Often throwing technical advantages out the window for excitement and drama instead, Morales was the definition of a fan's fighter. However, in the end Morales didn't need to brawl as much as he did and he will be the one to pay the price, not us. He will be the one that in twenty years will have to explain why he lost all those fights at the end of his career. While Mayweather and Calzaghe will sit pretty with their "0" still in place and their bodies and minds unharmed.

              But even though Mayweather and Calzaghe have the undefeated distinction, we as fight fans are not satisfied. Both men have fought long and hard to deserve their retirement, and they do, but it is still not enough. We want Floyd to beat elite welterweights. We want Calzaghe to rematch Hopkins and take on Chad Dawson. We want all this, meanwhile Calzaghe and Floyd could care less. As far as they are concerned they have proved everything and don't owe us anything. Why? They are being as selfish as we are. Neither one of them wants to lose their "0" and neither one feels the need to fight but we as fight fans want nothing more.

              We want all of our fighters to push themselves to the limits and give us what we want in the ring. It is our love of the sport and our love for excitement that drives this feeling, so we shouldn't feel bad about it. We should, however, be understanding to the fighters that share our selfish motives. We should understand and except those technical fighters and those whose career decisions are selfish in nature. After all, being selfish is what gets many of them so far. If Floyd Mayweather wanted to please fans, he wouldn't box circles around his opponents, he would brawl them like Morales. If Calzaghe wanted to please fans, he would've come to America a long time ago. But they didn't, and we are still shouting for them to do just that.

              Our selfishness as fight fans is not fair, and in fact it's down right hypocritical. We want selfless fighters when we in fact are the most selfish bunch of them all. So we should all remember this when commenting on different fighters and criticizing career decisions. Because after all, it's their careers not ours.

              However, I for one will not change. I will always be a selfish fight fan. That's the way I like it. Give me blood, give me guts, give me Gatti-Ward.

              Give me Erik Morales.

              I gave you green k because you admit something people on here won't admit. I am a trainer at a local gym here in Miami, (asst trainer) and I love the sweet science as much as anyone but let's be real here.....

              Who doesn't love Gatti vs Ward? Barrera vs Morales, Hagler vs Hearns. excitement is what sells the sport and there was one poster on here that said that Gatti vs Ward was a trash of a fight...obviously he never fought in the ring.

              Because no matter the skill level, styles do make fights and those two were tailor made for each other.


              • #17
                Originally posted by S a m u r a i View Post
                I only scanned over it, but it seems you slate Calzaghe in almost every paragraph. Nice try, but it comes across as a dig at Joe plus an awful lot of hot air. I'm not crying about it, I couldn't care less who you like, but it does come across as biased, therefore it's a bit meaningless to me. You could have said the same thing without disrespecting any other fighters.
                I don't think I was harsh on Calzaghe at all. If anything, I was more complimentary then I usually am. I'm mearly saying that "we always want more" with fighters. Maybe it's a bad thing, but it's just reality.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by mr.crust View Post
                  C'mon samurai,it wasnt that bad.Imagine if daggum or onion had wrote it!
                  You know how much I hate Calzaghe, I thought I was pretty nice to him here.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by dans01234 View Post
                    I don't think I was harsh on Calzaghe at all. If anything, I was more complimentary then I usually am. I'm mearly saying that "we always want more" with fighters. Maybe it's a bad thing, but it's just reality.
                    You're dead right. I think Samurai missed the 2nd last paragraph.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by dans01234 View Post
                      You know how much I hate Calzaghe, I thought I was pretty nice to him here.
                      Lol! Yeah,I know.I wanted to green k you for for the thread as its probably the most interesting one on here in days,but apparently I have to spread the love around a bit first.

