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Remember when Floyd beat Bruseles and all his crazy US fans called him the GOAT?

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  • #51
    Originally posted by bsrizpac View Post Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
    duck1 /dʌk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[duhk] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
    –noun, plural ducks, (esp. collectively for 1, 2) duck.
    1. any of numerous wild or domesticated web-footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, esp. of the genus Anas and allied genera, characterized by abroad, flat bill, short legs, and depressed body.
    2. the female of this bird, as distinguished from the male. Compare drake1.
    3. the flesh of this bird, eaten as food.
    4. Informal. person; individual: He's the ***** old duck with the knee-length gaiters and walrus mustache.
    5. a playing marble, esp. one that is not used as a shooter.
    6. ducks, (used with a singular verb) British Slang. ducky2.
    7. Cricket Slang.
    a. failure of a batsman to score: to be out for a duck.
    b. a player's score of zero: to be bowled for a duck. Compare goose egg.


    Just checked. Yup you're still an idiot.

    At the very least you made an effort...

    Here's a pie for your trouble **** lover.


    • #52
      Originally posted by Dirk Diggler UK View Post
      Well you called me a racist for absolutely no reason. So I wouldnt think you'd be so rigid over its meaning.

      So in your book, its cool to make derogatory comments based on nationailty?

      Even though you complain about it?
      In my book it's okay to insult Ricky one of the longest running nationalist biased ****less trolls in the history of the site.

      The rest of that is just your usual delusional crap. Racist? I called YOU a racist? Hmm. I believe that I've used the words/phrases: "biased" "not objective" "nationalistic" "Union Jack blinders" "Hates the US". But whatever, keep on making **** up, you're the King of that.


      • #53
        Originally posted by JoartCC View Post

        At the very least you made an effort...

        Here's a pie for your trouble **** lover.
        Still gonna use "a duck" when it makes no sense whatsoever? Stick to writing about having *** with Hobbits, you're much better at that.


        • #54
          Originally posted by bsrizpac View Post
          In my book it's okay to insult Ricky one of the longest running nationalist biased ****less trolls in the history of the site.

          The rest of that is just your usual delusional crap. Racist? I called YOU a racist? Hmm. I believe that I've used the words/phrases: "biased" "not objective" "nationalistic" "Union Jack blinders" "Hates the US". But whatever, keep on making **** up, you're the King of that.
          "Congratulations on being a ****** racist" was the phrase you used. Now you'll call me obsessed instead of adressing the fact.

          What do you think of this comment?

          Originally posted by bsrizpac View Post
          Hatton is a *****. So are Australians.
          Again, I have no doubt you'll ignore the actual quote and say Im "following you"


          • #55
            Originally posted by Dirk Diggler UK View Post
            "Congratulations on being a ****** racist" was the phrase you used. Now you'll call me obsessed instead of adressing the fact.

            What do you think of this comment?

            Again, I have no doubt you'll ignore the actual quote and say Im "following you"
            You realize that was a response to Ricky right? LOL. You sure are selective. Keep searching. You need to find something about Phillipinos now I think.

            As for that comment, no doubt you said something Racist or agreed with a racist like Tunney. You sure do seem defensive about that. Why is that Dirkie? Come to think of it you do bring up "race" a lot. Why is that?

            And let's stop lying Dirkie, you ARE following me. You sure have been responding to me a lot lately. But keep denying it, pathetic meltdowns are funnier when the person pretends it's not happening.


            • #56
              Originally posted by bsrizpac View Post
              Did you just look in a mirror or something?
              No... Im still laughing really...

              Keep it up...


              • #57
                Originally posted by JoartCC View Post
                No... Im still laughing really...

                Keep it up...
                You are laughing at your own reflection? So you finally realized how ugly you are. Here's a solution for you:


                • #58
                  Originally posted by bsrizpac View Post
                  You realize that was a response to Ricky right? LOL. You sure are selective. Keep searching. You need to find something about Phillipinos now I think.

                  As for that comment, no doubt you said something Racist or agreed with a racist like Tunney. You sure do seem defensive about that. Why is that Dirkie? Come to think of it you do bring up "race" a lot. Why is that?
                  I dont know who "Ricky" is. So you justify that comment by saying it was responding to someone you dont like? Wow

                  I have never said anything racist. I would think most people would be defensive when someone calls them a ****** racist. Its a rather serious accusation. And one which becomes laughable when the accuser is someone like you.


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by Dirk Diggler UK View Post
                    I dont know who "Ricky" is. So you justify that comment by saying it was responding to someone you dont like? Wow

                    I have never said anything racist. I would think most people would be defensive when someone calls them a ****** racist. Its a rather serious accusation. And one which becomes laughable when the accuser is someone like you.
                    Keep crying Dirkie. This thread is proof that you, the racist Tunney, and the ugly ****er Joartcc ( who thinks the word "n----r" is okay) are all my biggest fans. Keep on following me around. You only prove my point you internet winner you.


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by bsrizpac View Post
                      Keep crying Dirkie. This thread is proof that you, the racist Tunney, and the ugly ****er Joartcc ( who thinks the word "n----r" is okay) are all my biggest fans. Keep on following me around. You only prove my point you internet winner you.
                      As I suspected. You ask for proof, I provide it, you ignore it and call me "obsessed".

                      Are you going to explain your comments or not?

