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Cotto Continues To Rise, Decisions Mosley

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  • #21
    Mosley admits he lost and did not make excuses.. It was a close one but Cotto won it.. Mosley did not capitalize what he need to do... Yeah **** **** How about Mosley in the middle rounds running?

    **** **** round 12 was for Cotto....


    • #22
      whoever says it wasnt a good fight, u dont know boxing....period!!! this fight was everything i thought it would be!!! im a cotto fan but holy**** that mosley is a freakin warrior, it was a good fight that couldve gone either way... lookin forward to the winner of hatton vs. mayweather, i dont think either stands a fighting chance against cotto..... maybe cuz im a cotto fan!!!!!! margarito looked good too!!!!


      • #23
        Originally posted by MakeDamnSure View Post
        Mosley admits he lost and did not make excuses.. It was a close one but Cotto won it.. Mosley did not capitalize what he need to do... Yeah **** **** How about Mosley in the middle rounds running?

        **** **** round 12 was for Cotto....
        when did mosley admit to losing??


        • #24
          bunch of clowns

          Cotto's going to whip that ass. You're a bunch of clowns, especially the so called champ. Going, going, back, back to Cali, with a loss. WHAT!!!!!

          Where are all you clowns who picked Mosley? Forget it next fight. Hatton is whipping that ass. Any questions.


          • #25
            Cotto Mosely

            That was a great hi-level action fight that could have gone either way... Cotto was forced to show respect for the first time in his career.. But also showed better speed and boxing ability than I have seen from him in the past... Great contest fought at a high level... Sugar Shane is a unique fighter and human being.


            • #26
              Originally posted by seantrader2001 View Post
              That was a great hi-level action fight that could have gone either way... Cotto was forced to show respect for the first time in his career.. But also showed better speed and boxing ability than I have seen from him in the past... Great contest fought at a high level... Sugar Shane is a unique fighter and human being.
              Good post. Karma sent your way. I really like both of these guys and to be honest, I didn't want either fighter to lose. It was a very close fight IMO and I wouldn't have been upset if it went either way. I'm going to watch it again tonight and keep a scorecard so maybe then my opinion will change.


              • #27
                It was one of the best boxing matches this year. Both did what was necesary to give a good fight. I, was personally routing for cotto, but i give much respect to mosley for fighting like a true boxer would for 12 rounds and admitting he lost. This Sat. was what true boxing is really about not like that bull**** Mayweahter-De la hoya did in May. Who can Beat Cotto???????? (NOONE)

