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The Stench Within: Explosive book drops in Spring 08

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  • The Stench Within: Explosive book drops in Spring 08

    Boxing writer Keith Terceira has spent the last four years working on the inside of boxing collecting data and details on the sport that he loves with a passion. Currently under negotiations with amajor publishing house“The Stench Within” is already near completion and details nearly half a decade of in depth maneuverings in the sport of boxing. [details]

  • #2
    I've been looking for a book on boxing, but I don't know if I want my first one to be a book that ridicules the sport so much.

    I mean damn. It's already in a bad state as it is. Why do people need to stomp it while it's down?


    • #3
      Wow. I suspect stuff like this but this seems to blow the lid off. Incredible. I'm interested who this champ was that he refers to that was fixed to lose.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Super_Lightweight View Post
        Wow. I suspect stuff like this but this seems to blow the lid off. Incredible. I'm interested who this champ was that he refers to that was fixed to lose.
        I'd like to know on what level these fixed fights were going on.


        • #5
          Ouch! Something like this was bound to come out.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kaynan View Post
            I've been looking for a book on boxing, but I don't know if I want my first one to be a book that ridicules the sport so much.

            I mean damn. It's already in a bad state as it is. Why do people need to stomp it while it's down?
            It's not an issue of "stomping it while it's down." What Keith Terceira is looking to do is to draw attention to the nefarious elements of the sweet science so as to shine a light on these issues. He is looking to reform it, not to degrade it. Would you prefer a book that was ignorant to the topics that Terceira is tackling and then have thrown fights and people dying every other week from tainted medical records?


            • #7
              “99 percent of Boxing is not sport, it is no better than pro wrestling including scripted bouts, payoffs and commissions that need to be investigated” Terceira commented via phone. “ It’s amazing how easy it was to get inside the business and how trusting people are even when they know what they are doing is unethical, illegal or immoral”

              Mmmmmmm Hmmmmmm.

              So I take it Graham took a dive against Jackson?

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              • #8
                Originally posted by RunW/Knives View Post
                So I take it Graham took a dive against Jackson?
                No way, that right hand was lights out. You don't get hit by Julian Jackson flush with your chin in the air and decide consciously you want to sit it out.


                • #9
                  sar·casm [sahr-kaz-uhm]
                  –noun 1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
                  2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.

                  [Origin: 1570–80; < LL sarcasmus < Gk sarkasmós, deriv. of sarkázein to rend (flesh), sneer; see sarco-]

                  —Synonyms 1. sardonicism, bitterness, ridicule. See irony1. 2. jeer.


                  • #10
                    Atleast boxing will be in the news for once.

