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Pac/Floyd investigation, documented punches (disputed rounds) blow by blow

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  • Nothing is ever going to change no matter what you find. For me, the fact that Floyd ducked Pac at his peak and then refused to rematch Paquiao when he found out Pac had had a shoulder injury says everything you need to know.

    No one is going to care about Floyd in a few years time. He's doing his best to keep his name in the news, but he's getting too old to even fight YouTubers now.


    • floyd really owes an apology to his own fanbase.

      its clear now that he has made them all look like fools when for years they talked about how floyd was doing it clean.

      yet it was floyd who was caught with illegal ivs that were only granted a tue thanks to under the table payments to usada. not to mention, he was arguably outboxed by one-armed manny in the ring, as spoon's videos show conclusively.


      • Originally posted by PunchyPotorff
        Visiting this again some years later, still agree floydie was indeed fighting skeeeered. And did everything in his power to get advantage pre-fight. Plus pulled on Pac's damaged arm/shoulder. But then, floydie is the Master Ducker... wouldn't fight Mosely until after his prime, never fought Margarito, etc etc. It's usually just casuals who still praise him... which says a lot.

        Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
        Exactly. This thread chronicles all that has happened in this fight. It documents why this fight didn't really settle anything. There are too many falsifications and ***** moves by Floyd before, during and after the fight. Stench of filth still lingers to this day.
        That is why this epic thread has been watched by almost 800k viewers. The truth can't be suppressed. A fluke win is a fluke win and will forever be a fluke win in the eyes of those who understands fair game.
        Check out Floyd's weight on the day of the fight. See there's a question mark ????
        It's because he rehydrated with IVs too get to blow up bigger than Pacquiao. How crazy is that he was allowed not to disclose his fight weight. SHADY. RED FLAGS GALORE.

        Yep. He got by with so much b.s. because he was multi-millionaire floydie. And also... some of those refs in his fights were definitely paid off. Ancient Bayless being one of 'em. Forget which fight... but you could see it in his facial expression when they introduced him.


        • Floyd played the game, he never let the game play him. Plus he retired with loads of cash and undefeated after whoopin' on Mannys ars.........Rockin'
          Last edited by Rockin'; 07-06-2021, 10:57 PM.


          • Originally posted by Rockin' View Post
            Floyd played the game, he never let the game play him. Plus he retired with loads of cash and undefeated after whoopin' on Mannys ars.........Rockin'
            Looks like based on this poster. You got that right. He played us all.

            PunchyPotorff PunchyPotorff likes this.


            • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post

              Looks like based on this poster. You got that right. He played us all.
              Hey dude. This is 100% a serious question. Can you tell me where you're from and how old you are?


              • Holy shit, Spoon. You're nothing, if not consistent


                • Originally posted by HrNY View Post

                  sup man, you've quoted me like 3 times on this video saying the same thing and I haven't responded.

                  I guess this is how you reach to keep this thread "going"

                  but whatever keeps you off the street doing harm I guess

                  (get some help homie, mentally this isn't healthy)
                  It's pathetic the lengths that Spoon will go to in order pretend that this thread is still going. He reeks of desperation.

                  Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
                  I have been gone for over a year, and It's only now I'm just checking back to those who I wish to reply to and giving them courtesy. I don't think that's a bad thing.
                  You only show up when Pacquiao has a fight. You aren't a boxing fan, you're a Manny Pacquiao fangirl.


                  • Originally posted by Toyman View Post
                    floyd really owes an apology to his own fanbase.

                    its clear now that he has made them all look like fools when for years they talked about how floyd was doing it clean.

                    yet it was floyd who was caught with illegal ivs that were only granted a tue thanks to under the table payments to usada. not to mention, he was arguably outboxed by one-armed manny in the ring, as spoon's videos show conclusively.

                    Exactly, all that is left are these Floyd fan girls coming in here whining and crying because I've exposed their Fraudulent hero. Not even one of these floyd diehards have won an argument with me lmao

                    All they do is attack me and not the thread topic. Shows how affected they are. Such an insecure fan base, they are like how teenage girls that go crazy over boy bands. That's how fuvked up these fools are.

                    They rather make it about me when I'm just a mere messenger of facts. It is truly remarkable, after all these years, they are still having no argument to dispute these chronicled videos memorializing the truth, no argument to support Floyd's lame performance in the ring against a man with a torn rotator cuff. He had all the advantages going in the fight. All he can muster with all those IV rehydration is to run and clinch his way to a bore-fest.

                    These floyd pompom shakers after pages upon pages of being in my epic thread 'till to this day have no rebuttal to this fort knox thread exposing this fluke win showcasing documented videos of true punch connects. Not even one single Floyd fan after all these years was able to dispute these epic videos as you have worded perfectly described as "CONCLUSIVELY." Not one after all this time, not one was able to defend Floyd's win. A testament to how air tight this epic thread has showcased why Floyd's win was a mere farce.

                    All that are left for these Floyd fans to do is pitch fork this thread and hate the messenger for giving fight fans the greatest thread ever made in NSB history. Almost 800k boxing fans have seen this epic thread.

                    And the cherry on top. Floyd would have had more money if he had rematched Pacquiao to close this rivalry. He said, he wanted a rematch as documented in this thread, but the fact he couldn't muster the courage to get inside the ring with Manny for more than 5 years now truly shows who truly is ducking who in this rivalry.

                    Floyd, instead, settled in fighting 0-0 and 0-1 fighters is actually the best argument to show why he can't dance with Pacquiao. He knows deep down getting another fluke win against a 2 armed Pac with a fixed rotator cuff will be too much for him to defend keeping his beloved 0. He knows in a second fight, no amount of corrupt money he puts in Vegas, can save his sorry ass in a rematch.

                    The ship has sailed. Pac won without throwing a punch. Pac's legacy is being written even more as he fights another young hungry UNDEFEATED LION for the 2nd time in a span of 2 years.

                    Looking at the top of this page. You can see the Floyd fans club in full effect biatching again hehe.. It's delicious to see these Floyd pompom shakers seething with hate. Shows how affected they truly are.

                    THE BOMB SQUAD

                    Last edited by Spoon23; 07-09-2021, 05:59 PM.


                    • Originally posted by PunchyPotorff View Post
                      Originally posted by PunchyPotorff
                      Visiting this again some years later, still agree floydie was indeed fighting skeeeered. And did everything in his power to get advantage pre-fight. Plus pulled on Pac's damaged arm/shoulder. But then, floydie is the Master Ducker... wouldn't fight Mosely until after his prime, never fought Margarito, etc etc. It's usually just casuals who still praise him... which says a lot.

                      Yep. He got by with so much b.s. because he was multi-millionaire floydie. And also... some of those refs in his fights were definitely paid off. Ancient Bayless being one of 'em. Forget which fight... but you could see it in his facial expression when they introduced him.
                      You said it homes. He got the whole Vegas in his pocket. Imagine that, even on fight night. He had the power not to disclose his fight weight so people will not see how huge he grew rehydrating with those IVs.. Really sickening to see the filth this man has done to great lengths to win a rigged fight.


                      Last edited by Spoon23; 07-09-2021, 05:59 PM.
                      PunchyPotorff PunchyPotorff likes this.

