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As boxing fans are we too forgiving?

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  • #21
    It's not that tough being a role model. Some athletes were not good people before they got good and getting alot of money does change their nature. There are some athletes I just cannot respect no matter how good they did in sports because they were asses the rest of the time. But the ones that tried to make amends and change themself I can forgive.


    • #22
      ya society progression need to be a factor here.

      BIG FACTOR. Like in some countries even a decade ago you can beat your kids, there were a lot of wife beaters in the 60's 70's etc.

      Women's rights have progressed to the point now that it will be suicidal to do these things. But back then its different.

      Also education plays a huge part when it comes to athletes

      Look at this.

      OBVIOUSLY in college you can't beat women (good luck with that rofl) and you must treat girls with respect if you want any shot at getting them.

      You get out of high school college etc it's mostly en grained in you

      College you are surrounded by different crowds teach you different morals.

      As oppose to ****** areas around the world where morals are a lot less talked about.

      So it's all about the environment they grew up in.

      It really is about the environment.
      The Klitschkos went to high school college Grad School etc, so the way they do things is different. It have nothing to do with skin color just the environment they grew up in.

      Good luck saying 'SUP MAH *****ES' in a lecture class that is 50% Female..

      But in a poor ****** area that's every day speech.


      • #23
        Originally posted by GrandpaBernard View Post
        Domestically abusing or not doing it has very little to do with measuring how brave someone is or isn't. We have boxers and service members that make danger a career but are domestic abusers. These guys put themselves into these potentially lethal situations by choice. I'd say the average one is braver than many people even if they beat up women in their spare time.

        I dont think domestically abusing someone has anything to do with bravery, that's why I put cowardly under inverted commas. I just noticed that there was a trend with boxers and domestic violence.

        It has a lot to do with culture. In some parts of the world and in the old days it was acceptable for people to physically put their spouses back in line. Women rights has progressed, and it's no longer acceptable. Society then attaches a label like cowardly onto it in order to shame people into following its guideline.
        There's domestic violence and then theres giving your wife numerus miscarriages. Who the **** beats pregnant women? especially since she's your wife. Giving birth to your children. Come on man, I can't excuse that. To be honest this "it was OK to beat your wife in the Old days talk" is overstated, there are newspaper clippings from 1899 of men getting whipped for beating their wives.


        • #24
          Originally posted by kendom View Post
          There's domestic violence and then theres giving your wife numerus miscarriages. Who the **** beats pregnant women? especially since she's your wife. Giving birth to your children. Come on man, I can't excuse that. To be honest this "it was OK to beat your wife in the Old days talk" is overstated, there are newspaper clippings from 1899 of men getting whipped for beating their wives.
          lol ok buddy. that's the norm of the 19th century is it. When men beat women they get a whoopin' themselves eh? there's no evidence to suggest that's the exception....totally the norm.
          Last edited by Marchegiano; 03-13-2012, 05:07 PM. Reason: :P


          • #25
            Originally posted by kendom View Post
            There's domestic violence and then theres giving your wife numerus miscarriages. Who the **** beats pregnant women? especially since she's your wife. Giving birth to your children. Come on man, I can't excuse that. To be honest this "it was OK to beat your wife in the Old days talk" is overstated, there are newspaper clippings from 1899 of men getting whipped for beating their wives.
            Agreed, anyone who beats women is ****** and I cannot forgive them morally regardless of the conditions.


            • #26
              Originally posted by Marchegiano View Post
              lol ok buddy. that's the norm of the 19th century is it. When men beat women they get a whoopin' themselves eh? there's no evidence to suggest that's the exception....totally the norm.
              I used to think the same too, then I came across this pretty little website

              Everything there is sourced, people try to use the old changing culture argument to justify these past boxers actions, like people in those days would beat their wives and people would cheer. Fact is it's wrong now and it's just as wrong then.


              • #27
                when you say you don't 'forgive' these wifebeaters what do you mean? do you stop being fans once you find out they were domestic abusers? that's quite a few extremely elite boxers that you can't enjoy.

                some of the historically biggest fights of all time starred wifebeaters
                Ali-Frazier, both of them
                Last edited by GrandpaBernard; 03-13-2012, 11:17 PM.


                • #28
                  Originally posted by kendom View Post
                  There's domestic violence and then theres giving your wife numerus miscarriages. Who the **** beats pregnant women? especially since she's your wife. Giving birth to your children. Come on man, I can't excuse that. To be honest this "it was OK to beat your wife in the Old days talk" is overstated, there are newspaper clippings from 1899 of men getting whipped for beating their wives.
                  It may be overstated, but we'd be lying to you if we said it wasn't more acceptable back then compared to now.

                  I could also put together a collection of evidence for how hitting spouses wasn't considered as bad in the past vs the present.

                  Sean Connery was interviewed in the November 1965 issue of Playboy and explained that it's okay to hit women if they anger you. That's more recent than any of the examples in the link you gave.


                  • #29
                    In January 1911, Johnson married Etta Terry Duryea. A Brooklyn socialite and former wife of businessman Charles Duryea, she met Johnson at a car race in 1909. Their romantic involvement was very turbulent. Beaten many times by Johnson and suffering from severe depression, she committed suicide in September 1912, shooting herself with a revolver.


                    • #30
                      Did a Johnson wife/assosiate/girlfriend not hang herself too?

