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Biggest Ass-Whippings

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  • #11
    Vitaly Klitschko v. Danny Williams was one of the most brutal whoopins Ive ever seen. Williams face was hard to look at when it was called.


    • #12
      A lot of the Johnson fights were ass whippings because he fought much smaller men. I dont think Jack was punishing opponents but carrying them because he was told to. Ass whippin? How about Hearns/Duran? ouch


      • #13
        The Dempsey-Willard fight was a massacre. The champ didn't have a chance against the Mannasah Mauler.

        Joe Louis' one round demolition of Max Schmelling was out of this world.

        Both two round slaughters of Joe Frazier and Ken Norton by George Foreman were almost frightening.

        Last, but not least, Muhammad Ali's pummeling of Floyd Paterson in 12 rounds in 1965, Cleveland Williams in three rounds in 1966, and Ernie Terrel in 15 rounds in 1967 (What's my name?) were beautiful, and at the same time hard to watch!


        • #14
          no one ever told jack to do anything! he basically did what he wanted too. a slight exception may be the fact that he could get money for having the fights being shown in the u.s. and recieving a partial sum of the viewing costs. nobody at that time would be willing to pay to see thier "white heroes" being stopped in a round or two. having it go ten or twelve rounds provided a better value. he made sure to embarrase his opponents, but not overwhelm them.


          • #15
            williams took a beating yeah, but corrie sanders took a helluva beating too. he was bleading out of his nose, mouth, at least an eye, and an ear. every orifice on his face. he had a broken ear drum!

            another good whipping was the one put on ebo elder until courtney burton ran out of gas in the 12th round. compare ebo's face pre-burton and compare that with how he looked after the 11th round. damn, dude looked seriously ****#d up.


            • #16
              i failed to mention floyd patterson getted rocked by sonny liston twice in the 1st round.


              • #17
                gotta go with tyson vs. frazier or tyson vs.michael"jack" johnson. when ever i need a laugh or wanna show tysons power to ppl i show then that.ahaha its that tyson did it with such aggression,that what makes it bad.
                Last edited by Verstyle; 11-03-2005, 03:39 PM.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by mystyal2k5
                  gotta go with tyson vs. frazier or tyson vs.michael"jack" johnson. when ever i need a life or wanna show tysons power to ppl i show then that.ahaha its that tyson did it with such aggression,that what makes it bad.
                  those fights weren't on a high caliber level.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by butterfly1964
                    those fights weren't on a high caliber level.

                    dont matter. the topic said ass whippings. not high caliber fighter ass whippings. and tell the other ppl that put some of these fights i just put on here also.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by mystyal2k5
                      dont matter. the topic said ass whippings. not high caliber fighter ass whippings. and tell the other ppl that put some of these fights i just put on here also.
                      but there were a lot of low-level beat-downs in boxing history. if everyone put one of those, then nobody would know what anyone was talking about.

