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  • I just watched Holyfield-Bowe II. MAN what a fight!


    • Originally posted by mhager91490 View Post
      I have really been digging Dynamite Kid's scorecards so I thought I would do one of my own:

      Jeff Fenech-Azumah Nelson I

      Round I- Very active first round for both men, in the early going there was a lot of swinging but it mostly amounted to glancing blows and misses. Throughout the round Azumah lands some clean left hooks and near the end he catches Fenech with a right that causes his knees to buckle momentarily. Azumah pushes Fenech to the ropes and flurries to end the round.

      Rd.1-10-9 Nelson

      Round 2- Azumah comes out working combinations but most of the punches are either slipped or caught on the gloves of Fenech. Azumah slows down a little and Fenech throws a few combinations but is generally outworked by Azumah. Fenech's jab is straighter and faster but he doesn't throw it enough. Azumah closes out the round with some good body work and combinations. Close round but Nelson generally did the better work.

      Rd.2-10-9 Nelson

      Round 3- The round starts and Azumah is working the jab well, they shoulder up and both men open up with big flurries with neither man gaining the advantage. Jeff starts to focus more on offense starts landing his right, one which shakes Azumah and Fenech presses the advantage and bulls Azumah into the ropes where they both trade short shots in close punctuated by the 8-9 punch flurries by Fenech and the rallies off the ropes by Nelson. Fenech outthrows and outlands Azumah on the ropes and takes the round. Fenech is also cut sometime near the end of the round, the cut is under his left eye and doesn't look severe.

      Rd.3-10-9 Fenech

      Round 4- Nelson comes out and tries to take control in the middle and box Fenech but it seems he is forcing his legs to bounce instead of it coming naturally and Fenech backs him into the ropes by coming forward and feinting. On the ropes Nelson does most of the good work but Fenech does throw a few eye-catching flurries. Near the end of the round Nelson comes off of the ropes and lands about 10 punches in a row on Fenech, most of them uppercuts then Fenech bulls him back to the ropes.

      Rd.4-10-9 Nelson

      Round 5- The round starts and Azumah comes out and jabs Fenech into the ropes but Jeff simply cuts a corner and backs Azumah back into the same corner. The rest of the round is fought there with no meaningful punches landing but Fenech generally throwing and landing more while Azumah just keeps it competitive.

      Rd.5-10-9 Fenech

      Round 6- Nelson comes out and takes the initiative jabbing and circling while Fenech won't throw more than one punch at a time against the moving target. By virtue of Azumah's punches being mostly open handed jabs Fenech doesn't get discouraged but he is getting outworked. Near the end of the round Fenech throws a five punch flurry which for the most part land on the glove and arm of Nelson.

      Rd.6-10-9 Nelson
      Round 7- Both men meet at the center, Azumah looks winded but is still throwing but Fenech has picked up the pace as well as his punches being crisper and straighter when in the center. Fenech lands a stiff right and backs Nelson into the ropes where he mauls and beats on Azumah with short punches and occasional flurries with Azumah throwing back without any effect.

      Rd.7-10-9 Fenech

      Round 8- This was a very close round, Azumah was more consistent with his jabbing and movement while Fenech chose to fight in spurts and made Azumah cover up and did for a moment have Azumah on the ropes. Neither man landed any real big punches, Azumah's mostly just open handed jabs and the occasional combo while Fenech pressed forward but didn't throw much until Azumah was stationary.

      Rd.8-10-9 Nelson (I wouldn't argue with anyone seeing going the other way.)

      Round 9- Fenech was noticeably more aggressive in this round, he matched Azumah's punch output and his were faster, straighter and more powerful. Nelson was just trying to make it look close but Fenech really showed through with his relentless pressure and took the round clean. At the end of the round Nelson throws an unintentional late punch and Fenech gets pissed and has to restrained as well as being very animated in his corner.

      Rd.9-10-9 Fenech

      Round 10- The round starts very late because Nelson's corner “lost” his mouthpiece and this bought Nelson quite a bit of rest. Fenech comes out fighting like he is pissed and Azumah at times is forced to stand and try to trade with him. Both men very active but the action is being dictated by Fenech's pressure and for a little under the last half of the round it is fought on the ropes with Fenech getting the better of the action. Fenech also throws Nelson over his shoulder at the end of the round but Nelson didn't look hurt.

      Rd.10-10-9 Fenech

      Round 11- This was a close round, Nelson fought with more resolve and threw more punches but I think that Fenech's more meaningful punches and aggressive rushes won him the round by a hair.

      Rd.11-10-9 Fenech

      Round 12- This round is fought at a torrid pace with both men fighting like they want to win it. Nelson does well for the first half of the fight but Fenech turns up the pressure another notch and he is rewarded by hurting Nelson on the ropes with right hands in the last thirty seconds to cap off the round and the fight.

      Rd.12-10-9 Fenech

      I scored it 7 rounds to 5 in favor of Jeff Fenech. He did a lot in this fight but at times when they were circling each other he just seemed to not throw enough punches. What he did right is smother Nelson's punches well on the inside and his defense was very good in this fight. I can understand people giving Fenech some of the close rounds, the aggressive guy usually gets the benefit of the doubt in a close fight and I think he should of won the decision, albeit a very close one.

      Nice. I felt Fenech won the fight clearly but i have never scored the fight myself, that sounds pretty much inline with how id imagine it scores would look. Amazing how a times they would stand in one corner and **** it out the whole round

      I watched Whitaker vs DLH, Mayweather vs DLH earlier today and scored them this time. DLH lost that fight clearly imo. I gave DLH 4 rounds if i recall, Mayweather clearly landed the more accurate punches of the coarse of the fight. First time i saw Whitaker vs DLH i thought it was a draw and having watched it and scored it today i still dont think either man did enough to win it. I had DLH winning the fight by 1 or 2 rounds but i dont think he or Whitaker deserved to win that fight tbh.


      • Juan Diaz vs Paulie Malignaggi

        Round 1 Malignaggi

        Paulie dictated the action and landed the more effective shots,
        he also got his jab off. Diaz is fighting a terrible fight, he is
        trying to outbox a Boxer but what he is doing is giving him
        time and space to get his shots off.

        Round 2 Malignaggi

        Clear round for Malignaggi. Juan Diaz needs to be on
        Paulie's chest not outside trying to Box with him. Paulie
        is getting his time and space and picking his shots.

        Round 3 Malignaggi

        Diaz got the better of a good exchange nailing Malignaggi
        when he managed to close the distance on Paulie, however
        Malignaggi outpunched/outlanded him down the
        stretch imo. Diaz allows Paulie to get off first because he is
        trying & failing to counter the faster/smarter boxer( Malignaggi)

        Round 4 Malignaggi (close)

        I felt Malignaggi's jab dictated the action here.

        Round 5 Juan Diaz

        Malignaggi stopped using his legs and became more stationary in this round.
        Juan Diaz turned up the intensity, got in close and landed
        the harder cleaner shots of the round.

        Round 6 Malignaggi

        This was a close round where Diaz landed a good flurry but then
        he stepped off the gas and let Paulie work his way back into the round.
        I felt it was pretty even until Paulie landed a counter uppercut that hurt
        Diaz, he did not follow up(showboating instead) but clearly
        won the round with this.

        Round 7 Malignaggi
        Dictated the round with the jab

        Round 8 Juan Diaz

        This is how Diaz should of fought from round one, lots of pressure, get in close
        and let your hands go. Malignaggi needs time and space to be effective, he is also
        more effective from centre ring than when backed up.

        Round 9 Malignaggi
        Malignaggi dictated with jab

        Round 10 Malignaggi 10/8
        Bull**** KD call. Diaz was unfairly judged to have been dropped. Malignaggi did
        win the round imo but that was no knockdown.

        Round 11 Diaz

        Diaz more aggressive this round and landed the cleaner shots. Paulie did a lot
        of clowning but was getting hit

        Round 12 Diaz

        Diaz more aggressive and landed the harder shots

        Juan Diaz fought completely the wrong fight. Diaz used to be a hell for leather
        aggressive punching machine and that is the type of Juan Diaz that would of
        beaten Paulie imo, but the problem is since Juan Diaz got knocked out by JMM
        using those tactics, Sheilds has tried to mold him into more of a Boxer. Its okay
        to Box a guy like Katsidis who is aggressive, leans foward and fights with his face,
        but not against a fighter like Malignaggi who has a jab knows how to
        use his legs and Box.

        Juan Diaz's game plan gave him no chance to win this fight and there was no way he
        could of adjusted midway through because he did not put the ground work in early
        to capitalize late. In the first fight Paulie used his legs early whilst Juan Diaz was
        pressuring. Now it made no difference whether Diaz was winning all the early rounds
        in the first fight because he was putting pressure on Malignaggi and making
        him expend energy. Juan Diaz also went to the body so he had
        put the ground work in order to capitalize later in the fight when the inevitable would happen, IE Diaz
        body work and Paulie's constant lateral movement catching upto him and slowing down making him
        a more stationary target where Diaz could **** him, now i did not think
        Diaz put enough pressure on the first fight and that if he had
        he could of won the fight by 1/2 rounds (that said i scored that fight a draw) but he put even less pressure on this round.

        In the second fight Sheilds tried to get Juan Diaz to stand off Malignaggi and counter,
        big mistake. Malignaggi is not as effective going backwards when he does not have
        time and space, yet Diaz decided to Box him so Malignaggi was able to hold his feet
        in centre ring and win the Boxing match. Where does a speed advantage show up?
        centre ring.

        Diaz did too much waiting and let Malignaggi get off first all night, he did not break
        Paulie's rhythm by pressuring him and denying him space, infact he almost
        helped Malignaggi establish a rythm by fighting Malignaggi's fight. It should
        come as no surprise that the round Diaz was more aggressive he invariably won.

        Ronnie Sheilds needs the sack.


        • Joe Louis vs Arturo Godoy II. Brutal display of combination punching. Louis at his sharpest as far as his fast, pin-point accurate combinations are concerned.

          Also Louis vs the appropriately named Johnny Paychek who seemed scared of Louis since the opening bell. It wasn't much of a fight but Louis looked like a 1930's Tyson here. Joe came out fast and had Paychek all over the place with quick combinations which put him down three times in the opening round. A right hand over Paychek's jab ended matters early on in the 2nd round and Paychek was out staring at the lights.

          Louis vs the great light heavyweight John Henry Lewis was similarly a one-sided contest which ended in the very first round. Louis ran right through Lewis and crippled him with body blows. Lewis was a sitting target after that.

          Jack Sharkey vs Tom Heenan & Mike McTigue. Watching Sharkey's fights, he was possibly the best boxer around post-Dempsey/Tunney era but he did not have the mentality to be a consistent champion. By 1932-1933 he was slow and sluggish.

          Jack Delaney vs Tom Heenan & Jim Maloney. Delaney seems to have been a Tommy Loughran type of a boxer. Very good movement and quick handspeed but he did not have the strength to deal with heavyweights.
          Last edited by TheGreatA; 12-21-2009, 06:01 AM.


          • Sandy Saddler vs Charley Riley

            Watching this fight one has to wonder why Saddler ever chose to fight the way that he fought. For 6 rounds Saddler took a brutal beating from the short, powerfully built challenger Charley Riley who had the champion Saddler on the ropes and hanging on. Only Saddler's granite chin saved him from a knockout.

            Riley had actually been KO'd by Willie Pep in 5 rounds while Saddler himself was coming off a KO win over Pep. Riley still seemed to be the stronger of the two and had the better of the punching exchanges. All changed after round 6 when Saddler started boxing as if he was Willie Pep himself, using his long jab and footwork to keep the challenger at bay, and himself at a safe distance. This seemed to be the difference as Saddler won a close majority decision.

            Another Saddler fight I viewed was Saddler vs 'Red Top' Davis. This was a more traditional Sandy Saddler using his rough tactics to outpoint a quick, skilled challenger. Today Saddler would probably have had points taken away from him, if not outright disqualified, for all the holding & hitting, elbowing, lacing and headbutting that he did. On another note, the converted southpaw Saddler has probably the most effective left uppercut I've ever seen.
            Last edited by TheGreatA; 12-22-2009, 01:18 PM.


            • i just watched rafael limon-rolando navarette the other night...

              limon was such a tough hombre...

              props to navarette for giving him a good fight...


              • Andre Berto vs. Miguel Rodriguez i believe was his name
                Rodriguez was a tough mofo he got dropped and hit with big shots and just smiled
                he wasn't taking that huge of a beating, maybe they should have gave him 1 more round
                Last edited by P.WILL; 12-22-2009, 07:20 PM.


                • Paul Williams-Sergio Martinez for the second time. That was a great fight, man.


                  • After a thread about him was posted the other day, I sat down and watched Carlos Monzon vs. Anthony Mundine Sr. again. It might give away my age but I I like watching old non digital, B&W fights.
                    Last edited by cooper5; 12-23-2009, 03:07 AM.


                    • Leonard-Hagler!!!!!

