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10 greatest resumes

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  • #41
    Originally posted by Slugfester View Post

    Being an idiot again, aren't you? Duane fucking Bobbick, you dunce? You should have left it at Foreman, where a case can be made. But Duane Bobbick. Man, you sure can be a ****** ****..
    - - Duane over Neon Leon every day and twice on Sundays was an undefeated 4th ranked Olympic credential Ring Ranked fighter in March of 1977.

    In 1977 Ali fought unranked Evangelista whom nobody ever heard before to a smelly decision and then unranked Shavers who tore him a new one.

    Don't take much to be smarter than you that you manage to prove on a daily basis...


    • #42
      Originally posted by QueensburyRules View Post

      - - Duane over Neon Leon every day and twice on Sundays was an undefeated 4th ranked Olympic credential Ring Ranked fighter in March of 1977.

      In 1977 Ali fought unranked Evangelista whom nobody ever heard before to a smelly decision and then unranked Shavers who tore him a new one.

      Don't take much to be smarter than you that you manage to prove on a daily basis...
      I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, and I'll apologize sincerely. That is no way to treat a friend, is it? I should have just told you to take your halfwit hat off and both of us would feel better right now. Thanks for digging a near-great out of the bin that deserved far, far better, and was shamefully avoided. Ali's final legacy will have to pay for that.


      • #43
        Originally posted by QueensburyRules View Post

        - - Duane over Neon Leon every day and twice on Sundays was an undefeated 4th ranked Olympic credential Ring Ranked fighter in March of 1977.

        In 1977 Ali fought unranked Evangelista whom nobody ever heard before to a smelly decision and then unranked Shavers who tore him a new one.

        Don't take much to be smarter than you that you manage to prove on a daily basis...


        • #44
          Originally posted by QueensburyRules View Post

          - - Nobody but you has mentioned "removing Ali." Care to remove your remove?

          Ali ducked the immediate highly lucrative Foreman rematch he detailed in his Playboy interview. On film at the Foreman 5 man Canadian Exhibition screaming how he ain't ever gonna fight Foreman again. Also ducked the scary size and strength of Duane Bobick who KOed skinny Lar in the Olympic Trials after Ali and Angie had mentored and trained Lar.
          Come over here and cool your lips, friend. I have just the salve. You must have the brain power of a chipmunk. Bobbick KOd no one; Holmes was disqualified. As for his Olympic credentials, Wayne was knocked cold in the quarter-finals, leaving krautland with slightly less metal on him than when he arrived, after buying gum at the airport.

          You shouldn't dream up fibs about a nice guy like Bobbick. He was the real thing who could take out a whole bar full Hell's Angels if he had to. Come, cool your lips, Latifah.


          • #45
            Originally posted by Slugfester View Post

            Come over here and cool your lips, friend. I have just the salve. You must have the brain power of a chipmunk. Bobbick KOd no one; Holmes was disqualified. As for his Olympic credentials, Wayne was knocked cold in the quarter-finals, leaving krautland with slightly less metal on him than when he arrived, after buying gum at the airport.

            You shouldn't dream up fibs about a nice guy like Bobbick. He was the real thing who could take out a whole bar full Hell's Angels if he had to. Come, cool your lips, Latifah.
            - - Bobick effectively KOed tubby Lar who was still skinny then who was so shook up he couldn't follow ref instructions to stop holding. KOed Ali who's mouth had been running a mile a minute over tubby Lar who was still skinny. Never got so much as a peep out of him as Cosell filled the audio.

            Bobick shut out Teo Stevenson the first go round, but, yeah, KOed by Teo in Olympics to earn Bronze and started his career with 19 straigh KOs including former contender Manuel Ramos. KOed Mike Weaver years before tubby Lar went life and death with him. KOed Randy Neuman, beat Larry Middleton and then Scott LeDoux before tubby Lar.

            Easily KOed Chuckles Wepner who made Ali go life and death with him, so yeah, easy to see why Ali ducked him, but not Ken Norton...yeah...


            • #46
              Holyfield? Leonard? Mayweather?


              • #47
                Originally posted by kara View Post
                Holyfield? Leonard? Mayweather?
                - - Cong**** on a trifecta of NO way Joses…


                • #48
                  Originally posted by QueensburyRules View Post

                  - - Bobick effectively KOed tubby Lar who was still skinny then who was so shook up he couldn't follow ref instructions to stop holding. KOed Ali who's mouth had been running a mile a minute over tubby Lar who was still skinny. Never got so much as a peep out of him as Cosell filled the audio.

                  Bobick shut out Teo Stevenson the first go round, but, yeah, KOed by Teo in Olympics to earn Bronze and started his career with 19 straigh KOs including former contender Manuel Ramos. KOed Mike Weaver years before tubby Lar went life and death with him. KOed Randy Neuman, beat Larry Middleton and then Scott LeDoux before tubby Lar.

                  Easily KOed Chuckles Wepner who made Ali go life and death with him, so yeah, easy to see why Ali ducked him, but not Ken Norton...yeah...
                  You ignore the many corrections to your posts don't you.
                  For example Bobick ko'd Holmes. He didn't.
                  Evangelista and Shavers were unranked.They were.

                  Ali went life or death with Wepner?
                  In the less than 15rds the contest went.
                  Judge 1 gave Ali 10rds.
                  Judge 2 gave him12 rds.
                  Judge 3 gave him11 rds.

                  Bobick easily ko'd Wepner? Wepner gave him a pretty good go in a competitive fight,the fight was halted near the end of the 6th rd with Wepner stopped on cuts, not only not ko'd , but not even floored!

                  You just make it up as you go along don't you.
                  Last edited by Ivich; 12-06-2023, 06:17 AM.


                  • #49
                    Originally posted by queensburyrules View Post

                    - - cong**** on a trifecta of no way joses…


                    • #50
                      Originally posted by QueensburyRules View Post

                      - - Bobick effectively KOed tubby Lar who was still skinny then who was so shook up he couldn't follow ref instructions to stop holding. KOed Ali who's mouth had been running a mile a minute over tubby Lar who was still skinny. Never got so much as a peep out of him as Cosell filled the audio.

                      Bobick shut out Teo Stevenson the first go round, but, yeah, KOed by Teo in Olympics to earn Bronze and started his career with 19 straigh KOs including former contender Manuel Ramos. KOed Mike Weaver years before tubby Lar went life and death with him. KOed Randy Neuman, beat Larry Middleton and then Scott LeDoux before tubby Lar.

                      Easily KOed Chuckles Wepner who made Ali go life and death with him, so yeah, easy to see why Ali ducked him, but not Ken Norton...yeah...
                      A Lar is a Roman household god. Holmes looked like he ran out of gas. He would get a lot better, but Bobbick didn't improve much. Wayne also got a lot slower, once he thickened up for the pros. In the end he wouldn't prove to have the chin Holmes had on him. Like we both admit, Larry grew into perhaps a top ten heavyweight ATG. He has to rank ahead of Tyson.

