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finally making photo albums in my profile

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  • #21
    Originally posted by EngorgedW/Blood View Post
    The guys telling you Cuba and Ecuador have the hottest women on Earth probably just find it so easy to get with them, that they're even being bias towards them. I mean you need to go to Colombia, Brazil, even Mexico has better looking woman than Ecuador.

    And yes of course d, Cuba has some pretty girls, every country does. But the ratio leans towards them being some of the lesser attractive latinas IMO.
    been all over mexico. coast to coast & the only good looking mexicans are in the resort towns. i took busses from town to town & went down the coast through belize, honduras ,guatemala. i spent time in the islands, inland & the jungle. ive been to peru, bolivia. i went all over the interior of mexico & you could go days without seeing a good looking woman. it was not guys telling me that ecuador had hot women. IT WAS HOT STRIPPERS(women who suck p***y) I KNOW WHO TRAVEL ALL OVER THE WORLD. i can't actually say its true because i never been there. brazil & Colombia i'm sure have hot women too. do you go by what you hear or see on tv? or have you actually been there? peru in cusco had beautiful women everywhere. met many beautiful bolivian girls too. i wasn't in honduras long & i never got around enough to see any. my sources are hot women who take their clothes off for a living not a guy over the internet. who are your sources telling you brazil & colombia have hotter women? i'm just curious how you can comment without being there. i think the hottest women i every seen personally come from the island of SICILY!!!! ive been with women from 5 different latin american countries & travelled to 7. i got a pretty good idea what women look like all over latin america. where have you been? you don't seem to answer the question...
    Last edited by joe strong; 04-08-2012, 11:14 PM.


    • #22
      I have a lot of Brazilian buddies and they always say their women are gorgeous. I have a few Brazilians in my classes and as co-workers, I believe my buddies.


      • #23
        Originally posted by Hous View Post
        I have a lot of Brazilian buddies and they always say their women are gorgeous. I have a few Brazilians in my classes and as co-workers, I believe my buddies.
        don't doubt it at all but there are beautiful women from every country.did you every see any in china? ive never been there...


        • #24
          getting girls without paying for it now. cute girls on top of that. good for you man.


          • #25
            Originally posted by #1Assassin View Post
            getting girls without paying for it now. cute girls on top of that. good for you man.
            you always pay for it in the end. you buy her diner, buy her gifts for xmas & bdays, you take her to the movies, you buy yourself nice clothes to attract a girl, some buy a nice car, child support, alamony, divorce & give half away. if you think for one minute that you don't pay for *** in some sort of way you are wrong. we guys always pay directly or indirectly for ***. if you are married you are paying for ***. it's just a whole lot more expensive. when guys finally understand this they will understand women better. if you ain't got money or material things women don't stick around long. what is funny is guys who go to strip clubs & pay for a lap dance from a stripper. now that is a waste of money. every cent you spend on women or spend on something to attract women you are paying for *** makes me laugh how naive so many men are...especially the under 30 guys. wait until you are divorced & she's got the house, the kids, the car, alimony, someone else servicing her in your bed, etc, then you will be going wow! that $100 bj at the rub & tub sure was much!


            • #26
              What happens when they hit 40?


              • #27
                Originally posted by Konstantin View Post
                What happens when they hit 40?
                the women or men? the women age faster so you trade them in for a younger woman. i almost 40 & i don't look much different from when i was 30. i'll keep doing what i'm doing until i can do it anymore. when cialis or viagra don't work i guess there is no point. you are 24 in your prime so don't worry about anything until you hit 29 & a half then your train of thought starts changing. trust me on this. some guys get desperate to have kids & get married by that age if they haven't already done it. i had those thoughts at 30 but decided i needed to see some of the world before i settle down but i'm 37 & settling down is the furthest thing on my mind. do not just settle for any woman just to settle down because you don't want to have a lifetime of regrets after. play the field anyway you like. rather you try & womenize in the bar or go to the rub & tub to get a piece just get all your fantasies out first before you have kids or get married. nothing worse then a lifetime of "what if i did that instead of this?"
                Last edited by joe strong; 04-09-2012, 03:50 PM.


                • #28
                  Originally posted by Big BRICKS View Post
                  joe strong is the underground GOAT
                  Co-sign. Joe just likes to have fun. Can't hate on that.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by Check View Post
                    Co-sign. Joe just likes to have fun. Can't hate on that.
                    yes i do like to have fun & entertain myself as much as possible. i'm looking at property in cuba...


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by joe strong View Post
                      the women or men? the women age faster so you trade them in for a younger woman. i almost 40 & i don't look much different from when i was 30. i'll keep doing what i'm doing until i can do it anymore. when cialis or viagra don't work i guess there is no point. you are 24 in your prime so don't worry about anything until you hit 29 & a half then your train of thought starts changing. trust me on this. some guys get desperate to have kids & get married by that age if they haven't already done it. i had those thoughts at 30 but decided i needed to see some of the world before i settle down but i'm 37 & settling down is the furthest thing on my mind. do not just settle for any woman just to settle down because you don't want to have a lifetime of regrets after. play the field anyway you like. rather you try & womenize in the bar or go to the rub & tub to get a piece just get all your fantasies out first before you have kids or get married. nothing worse then a lifetime of "what if i did that instead of this?"

                      Green k for teh one and only.. my mentor.. Joe Strong.

