By Rick Reeno

Police officials in Brazil are prepared to charge Amanda Rodrigues, the wife of Arturo Gatti, with premeditated murder. Early Saturday morning, Gatti was found dead by his wife in their room at the seaside resort of Porto de Galihnas in Brazil. Brazilian police officials became suspicious after there were numerous inconsistencies in her testimony. The couple was on a second honeymoon and planned to stay in the country for a month.

According to Rodrigues, she woke up on the morning of July 11 and claimed to have found Gatti with damage to the back of his head and strangle marks on his neck.

When police arrived on the scene, a bloody purse strap was discovered in the room. As reported on Saturday, officials believe that Gatti was strangled to death with the purse strap. Police officials held a press conference with Brazilian media and they believe the wife strangled Gatti to death when he passed out from being drunk.

Based on the information pieced together by police, the couple went to dinner on Friday night. They later went to bar and left on foot. Witnesses told police that the couple had an argument on the street after leaving the bar and Gatti pushed his wife to the ground. It was said that she suffered minor injuries to her chin and left elbow. Gatti, with their one-year-old, caught a taxi back to their room. The wife returned later on. Gatti was drunk as the couple had been drinking beer and wine for most of the night.

Police believe that Gatti was passed out from being drunk and his wife stabbed him to the back of the head with a kitchen knife, although the wound was not significant enough to kill him. He was then strangled to death with the purse strap while he was laying down.

The wife is being held by police. She has not confessed to the crime and tried to blame a third party for the murder. Police say the possibility of a third party gaining access to the room is nearly impossible.

“It is humanly impossible, because access to the room is done only with a magnetic card. The apartment is on the second floor, and only has one window, and it would be necessary to climb in order to come in," said one police official who is familiar with the investigation.

Police expect to have expert reports ready in about two weeks. Gatti’s relatives have arrived in the country to claim his body.