Kiwi boxer Shane Cameron will return to heavyweight boxing on May 30 against the man who felled David Tua – Monte Barrett.
The Sunday Star Times reports a deal has been struck between the Cameron and Barrett camps by promoter David Higgins for the mid-year bout.
Cameron-Barrett will headline the first in an annual heavyweight boxing series called Heavyweight Explosion, and Higgins is on the look out for top Kiwi and Aussie talen to fill the undercard.
Higgins promises boxing fans will get bang for their buck come fight time.
"We want to put on such a good show that attendees and viewers say `that was great', we build a following and build boxing into its rightful place in this country," Higgins says.
Possibilities for the card include Solomon Haumono, John Hopoate, Monty Beham, Australian Mark De Mori, and American Chauncy Welliver, who holds the New Zealand NBF heavyweight title.
Speaking from his home in America last night, Barrett said he knew little about Cameron but had seen clips of the hiding he copped from Tua in Hamilton two years ago.
"Shane Cameron's like a ghost to me. I don't really know too much about him," Barrett says.
"Ghosts can be good and bad but of course I'm going to get some tape of him to study during training.
"I checked him out online and there's not a lot there about him except, of course, when he fought David Tua and you can't tell much from watching a person get the crap beaten out of him in one round.
"But I believe in giving people second chances."