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Evander Holyfield: "Mike Tyson Took Steroids"

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  • Evander Holyfield: "Mike Tyson Took Steroids"

    Former four-time heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield has been all over the headlines in the last two weeks. After his name was dropped in the middle of a steroid distribution scandal with a list of other top athletes from various sports, the boxing world is beginning to face the reality of fighters taking performance enhancing drugs. [details]

  • #2
    holyfield must of changed drinking water between rounds to this=[IMG]***ual-girls-haterade2.gif[/IMG]


    • #3
      See this is crazy!!! I'm over in the other thread defneding the guy and now he decides to dry snitch on Tyson about some steroids. he just might be guilty and trying to drag anybody else down with him. When are we going to stop being crabs in a bucket.


      • #4
        What a ***** move by the phony religious nuitcase Bible thumper.. I am now more convinced than ever that he juiced. He calls out Tysons name as a diversionary tactic to draw attention away from himself. Him and Tyson both used it. Fuc*in cheaters. Im no fan of Tyson but at least he doesnt act phony and try to be righteous like Steroidyfield


        • #5
          This isn't about Tyson..His name didn't come up recently in a steriod investigation.For shame Evander


          • #6
            Holyroid is a piece of ****. Trying to deflect the flames off his ass to implicate Mike Tyson. I think it's more likely he took steroids than Tyson. Tyson was a freak of nature at 13 or 14 years old. He was built like a grown heavyweight man at that age.


            • #7
              I think ALL of them are doing it...
              even My beloved Kiltschkos..
              All it takes is one guy doing it.. and then its not fair.. so everyone does it to even the playing field.. At least in the heavies..


              • #8
                Originally posted by Knicksman20 View Post
                Holyroid is a piece of ****. Trying to deflect the flames off his ass to implicate Mike Tyson. I think it's more likely he took steroids than Tyson. Tyson was a freak of nature at 13 or 14 years old. He was built like a grown heavyweight man at that age.
                Tyson probably took Steroids after prison for cutting purposes I am almost positive. Holyroid as you say took them much longer and much more often without a doubt. This shows his true colors. Mr I am a huge Christian yet I have a hundred illegitimate children and frequently commit adultery. Tyson recognizes his flaws and talks about them Evander doesn't think he has any. And somehow Tyson is the one people don't like.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by CletusVanDamme View Post
                  Tyson probably took Steroids after prison for cutting purposes I am almost positive. Holyroid as you say took them much longer and much more often without a doubt. This shows his true colors. Mr I am a huge Christian yet I have a hundred illegitimate children and frequently commit adultery. Tyson recognizes his flaws and talks about them Evander doesn't think he has any. And somehow Tyson is the one people don't like.

                  Youll find that in society in large as a whole here in America. Religious nutcases are lifes biggest ****ups. They often come from abuse situations, have histories of drug/alchohol abuse, were ******ed, fatherless(Holyfields case), knocked up as teens etc. Im so sick of their hypocritical bs. They judge others because it makes them feel good about their ****ty selves. Personally, I am suspect of anybody who wears their morality on their sleeves. Wackjobs


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CletusVanDamme View Post
                    Tyson probably took Steroids after prison for cutting purposes I am almost positive. Holyroid as you say took them much longer and much more often without a doubt. This shows his true colors. Mr I am a huge Christian yet I have a hundred illegitimate children and frequently commit adultery. Tyson recognizes his flaws and talks about them Evander doesn't think he has any. And somehow Tyson is the one people don't like.
                    Good post and it's definitely possible that Tyson took them after his stretch in jail. I heard he actually lost weight in jail because of not training as frequently & because his diet changed due to converting to Islam.

