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Martinez's Trainer Wants Sergio to Retire

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  • Martinez's Trainer Wants Sergio to Retire

    El entrenador de Sergio Martínez se refirió además a la decisión de no salir a pelear el décimo round, lo que decretó la derrota de "Maravilla": "Dos o tres asaltos atrás venía viendo que no estaba bien y es mi decisión, yo sé lo que he hecho, yo no voy a dejar golpear a Sergio. Él más que un boxeador es mi hermano, mi amigo, es todo... Tomé la decisión que tuve que tomar y me hago cargo de todo".

    Por último, en cuanto al desarrollo de la pelea describió: "Nunca pudo controlarla. Lo mandé que se moviera los primeros asaltos, que trabajara por fuera con el jab, vi que no funcionó... Lo mando a que maneje la pelea y tampoco funcionó. Las piernas no eran las mismas, las rodillas se le iban para cualquier lado y la paré, yo no podía dejar que recibiera un golpe más o que terminara en el suelo".

    Coach Sergio Martinez also referred to the decision not to go out and fight the tenth round, which decreed the defeat of "Maravilla": "Two or three rounds back I was seeing that he was not right and it is my decision, I know what I have done, I will not let Sergio take a beating Sergio. Man than a boxer He is my brother, my friend, is all ... I made the decision I had to take and I'll take care of everything. "

    Finally, in the development of the fight described. "Could never control it I told him in the first round, to work the jab and move, I saw that did not work ... I told him to control the fight and that didn't work. His legs were not the same, his knees went every with way way and I stopped it I could not him receive another blow or let him end on the floor

    But knee surgeries at age 40 arent serious doe.

  • #2
    He should retire but I have a feeling he won't. If he was willing to fight like that once he may be willing to do it again. when you look back despite being recognized as a division king, he didn't really get that many big paydays. I wonder what his financial situation is like.


    • #3
      There's absolutely nothing left for him to do at the age of 40.


      • #4
        He should retire. He's a shot athletic fighter, those guys just take unnecessary brutality.


        • #5
          Retire with your health and wealth in tact. I hope he walks away with both. There has been too many stories where fighters leave the sport with niether and that **** breaks my heart.


          • #6
            Definitely retire. I think he can make a career doing something else, dude has the charisma and looks to be on TV or something.


            • #7
              Like 75% of NSB thought Sergio would ktfo Cotto.

              I thought it would be a close fight but was leaning towards Cotto; now everyone is talking about Sergio's knees.



              • #8
                There should be a pamphlet issued to fighters when they turn pro. They sign a form indicating their boxing style, and the pamphlet they receive will help guide them through their career as a fighter.

                Sergio would have gotten the "pure athleticism" pamphlet (the one with Roy Jones printed on the cover) where it says in big, bold, red letters:

                You will one day grow old in one night, and you will face the urge to continue fighting despite this, but you must be strong enough, wise enough, and have enough financial planning to step away from the sport at that moment.


                • #9
                  He healthy doe.


                  • #10
                    After seeing sergio move and have nothing on his shots because they had no leverage i think anyone who doesn't want to see the guy get hurt wants him to retire.

