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How Doest Thy Study And Exercise? (Challenge inside)

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  • How Doest Thy Study And Exercise? (Challenge inside)

    So I've recently returned to school after summer-break, still trying to heal from some injuries and as I slowly get introduced into some new classes at my upper secondary school, (Second year) my new math/electricity learning teacher suddenly drops the bomb that we're going to have a test in a few days, same week as we started using brand new, never heard of formulas and mathematical techniques mixing equations and god knows what else that made me cry a bit on the inside as I tried to image the possibility of getting both a private life and exercise in with this on the plate.

    I took the liberty of writing down a small example just for fun to see if anyone here can wrap his/her head around it along with the only "Tips" or "Clues" we've got from him ON PAPER.


    What material is consistent in the metal wire that has a 0.2 mm diameter, length of 3 meters and with the resistivity of 133 ohm?



    Ohm's Law

    Resistivity R=P*L/A




    I don't know about you guys but me and more than half of my class thinks this is a bit.. over-class for 17-18 year old kids that only has 2 days a week to study along with keeping an healthy lifestyle ontop of that.

    Update1: Everyone in my class took the test and approximately 60%~ of the people failed along with many other people from other classes that has this guy. Probably gonna nudge the principal about this.


    A hundred readers and none know the answer.

    I take that as It's impossible then. Thanks.
    Last edited by Coeco; 10-11-2011, 02:26 PM.