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Boomer vs Millennial on getting free college education

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  • Boomer vs Millennial on getting free college education

    Baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) and millennials (born between the early 1980s and early 2000s) don’t see eye to eye on many things. The price of higher education is one of them. To put it simply, millennials want cheaper tuition and baby boomers believe that they’re entitled to even think so. And this recent exchange on Facebook perfectly illustrates this conflict.

  • #2


    • #3
      Didn’t boomers used to have free community college??


      • #4
        damn baby boomers are the worse generation ever!


        • #5
          The boomers have a lot balls saying the bullshit that they say. They were the millennials of their time, even worse with their stupid hippie, make love not war, have casual sex, legalize abortion, smoke weed, and record high divorce rates. Then they grew up and raised the very same millenials with their own principles that they're now complaining about.

          They ran the country for the better half of the last 30 years and implemented all the policies that have led to many of our critical problems, primarily a broken healthcare system, astronomical student loan debt, and the housing collapse. I don't want to hear a peep out of the boomers, they grew up in one of the most prosperous times in USA history due to the Greatest Generation making enormous sacrifices and proper policy changes that led to this country to be the greatest in the world.


          • #6
            In my country I paid for my education. Then paid back my loan with interest. After that the government made loans intetest free as an election bribe. Then they made your first year free as another election bribe. Going to be a lot more people getting three year fine art degrees and wondering where the jobs are.


            • #7
              Some people believe in a made-up outside world of free college.

              Americans tend to do that: Take the one or two European welfare states that have program X and proclaim those one or two countries to be "the rest of the modern world!".

              In reality with all of the subsidized aid available, the US is already about as "free" as it gets. You only pay out of pocket if you're from an 80k+ a year household.

              They are at the point where they want their food and rent paid for. So people basically attend college as a luxury alternative to panhandling in the street.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gentblue View Post
                Didn’t boomers used to have free community college??
                - -Dumb.

                Boomers grew up in the horrors of the Cold War mutual world destruction, Korean and Viet Nam wars, tens of millions purged in Soviet and Chinese controlled geography, the horrific trinity of the K assassinations of JFK/RFK/MLK falling like dominoes, The horrific McCarthy communist witch hunts, all of which reverberate today.

                Dr. King had a dream that we adopted that one day a person wouldn't be judged on the color of his skin but the content of his character. Sadly that's been trashed in the new white and black nationalism as the US sponsored a 100 + year war on terrorism; ie Islamic Reformation that will cost uncountable trillions of dollars and unfathomable environmental and cultural destruction.

                And boomers weren't a majority in the US for long. Millennials, Xers, and hold outs from the greatest gen greatly exceed us. Blaming a generation never works any more than the dolts still fighting the civil war do.

                If the modern revision of history to fit your politics continues, you Nancys are doomed to the hellfire and brimstone of whatever of the earth and humanity survives.

                Read it and weep for thee and thou paradise lost, ie see California burning every summer and fall.


                • #9
                  Everything comes at a cost, nothing is free. I am all for affordable tuition, but that fight needs to start at the universities who are scamming these kids in the first place. Parents need to steer their kids towards the trades if they aren’t going to college for a specific skill like law, medical, accounting, engineering etc. stop wasting money on liberal arts degrees.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by QueensburyRules View Post
                    - -Dumb.

                    Boomers grew up in the horrors of the Cold War mutual world destruction, Korean and Viet Nam wars, tens of millions purged in Soviet and Chinese controlled geography, the horrific trinity of the K assassinations of JFK/RFK/MLK falling like dominoes, The horrific McCarthy communist witch hunts, all of which reverberate today.

                    Dr. King had a dream that we adopted that one day a person wouldn't be judged on the color of his skin but the content of his character. Sadly that's been trashed in the new white and black nationalism as the US sponsored a 100 + year war on terrorism; ie Islamic Reformation that will cost uncountable trillions of dollars and unfathomable environmental and cultural destruction.

                    And boomers weren't a majority in the US for long. Millennials, Xers, and hold outs from the greatest gen greatly exceed us. Blaming a generation never works any more than the dolts still fighting the civil war do.

                    If the modern revision of history to fit your politics continues, you Nancys are doomed to the hellfire and brimstone of whatever of the earth and humanity survives.

                    Read it and weep for thee and thou paradise lost, ie see California burning every summer and fall.
                    What revisionist is history??? Despite the Cold War tension, boomers had it all, great paying jobs with great benefits ( what private employer has a traditional pension plan) affordable homes etc, they were handed this planet on a platter and ****ed it up then go and blame everyone else for it happening. Now you have the new generation coming in asking where’s there piece of the pie but it’s all gone. Then you go and criticize the new generation for being weak and fragile when we were raised the way by boomers.

