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12 year old blames online pron for raping 9 year old

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  • #31
    Originally posted by D4thincarnation View Post
    When I was at school a load of kids 12 and younger watched the film "Animal Farm" (not the George Orwell version)

    No one went around %^*ing chicken, pigs or started putting snakes up their $^*%s

    I watched a lot of boxing when I was 12 years old, I didn't go around knocking out 9 year old girls.


    • #32
      It's ludicrous to think **** is why he did this. Some people are just sick, either mentally or because of their home life.


      • #33
        One thing I learned is that there are ****** level ****** humans on this earth, but Ive also learned that there are naturally bad people, this kid could or could not be one. But to force a girl to have *** with you, thats not something a sane person does. Could of been a product of misguidance. Id say lock him up at least for a length where it will hopefully make him process this whole debacle and steer him towards thinking that he messed up bad and thats not the type of things he wants for other people or himself.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Bossy View Post
          This is just disgusting. 'Explain *** and relationships to him'? WTF?

          He didn't commit statutory ****, he committed forcible ****. He definitely needs some sort of therapy, but he committed a crime he needs to be treated like a criminal. His lawyer probably asserted this defence, no way the kid volunteered the information. SMH
          Originally posted by D4thincarnation View Post
          The judge is out of touch.

          While the rapist gets counseling, help, a chance to make something out of himself, or a chance to commit the same crime again, the victim gets what?

          When their is crime their needs to be punishment.

          Judge is an idiot for falling for that defense.

          I agree with these 2 statements. First is the issue of right and wrong. The young man did wrong. And he knows he did wrong. He did wrong when he was watching the ****ography in the first place. In some way shape or form little kids know that they are not supposed to be looking at that. If its not from their moral background. Its the sign that says you need to be "18 or older to view this content" He made the decision to watch it which was wrong and which incited his lust to **** the girl in the first place.

          Then the issue of his age. He's was 12 years old, now he is 14 years old. Those ages are enough where he can be held responsible for the wrong that he has done. They have Juvenile Dention Centers in the U.K. That is for young criminals.

          There is the issue of justice for the young girl and for her parents. If the boy goes to council for 4 years where is the justice that is supposed to be served against this young man for what he has done to their daughter? Imagine a 9 year old little girl being grabbed and stripped, and trying to fight someone off of her who over powers her and robs her of her ******ity. What kind of emotional trauma is she going to have to suffer for the rest of her life? How do her parents feel knowing that this was done? Not to mention that, When she becomes a woman, what kind of relationships is she going to have with men after being ****d by a young man at age 9? The parents and their young girl have a right to be SERIOUSLY upset with this young man and to demand JUSTICE.

          Then there is the issue of his future and being somebody. Of course you want the young man to change his ways and become a better person. But how is that possible if you let him see that the consequences of RAPING A WOMAN is that he gets supervised for 4 years with counseling and thats it? THAT IS NOT HELPING HIM, THAT IS HURTING HIM. He is seeing that he can get away with committing a crime.

          If i was the judge my ruling would have been to lock him away in Juvenile Dentention center (i dont even know for how many years... maybe 4). And make sure he gets counselling while he is IN THERE. In addition i would make sure that he is supervised in there or kept in an area where he does not decide to go raping the other boys in that facility. (Lust is powerful, men **** men in prison because they can't have *** with a woman, if he will **** a 9 year old out of lust, what do you think he'll do in a facility with no woman after years?) He needs to know that there are consequences for doing wrong. That will make him hesitant to do it in the future.
          Last edited by Warring Don; 06-06-2012, 03:27 PM. Reason: i wrote "you criminals"


          • #35
            As a matter of fact 4 years in a detention center and maybe 3 more years in a prison when he is 18. This girl is gonna deal with this for the rest of her life. He needs at LEAST 7 years....

            The only reason i dont say a whole bunch of more years is cuz he is 12.... if he was older boy... he would been in there for a LONG TIME. ****?


            • #36
              Originally posted by Liquid Nil View Post
              I am totally, absolutely and resolutely against censorship, I have not and will not move an inch from that position, When censorship is invoked it becomes a tool for repressive governments to hide corruption and pump out propganda to the masses. People should have the right to choose what they want to read,see or hear, To control that is to produce a bunch of mindless automatons who know nothing other than what the state tells them.

              I dont see why the government should take it upon itself to regulate the INTERNET, If parents can not parent their children society should not have to suffer in the form of censored content to reward bad parents.
              This is an extremely limited and naive way of looking at the real issue. When I was younger I used to think the same way, I don't anymore. Now I'm not for censorship but to think it's the parents job to raise a kid and their job alone is wrong. First off because some kids don't have good parents or parents at all.

              Should we just chalk them up to as "too bad so sad" or should we address the issue that is serious and if affecting us all. The reality is, too much of anything is bad for you. Whether it be **** or chocolate cake.

              So while I don't think that **** forced this kid to do this, I do think that him watching **** at such a young age did something to his mind that pushed him over the edge. See, knowledge is power, too much knowledge to soon and it can really *** a kids head up, I know this from experience.

              Like when I saw **** for the first time when I was 8 because one of my brothers friends showed me a Players ****zine or when I saw my cousin beat a dude almost to death with a baseball bat and I could hear the bat bouncing off the dudes skull even to this day....and I got to see much worse.

              So while **** isn't the sole reason, we do need to understand that too much of anything IS bad for us in society and we do need to regulate who and what is looking at **** and other things that are not acceptable for young kids to see.

