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Who's been to Dubai how was it?

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  • [PLEASE HELP] Who's been to Dubai how was it?

    Who's been to Dubai? How was it?

    We now got Dubai on top of our list for the next guys trip. These guys are all over the place it looks like we are still doing Thailand and Dubai now.

    So the bday boy now wants us to roll to Dubai because he saw Will Smith recently post on his IG from the world tallest building and now wants us all to go there and take a selfie. He also wants to one up and impress his IG on and off girlfriend (face palm I know) lol.

    So how was Dubai? Hot as hell? we looking to to go next October 2019. Will it be blazing hot then? Is it safe to walk around do they like us Americans or what? I remember watching the movie Argo a few years back and saying I'd never go visit Iran after that lol. But I know Dubai is its own little world right?

    How is it guys? Everything expensive as hell? Night life?

  • #2
    If you're going around October the temperature won't be too bad, although it's pretty hot all year round. It's the summer months like June / July / August where it gets really damn hot. And yeah, Dubai is nothing like Iran, or most of the other countries around it, or anywhere else in the world for that matter. It's ridiculously metropolitan and very modern-looking, it's almost like a science-fiction vision of a future city in parts, but it's still an Islamic country so you've gotta keep it respectful in public, don't be one of those tourists who treat it like Vegas or end up getting caught ****ing on the beach and end up running afoul of public decency laws. Out of the public eye however, you can more or less do what you want. Cost-wise, yeah, it can be pretty expensive, especially if you're staying at one of the more famous / exclusive hotels, but you're getting what you pay for.


    • #3
      I went about 4 years ago, and Dubai is one of those places that just seem to change from year to year as they put up buildings in quick fashion. Seriously, when i visited, it was full of cranes around the Burj Khalifa (worlds tallest building) and the view from top was mostly a desert surrounding full of cranes.

      My brother in law went last year, and suddenly there are buildings all around it.

      It's a great place, just be respectful of their culture. I went in October and it was hot. Average temps of 35-40oC (95-105 oF)

      Not sure about now, but when i was there you couldn't buy alcohol in stores/supermarkets, so mainly bars and restaurants. Prices depended where you are. If you're in the main tourist areas/city, you will be paying tourist prices. Outskirt towns or old Dubai as they call it was generally cheaper and affordable.

      Nightlife is great. Beach clubs/parties are where you'd want to be. In general, you won't go wrong in any of the top tier clubs, but again, not the cheapest place to be.

      I think if you're going to compare it to Vegas, Dubai is more of a 'anything you can do, i can do better'. Better attractions, better hotels, better restaurants, better malls etc.

      Except for drinking and ********.

      It's one of the best places i've visited, but only do a short-stay (3-4 days) and try and combine another place to visit with it.


      • #4
        Lived there for 8 years and go back 3 times a year


        • #5
          It's okay for a 2-3 day stopover on the way to Thailand or somewhere else good but I wouldn't want to stay there for a couple of weeks, I'd be bored out of my tree.

          1) really nice airport and road network
          2) great hotels
          3) some really cool looking buildings and all that (I'm a civil engineer so you might not take the same interest in the Burj Khalifa I do!)

          1) mental **** and India taxi drivers everywhere.
          2) so hot you can't go outside for more than a few minutes if you're from anywhere with a normal climate.

          3) the locals aren't particularly nice and it's full of smug foreign expats
          4) it's very expensive

          5) not a lot to see really. It was a small arab town then they hit it big and through up thousands of super modern buildings. There's not a lot of anything interesting to see or do and outside the town it's just desert


          • #6
            Go to the Hyatt nightclub. Lots of Russian women der.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Scopedog View Post
              If you're going around October the temperature won't be too bad, although it's pretty hot all year round. It's the summer months like June / July / August where it gets really damn hot. And yeah, Dubai is nothing like Iran, or most of the other countries around it, or anywhere else in the world for that matter. It's ridiculously metropolitan and very modern-looking, it's almost like a science-fiction vision of a future city in parts, but it's still an Islamic country so you've gotta keep it respectful in public, don't be one of those tourists who treat it like Vegas or end up getting caught ****ing on the beach and end up running afoul of public decency laws. Out of the public eye however, you can more or less do what you want. Cost-wise, yeah, it can be pretty expensive, especially if you're staying at one of the more famous / exclusive hotels, but you're getting what you pay for.
              green k bro thanks for your insight and tips. one of our guys has hook ups with Hilton so we might stay at the Hilton or Conrad there, also we got connections at the Atlantis resort, but Im afraid that will be more like families then hot chicks on vacay mode right?

              I don't plan acting the fool in public especially in a Fin ****** country. I do plan on trying to meet some chicks at the beach or pool party and bringing them back to the room to smash. but I don't want to get into trouble if they got some weird law about smashing some chick you met at the bar or on the beach lol.


              • #8
                Originally posted by View Post
                I went about 4 years ago, and Dubai is one of those places that just seem to change from year to year as they put up buildings in quick fashion. Seriously, when i visited, it was full of cranes around the Burj Khalifa (worlds tallest building) and the view from top was mostly a desert surrounding full of cranes.

                My brother in law went last year, and suddenly there are buildings all around it.

                It's a great place, just be respectful of their culture. I went in October and it was hot. Average temps of 35-40oC (95-105 oF)

                Not sure about now, but when i was there you couldn't buy alcohol in stores/supermarkets, so mainly bars and restaurants. Prices depended where you are. If you're in the main tourist areas/city, you will be paying tourist prices. Outskirt towns or old Dubai as they call it was generally cheaper and affordable.

                Nightlife is great. Beach clubs/parties are where you'd want to be. In general, you won't go wrong in any of the top tier clubs, but again, not the cheapest place to be.

                I think if you're going to compare it to Vegas, Dubai is more of a 'anything you can do, i can do better'. Better attractions, better hotels, better restaurants, better malls etc.

                Except for drinking and ********.

                It's one of the best places i've visited, but only do a short-stay (3-4 days) and try and combine another place to visit with it.
                You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to again.

                Yeah we pretty much gonna go just for 2 or 3 days. He wants to hit the worlds tallest building shoot videos and selfies to impress his off/on IG model gf and then hit a few pool parties. then we off to Thailand.

                Are they strict on like macking to the chicks at the pool or beach and bringing them back to the room? or that's cool? I know some countries you gotta be freaking married in order to even hold hands in public!

                DAMN 95 to 105 in October! Holy F I don't even wanna know it is like in August then lol.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tomjas View Post
                  Lived there for 8 years and go back 3 times a year
                  nice tell us about it then bro. break it down


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Razor Ramon View Post
                    It's okay for a 2-3 day stopover on the way to Thailand or somewhere else good but I wouldn't want to stay there for a couple of weeks, I'd be bored out of my tree.

                    1) really nice airport and road network
                    2) great hotels
                    3) some really cool looking buildings and all that (I'm a civil engineer so you might not take the same interest in the Burj Khalifa I do!)

                    1) mental **** and India taxi drivers everywhere.
                    2) so hot you can't go outside for more than a few minutes if you're from anywhere with a normal climate.

                    3) the locals aren't particularly nice and it's full of smug foreign expats
                    4) it's very expensive

                    5) not a lot to see really. It was a small arab town then they hit it big and through up thousands of super modern buildings. There's not a lot of anything interesting to see or do and outside the town it's just desert
                    green k bro. yeah thats exactly the plan we only going for 2 to 3 days then Thailand. Thats awesome that you're an engineer, I'm not but I do appreciate sweet architecture.

                    yeah so we pretty much just gonna hit Burj Khalifa take our selfies and then hit a few pool parties mack at chicks on the beach and bounce to Thailand. We won't do any expensive arse night clubs or bottle service or anything like that.

                    Are they strict on macking to chicks on the beach in public and at the pool parties and bringing them back to the room to smash?

                    Also one of my boys always flosses with Gucci and Louis gear should he tone it down? He also has a 15K Humbolt watch that he wears and were telling him not to bring it on this trip. That foo is always trying way too hard to flex.

