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UFO Spotted in China

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  • #31
    they abducted xcaret and he told them where to find Manny Pacquiao


    • #32
      Originally posted by Makavelli View Post
      they abducted xcaret and he told them where to find Manny Pacquiao
      All he found was buddybud who was pretending to be chinese this time around.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Flawless* View Post
        These sightings shut down a Chinese airport.
        The shutdown was photoshopped as well.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Poor Lad View Post
          lol if it was in the U.S, they would have told us it was one of their military aircrafts.
          The US has some weird ass aircraft man. My friend who is in the Air Force, has showed me a lot aircraft that if I see them in the sky I would think they are from another planet.


          • #35
            holy ****! they're preparing for the 2012 invasion!


            • #36
              Surely they would go vegas instead
              *** they be doin in china?

              If your gonna come here for the first time
              your gonna wanna check a club out,Get your space groove on,Meet some chicks
              even go round walts house but China? I cant see it...


              • #37
                looks fake, the music in the backround is funny lol.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by The Gully Gad View Post
                  Surely they would go vegas instead
                  *** they be doin in china?

                  If your gonna come here for the first time
                  your gonna wanna check a club out,Get your space groove on,Meet some chicks
                  even go round walts house but China? I cant see it...


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
                    Looks to be photoshop. Where were all the video recordings?
                    Pretty Balsy for UFOS to be showing up at airports. If it is a real one. Maybe it was a military operation. China is kind of the blueprint for the freedom of information or lack of freedom of information that is coming to the United States. The United States is maybe worse because China at least has a space program.
                    I would be more impressed if I saw a giant robot frog or toad. Coming out of the ground at the airport and start eating the passengers waiting. Does this UFO have any correlation to the mysterious light dash cam sighting in Las Angeles that Lester Holt assured us was a meteor shower? Dr. Gonzales in Manhatten, says Erin Elizabeth. Why has the Fargo police department received a shipment of rifle resistant helmets? What are they preparing for? And $1100 dollar per helmet. Crazy. I learned this on May 5, 2017. Well maybe a UFO was spotted in china. Maybe the UFO was shipping rifle resistant helmets to the Chinese. It is part of the purge. I think that Dirk Nowitski is a super soldier. Chinese made cheap white construction helmets. Just like you see in Hunt for the Red October. I have to go with stormdancer. Thatt UFO spotted in China could be military. IF so then the military has gotten pretty advanced. Way more advanced than the Russian submarine in Hunt for the Red October. That's why the police in America are getting shipments of rifle repellant helmets. They know that people are getting more awakened. We should just throw in our hats. If there was hard evidence of UFOs then it would have been given to us in the 1940s or the 1950s. It wasn't. It was weather balloons or the star venus. So today we can say anything.. We can say it was photoshop. We can say it is the military.
                    Back in the 1940s or the 1950s we couldn't say it was photoshop or the military. That was really the only time that we had a chance of knowing.
                    But it makes you wonder why so many of the UFO shows on.
                    Crooked island is a good name for a place that a hurricane should hit. What does Jackie Gleason say? Does he have the low down. Or adam Danzinger. I am guessing that John Hickenlooper will be the next to come out and say that he saw aliens. Pretty much anyone connected to a Clinton. Just loafing around up in the sky at the airport. And airports have radar towers and constant air traffic and pilots who are supposedly good at their jobs. I wish that I could eat a hot dog in outer space. Like this Apollo eight astronaut, William anders. And I wish that I had his wife. I thought china was obessed with knowing the details about Tom Kat, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.
                    Fight Tactics for Fighting back. Oh yeah they are fighting you in the air too. With these UFOS that are our own military.
                    If stocks in Bayer or Disney go up after one of these sightings then it is one of the military's toys. Disney is already ditching the dollar.


                    • #40
                      With billions of cell phones out in the world that can record at high resolution their should be multiple pic and videos from all angles.

                      Grainy videos and shadows just won't do it anymore. Now more than ever you have less sightings or images of the Lock Ness monster, Yeti, aliens, etc

