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Top ***** Official Admits ‘We Always Knew’ Syria Kept Chemical Weapons After Deal

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  • Top ***** Official Admits ‘We Always Knew’ Syria Kept Chemical Weapons After Deal

    "Putting the best face on it, former ***** advisers said it was better to have removed 1,300 tons of chemical weapons from Syria even if Mr. Assad cheated and kept some, or later developed more. “Imagine what Syria would look like without that deal,” said Antony J. Blinken, a former deputy secretary of state. “It would be awash in chemical weapons, which would fall into the hands of ISIS, Al Nusra or other groups.”

    Still, the administration knew all along that it had probably not gotten all of the chemical weapons, and tried to get Russia to help press Syria, without success. “We always knew we had not gotten everything, that the Syrians had not been fully forthcoming in their declaration,” Mr. Blinken said."

    Source, full article:

    They lied again. They knew Syria still had chemical weapons, yet *****, Kerry, and Rice all went out and straight-up lied to the American people.

    Makes you wonder how any of their gruber voters believe a word they say, and how bad the Iran deal really is. After all, those same idiots/liars negotiated that deal too.

  • #2
    Do you really think a country is gonna destroy 100% of their stockpile and not keep maybe a few ??? Politics is a dirty game..

