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No One Shows Up For Hillary Event

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  • [LMAO!] No One Shows Up For Hillary Event

    Soooo embarrassing for Hillary, Clinton. In Delaware, Ohio, Clinton was supposed to have a door-knocking event at 1 pm in the afternoon. One guy, who was documenting it for Donald *****, showed up. He was it. No one came at all… when the staffers finally figured out who he was, they had him leave, but not before he got a gander at a whole lot of no one.

    I watched South Park last week and they joked that Clinton had maybe four supporters. It’s looking more and more like that is just about right. There are over 2 million people in that area and no one could be bothered to show up for the Hildabeast.

    From Gateway Pundit:

    At Hillary Clinton’s Ohio campaign headquarters, volunteers were supposed to show up in droves to knock on doors for the ********ic presidential nominee.

    But, when this Donald ***** supporter showed up to the headquarters to check out the crowd, he found no one there.

    In fact, the only Hillary supporters at the offices were the staff running the headquarters. When the man said he was a ***** supporter and asked where all the volunteers were, they quickly showed him the door.

    The staffers for Hillary Clinton had expected door knockers to show up in droves. They must have been so disappointed.

  • #2
    She's going to get crushed in the election


    • #3
      Originally posted by Monaco Slim View Post
      She's going to get crushed in the election
      I thought she was meant to be ahead on the polls?

      Why aren't you relaxed anymore?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Pretty Boy1 View Post
        I thought she was meant to be ahead on the polls?

        Why aren't you relaxed anymore?
        Call me a paranoid tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, but I think all these polls showing a close race might be fake.

        Three reasons.

        The media wants a close race for ratings.

        The media wants Hillary to win and if she is shown losing big time people will stop working for her and giving her money.

        If Hillary wants to steal a win, the polls have to show a close race right before the election or no one will buy her actually winning.

