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All Americans Read This

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  • All Americans Read This

    Hi everyone.

    Forget about the bs politics, **********/******** phony talking points.

    I lived and traveled in europe for 4 years. At one point I thought I tore my bicep, without being a citizen or having insurance I was worried about going to the emergency room. So after seeing a doctor, then taken to have an ultrasound with the doctor present my grand total was around 50$.

    About 5 years ago I had an ultrasound done on my dog in the usa it was 600$.

    I rescued a dog while there also who needed medicine Creon, a human grade drug, really is just enzymes. 5$ brought my dog back to USA, same drug is 180$.

    Why is this? We are being completely ripped off. The people in charge are only representing their special interests.

    There are even programs in place where young people could buy an apartment or home which is backed by the government! All you need is an income. School is affordable even if you work at mcdonalds.

    These basic things that everyone needs in life are all turned into a profit generating business in the USA.

    Meanwhile the politicians run on the same old talking points, or scaring people into voting for them with lies.

  • #2
    I don't know where u were in Europe but here in Germany if u r not insured you're pretty much fücked if something happened. My mom came to visit me and she only had international insurance, guess what, they didn't recognize it and they made us pay 400 Euro just to see the doctor and to get an X-ray.

    If you're insured however everything is cheap, but doctors don't really give u enough time to explain ur problem cuz they wanna finish as many patients per day as possible, and since everyone is insured it's extremely crowded and you can end up waiting for 2 months to see a doctor. Plus insurance is not cheap, as an engineer I pay roughly 320 Euros a month for health insurance and that's also a reason why practices and hospitals are crowded, people wanna get services for the money they pay so they find reasons to go to doctors. I think u can also get a good insurance in the US that won't be that much more expensive than here, but I'm not sure.


    • #3
      One of the problems with the US is there is a strong religious morality kinda angle to nearly everything. And I guess the goal is to "weed out" the "bad people" over time with these sorta beliefs going on & the corresponding changes of the social services available & with subpar medical coverage to the people who haven't gotten far in life or gotten far in life yet if they are younger people.

      If the US was as supportive of its people as they want the people to be supportive of the US there would be some basic things going on like housing for anyone who wants it, education for anyone who wants it, food for anyone who needs it & medical coverage for anyone who needs it. Those should be basic rights anyone in a "civilized" country should be getting. At some point in the future I fully expect people will look back on these times and be appalled that the lesser among us weren't taken care of in their time of they elderly, poor, sick or just suck at getting money or are lazy if you believe some of the people who suggest everyone in a bad situation is just trying to scam the system.
      Last edited by Eff Pandas; 03-11-2016, 10:03 AM.


      • #4
        The health care system in America is probably the most ass backwards thing about this country, after that education. It is unbelievable ****ed. Some of you who are young and healthy probably don't think nothing of it, but if you're unfortunate enough to have health problems you quickly realize what a joke it is. The past 4-5 years I've had to spend over $50k, at least, out of pocket despite having "great" insurance, and after all this money that has crippled me financially I'm in no better position than I was when I started, just passed around from "specialist" to specialist who don't care enough to find solutions. And this is for ****ing migraines. Imagine if it were something more serious.

        Its just unfathomable that in such a rich country we cannot even provide healthcare to citizens and that the country is so ass backwards and divided even the discussion of having universal free healthcare is too much to ask for without terms like "socialism" and "communism" being tossed around.

        People also don't realize healthcare costs so damn much because everything is marked up so incredibly high in value. Prescription pills are marked up unbelievably high for profit since they know insurance companies will pay 80% or whatever. The whole system is flawed since its for profit. Thats why it can never be fixed with BS *****care or whatever joke the next president implements because at the end of the day its still a for profit system and the average working class people of America are the ones getting ****ed.
        Last edited by ИATAS; 03-11-2016, 12:29 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ИATAS View Post
          The health care system in America is probably the most ass backwards thing about this country, after that education. It is unbelievable ****ed. Some of you who are young and healthy probably don't think nothing of it, but if you're unfortunate enough to have health problems you quickly realize what a joke it is. The past 4-5 years I've had to spend over $50k, at least, out of pocket despite having "great" insurance, and after all this money that has crippled me financially I'm in no better position than I was when I started, just passed around from "specialist" to specialist who don't care enough to find solutions. And this is for ****ing migraines. Imagine if it were something more serious.

          You ever try medical mary jane? I heard that helps with migraines.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BOXEO _ View Post
            You ever try medical mary jane? I heard that helps with migraines.
            I tried a little without success although it's probably worth revisiting. My issue is I don't like being high, I used to as a teenager, but now it makes me anxious thinking about all my problems **** becomes too real. But there are so many different strands and variations, I was told there are some that don't get you high at all. I live right next to a smoke shop (its legal here for all purposes) so maybe I'll pick up some different kinds and experiment.

