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Am I the only one to HATE the new iTunes?!

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  • #21
    Originally posted by Kenny MF Powers View Post
    Can't download vinyl records...

    Outside of that, as a musician myself I try not to download music I haven't already purchased on vinyl or own on cd. It doesn't really bother me that other people do, but its not a practice I'm particularly proud of sometimes doing myself.

    I do buy alot of music from bands at shows. That's the best way IMO, and gives the creator the best direct support.

    Of course, I'm not talking about millionaire artists. These are mostly small bands struggling to even stay in the business.
    I agree that downloading music is not a good thing.


    • #22
      Originally posted by -PANDA- View Post
      wow that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard...why buy all their products while thinking they suck?
      You saying thats the dumbest thing youve ever heard, is in fact the dumbest thing Ive ever heard... what are you five? Thats the dumbest thing youve ever heard? Idiot.

      And I didnt say I bought all their **** knowing it ******.

      I bought it, used it, experienced it, realized it sucks.



      • #23
        Originally posted by THE REED™ View Post
        You saying thats the dumbest thing youve ever heard, is in fact the dumbest thing Ive ever heard... what are you five? Thats the dumbest thing youve ever heard? Idiot.

        And I didnt say I bought all their **** knowing it ******.

        I bought it, used it, experienced it, realized it sucks.

        Reed knows he gadgets. The man buys, sets up some nice stuff. He also knows the technical side to things since he is a programmer.

        It would be wise to trust his opinion.

        I am looking at a Chromebook or an Asus Prime Inifnity.

        Chromebook looks good, 7 sec start up. No programmes because it relies on on line stuff. Not sure what to think on that.

        The infinity looks good, 10 inch tablet I think, high specs, but I am not sure if too big for casual use.


        • #24

          Im typing on the infinity at this moment no ****.

          Dirty ass screen lol


          • #25
            I think Reed got the Asus awhile back. He'll give you the best review of it, I guess.


            • #26
              Originally posted by THE REED™ View Post

              Im typing on the infinity at this moment no ****.

              Dirty ass screen lol
              There you go lol


              • #27
                Originally posted by Terrel View Post
                I think Reed got the Asus awhile back. He'll give you the best review of it, I guess.
                Best review for sho. LOL.

                The screen is a bit dirty but hey, it's a tablet lol. had to find wipes just now lol.


                • #28
                  Alright, I am bringing this conversation back to topic. I don't like iTunes 11. It is very frustrating to use because they changed the layout into something that isn't very efficient. First, I don't like the fact that most of the layouts have a bunch of empty space in them. Things were so much nicer and straight forward on iTunes 10 and it was such a fun program to use back then. Now, I find my self getting frustrated and annoyed when using this new version. This new iTunes seems slow and unresponsive. I just really hate this layout. It is not an efficient layout, at all. My ideal layout is iTunes 10. It was a beautiful program. I am pretty disappointed with this update. If it isn't broken, then don't fix it. It is not good to change a program just for the sake of changing it. I guess, these people need to feel like they are doing something or they need feel useful. I will find a way to go back to iTunes 10.

                  Personally, I don't care for some kind of artsy-fartsy user interface. I just want straight up raw data. I love seeing long lists in row and column form. I wouldn't mind a basic console application layout. As long as it is simple and efficient, then I am all for it. But, what is the use of having these really nice layouts, like on iTunes 11, if the program itself is really inefficient and frustrating to use.


                  • #29
                    Damn Panda got owned. ... (ouch)


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by -PANDA- View Post
                      uh huh that's why every audiophile, music technician and professional movie producer still swears by their products
                      You must not be very active in the audio industry. A $30 Sansa clip+ rivals iPods in terms of sound quality and supports loss-less, non-proprietary formats. What other audio products do they provide? Many of the "professional entertainers" also sport their Beats by Dre and Ludacris Souls....hardly the pinnacles of audiophillia.

                      I do like that they include Burr Brown DACs, but there are better Portable players (hell Creative Zen stomped on iPod in terms of SQ) and the iPod's amplifiers are very limiting.

                      BTW, the top audio, video production software are not native to OSX....

