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Cheating Educators Get Caught

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  • Cheating Educators Get Caught

    Principals and Teachers found cheating for their 55,000-student Atlanta Public School System. The superintendent, 178 educators (38 principals) being accused. 80 have confessed.

    "Teachers and principals erased and corrected mistakes on students’ answer sheets.

    Area superintendents silenced whistle-blowers and rewarded subordinates who met academic goals by any means possible.

    Superintendent Beverly Hall and her top aides ignored, buried, destroyed or altered complaints about misconduct, claimed ignorance of wrongdoing and accused naysayers of failing to believe in poor children’s ability to learn."

    Isn't that always their argument when challenged, criticized or investigated? If you don't agree with their politics you are insensitive to the needs of the inner city and **********. You are a racist. GTFOH!

    What do their actions say about their (true) belief regarding the ability of these inner city kids or in the quality of the current curriculum and its educators?

    Much respect to teachers but the good ones are outnumbered by idiots who have no true interest in improving the educational system and put politics first above all. Instead they're worried about securing their jobs and collecting more government money. I blame the left wing here. They want to keep you dependent upon them. They bank on it. They try to act like they are looking out for you and unfortunately my gullible minority brothers and sisters continue to fall for it.

  • #2
    Originally posted by ChiTown2Diego View Post
    Much respect to teachers but the good ones are outnumbered by idiots who have no true interest in improving the educational system and put politics first above all. Instead they're worried about securing their jobs and collecting more government money. I blame the left wing here. They want to keep you dependent upon them. They bank on it. They try to act like they are looking out for you and unfortunately my gullible minority brothers and sisters continue to fall for it.
    You're seriously trying to argue the left wing and politics had something to do with this? That's ridiculous. The teachers are changing grades to secure their jobs, schools, and make their superiors happy so they'll keep their jobs too. Just like any job.

    These teachers are fighting a battle they know they can't win, so they said "**** it" and just changed the grades so they can stay employed. Teachers are always the scapegoat, when in reality it comes down to parenting (or lack thereof). Kids that come from poor, one parent household who live with a mother who's always working/grandmother/ect are way way wayyy behind kids that come from middleclass/two-parent households.

    Teachers are handed kids with no basic, fundamental education on anything and are expected to magically get these kids caught up, when they have no parents assisting them in making the child study or do homework, and the kids face little or no consequences when they perform badly because their parents just aren't as active in their kids school affairs. They can't win, and they often give up.

    Blaming a political movement is a cop out. Better teachers and more money won't fix anything. This is a social problem in America, and it's not going to be solved within the education system. It has to be solved within the community itself.


    • #3
      I don't think you exactly got where I was coming from but then again I didn't really spend a lot of time explaining...

      Originally posted by paulf View Post
      You're seriously trying to argue the left wing and politics had something to do with this? That's ridiculous.

      ARE YOU KIDDING? Blind or just unwilling to see it? This is not one or two random teachers we're talking about. You're telling me they're not trying to cover up failed policies?

      The teachers are changing grades to secure their jobs, schools, and make their superiors happy so they'll keep their jobs too. Just like any job. These teachers are fighting a battle they know they can't win, so they said "**** it" and just changed the grades so they can stay employed. Teachers are always the scapegoat, when in reality it comes down to parenting (or lack thereof).
      Have a spine and don't generalize. Parents are absolutely responsible. The responsibility also squarely lies on those willing to excuse the teachers "because they're always scapegoats". Be clear, we're talking about the bad teachers (which these are). They should be fired. But will they be? And why will they not be fired?

      Kids that come from poor, one parent household who live with a mother who's always working/grandmother/ect are way way wayyy behind kids that come from middleclass/two-parent households. And the disregard shown by these teachers whose actions IMO are fueled by politics amplifies that very problem. Again, this wasn't one or two random teachers. They're willingness to sweep the problems under the rug drastically hurts these communities they profess to help. Firing bad teachers and rewarding/ advancing only the better teachers isn't exactly possible. You're telling me politics has nothing to do with it?

      Teachers are handed kids with no basic, fundamental education on anything and are expected to magically get these kids caught up, that's what I'm pointing out. These teachers are cheating while others turn their head and pass these students. No accountability for these teachers or the students. when they have no parents assisting them in making the child study or do homework, and the kids face little or no consequences when they perform badly because their parents just aren't as active in their kids school affairs. They can't win, and they often give up.

      Blaming a political movement is a cop out. Better teachers and more money won't fix anything. This is a social problem in America, and it's not going to be solved within the education system. It has to be solved within the community itself. Pretending a political movement doesn't control the current sate of the educational system and then not holding it accountable is THE true cop out. And feeling sorry for peoples circumstances together with a lowering of standards and expectations is where your well intentions fail. Better teacher WILL help (are you kidding?). Holding people accountable will help. This issue will never be fully rectified with the type of parenting most of these kids get (we'll always agree there) which is therefore that much more vital to employ the good teachers and get rid of the bad ones. Take politics out (as much as possible) from the educational system (like that could really happen). But when you have the left more concerned with implementing gay and non-gender courses and and you have teachers fueled by politics and acting as they did in this article, things aren't on their way to getting any better any time soon. Understand that if ************* were running the school system and this is what we had I'd be just as opposed to the way it's being run


      • #4
        The public school system in this country is a joke, with more and more money being ****** into a failed system (based on a 19th century Prussian model) that survives only by pumping union dues into the coffers of corrupt politicians.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jim Jeffries View Post
          The public school system in this country is a joke, with more and more money being ****** into a failed system (based on a 19th century Prussian model) that survives only by pumping union dues into the coffers of corrupt politicians.
          ......your thoughts on the Military spending?


          • #6
            Originally posted by MANIAC310 View Post
            ......your thoughts on the Military spending?
            That's a rather weak attempt at a deflection, don't you think? Like just about everything our government is involved in, there's a terrible amount of waste, but considerable care needs to be taken in cutting funding. If you're going to cut funding to our troops in Afghanistan (where they have been dying in record numbers in the last couple of years,) then you might as well bring them home. We have a hundred thousand civilian contractors in Iraq, if I'm not mistaken. I'd like to cut our foreign military bases in half, but with Iran and North Korea working on nukes, we need more spending on a missile defense shield. Overall I see room to cut, but with a scalpel, not a hatchet.

            Worth noting that South Korea's students perform much higher than ours, with half the budget.

