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Boxingscene Lounge Interview: Prettyboy 32

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  • Boxingscene Lounge Interview: Prettyboy 32

    EPISODE 8.

    Tonight, our guest comes in many aliases, Prettyboy 32,

    Sup PB?

    Sup, Etha....

    First question, do you think you'll be banned before i post this ?

    I hope not...

    Seriously, how many fucking times can someone get banned, you're in the double
    many times have they banned pb32?

    Honestly I've lost count, There was one stage I literally got banned for no reason at all. I got banned because I had developed such a bad reputation, BPP knew I was gonna do something ****** so he would ban me as soon I registered and made it clear who I was.

    What is it that keeps you returning, you joined years ago yet you keep hanging on......this
    forum isn't that amazing, is it?

    What kept me returning was the fucking faggots like triggerhapppy and tim horton who kept getting me banned in the first place!
    I didn't want anyone to think they had "won,"
    So I kept coming back.

    Fuck them, ****heads couldn't take a joke.
    Too many ******* wanted me banned on here, cause they where too sensitive about shit, I was clearly joking about...

    At one stage the whole limey lang got me banned, simply because I took the piss out of there faggot ass joke of a country "Great Britain," Before the World cup started, I made it clear that England has a shit soccer team, and weren't gonna last long in the world cup and I was right.
    They blasted me for it, but everything I said came through.
    I got banned around 4-5 times throughout that whole ordeal,
    "iJohn Locke" and "Demise" organized the whole thing, They sent around pm's to one another asking eachother to report me and it worked they got me banned. But of course they denied that but "gingeralbino" told me he got a PM off both of them asking them to report me...
    But I still came back making threads about how shit England where...

    English people are pretty delusional.

    I dunno how I haven't been banned since Boss Lady got here,
    She's a really nice person, no doubt about that.

    But one thing that pisses me off is fat women getting attention,
    I don't like that.

    What is it like living in Ireland, what are the drinking ages and what
    are the drugs of choice?

    Ireland is okay, cold as fuck and always raining. Weather is shit all the time and it's overpriced,
    Place is infiltrated with foreigners too, which pisses me off.
    I hate them.

    Not much work and everyone is broke.
    I'm lucky enough to have a good job, but I plan on moving to Australia in January/February for a few months.

    Drinking ages are 18, but barmen will serve you at 16,
    I started drinking when I was 14,
    I got really drunk.
    Most people in Ireland have a high tolerance for drink cause they start young.

    The drugs over here ain't great,
    The coke is shit cause it has to come so far,
    Same with the weed and hash,
    I smoked some good stuff in Cali last summer that I got on Venice beach, that was good shit...

    What's wrong with being called a ginger ****, bro. Some days you are thick skinned, some days
    you go out(or get banned) swinging, explain?

    Well, Usually the people who call me ginger don't know shit about nothing.
    Their is more ginger people in England then Ireland and thats a fact,
    The same fuck shits who call me "ginger" idolize Canelo, so I don't really understand that whole thing.

    I used to go out swinging it really depends on who is calling me out,
    Recently "OG Wenger," made a pathetic attempt to try call me out in the lounge with some youtube video.
    It was obvious he just went to youtube and searched "gay wigger,"
    or something.

    Very little thought put into it and just a pathetic attempt to get something out of me, It didn't work. I didn't even respond, I feel sometimes with these new kids, I'm too big to respond.

    I destroyed the cunt on his wall a few weeks before hand, and he deleted everything I wrote on his wall out of shame, then he proceeded to delete everything he typed on my wall aswell, he's just another faggot ass Brit who wishes he was Irish.

    Another kid is "pugly!" he deleted alot of stuff I typed on his wall too,
    And it wasn't even pictures of ****, diseased vaginas or hemorrhoids (my usual weapons of choice,)
    It was just straight up owning, the faggot deleted it all...

    You started a new group on here, called: The Money Team. Describe it and it's purpose.

    Not much to it,
    Just a place for Mayweather fans to talk.
    I'm waiting on a sig for all the members then it can kick off,
    Alot of ******ed posters in NSB wanted to join like fellow Irishmen "sugarsean15" I just said No.
    Simple as...
    Dude is a fucking terrible poster.

    It'll be the new Mayweather Mafia, all the old crew seem to be involved.

    When you finally visited America, what were your first and last impressions?

    American people are very friendly.
    The sun is great, the women are great.
    And Vegas is greatest place on the planet, I loved it...

    Santa Monica was brilliant, my friends live there now.

    I visited the Wild Card gym in Hollywood, all-in-all it was a good holiday.
    One thing I found though, is Mexicans are seriously boring,
    They really don't know how to party.
    When we where in clubs, they literally just sat in the corner, looking at eachother, not even talking.

    Fuckin fags....

    I see you in the Drunk Lang, tell me a funny story that occurred when
    you were drunk.

    Too many, I wouldn't know where to start.

    I suppose the last funny one was a few weeks back when I went away for a weekend with a few of my mates,
    It was halloween weekend and we threw a big party.

    We where standing in the middle of the dance floor in the club and we got an empty pint glass.....We passed it around one another and individually pissed into it. Then we just threw it up in the air....

    Fun times...

    You were here for the whole beef of VIP vs Mayweather Mafia, you ended up siding with VIP, why? you were in the Mayweather Mafia before Kev, Dorian and Me..

    I actually was apart of the formation of the VIP mafia,
    Kev and I weren't happy about Larrys ******ation so we confronted him and said we where gonna make a new group, Dorian formed it then and Myself, Yourself, Where the first members.

    We took all the good members from Larrys Mafia, Larry initially kicked me out of his Mafia for shouting him down...
    Last edited by Ether; 12-01-2011, 07:30 PM.

  • #2
    The greatest rapper to ever live, in your honest opinion, and why?

    Honestly I don't much about Rap,
    But Eminem would be the best in my opinion.
    His lyrics speak no other, The main reason I like him is because he got me into Rap, When I was like 13 I bought the Slim Shady LP,
    Then I bought the Marshall Mathers LP, But with all the controversy surrounding it my mom took it off me.

    And said she would give it back to me after she listened!

    Funny part was I remember putting my ear up to the door of her room to see what song she had random picking and it ended up "Ken Keniff" one where is giving some dude head. Was funny as hell.....

    At the moment I like Drake, his scuttle flows are cool and he tells a story with his music, I like that...

    Expose someones alt, right now. You heard me, PB. Spill the beans, rat out someone who is currently using a alt, anyone, do it bro. And not somebody we all already know.

    That pinoy freak "AKO PA HA/magicjordan,"
    Has mountains of alts,
    He was the freak who found how to hack the points system, he set up an alt as "SAGO@GULAMON" who I ran off the forum.

    That guy is straight up weird he was soooooo many alts it's not even funny,
    He's an e-point obsessed faggot.
    You'll notice threads about one of his alts "MR. SMILEY" about how ***y Manny is and stuff, he has another alt "LOLAGE! PWNAGE!" and loads more, thats just off the top of my head.

    They will prob try 'RED KAY' me now

    Also CUNG LE was **** Buffmans alt.

    And "Bombs," is Akyra/Las/Vegas/Vegan101

    You've had a ton of beefs on here, some lasted days, some last even until now,
    which poster is someone you can never be cool with? why?

    Too many, Triggerhapppy is one, he is a delusional ****** who is sickeningly racist,
    He's absolutely brainwashed, he constantly hates on white people but will dissect everything you say in order to try make you look racist, so he can feel sorry for himself...

    Another one lfc19titles, simply a troll who knows nothing about boxing, thought David Haye was gonna ko Wlad in 3 rounds...

    There is way too mention to even think off,
    I don't take the forum seriously but certain people are just beyond ****** I have no time for...

    What are you gonna bring to the lounge as long as you're here?

    I'm not sure, what more I can give...
    Some people see me a troll, a "snitch," a racist,
    Or a "swaggerjacker," I've been called everything.

    I think this forum seriously lacks unique characters,
    People like jack_the_rippuh will never be as active again, which is a pity, they brought a sense of uniqueness to the lounge,
    Derranged aswell, he don't post as much which is a shame, he's a witty funny guy. I think everything is just being recycled, The state of his forum is portrayed in sudden obsession for "Boss Lady,"

    Male users are following her around like puppy dogs and it's pathetic.
    She ain't even hot at all, It says alot about the type of people who post here now, Anyone spends time with women in the real world wouldn't look twice at the girl, But it's the ones who don't have a social life and don't spend time with women who are currently giving her the attention she wants...

    It's says alot about the type of people on here now...

    Who would you like to see me interview, next?

    My good friend BostonGuy

    Thanks, PB.

    Thanks, Etha.


    • #3
      And it wasn't even pictures of ****, diseased vaginas or hemorrhoids (my usual weapons of choice)



      • #4

        I am honoured to have quite a few mentions in your interview. Cheers


        • #5
          You forgot to ask him why is he a huge c.unt.


          • #6
            thats funny ****


            • #7
              Hahahaha, this one was a good one. Made me laugh at some parts. lol, I had a feeling about Bombs though. Interesting view on the lounge with Boss Lady too.

              Good interview


              • #8
                A great interview from Bscene king and best poster to ever post PB32.


                • #9
                  Lol thanks for the mention.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TriggerHapppy:) View Post
                    You forgot to ask him why is he a huge c.unt.
                    Get back to work, bum ass janitor.

