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Two gems from WV2 Twitter account (other than calling Nonitos wife a PIG)

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  • #21
    Screw him. He's a damn bum.

    Please, people from the "barrios" are actually humble and hardworking. This whole "projects" attitude and culture is laughable.


    • #22
      Poor? this kid don't know what poor is..He makes a big deal about beating a green Sonsona, sad! His first real fight was Arce and he got whooped. I do think he has a chance with Donaire.If he can take his power or just plays safety first then attack later he might win and surprise people.


      • #23
        Originally posted by Casual_Fan View Post
        1. Against Puertoricans not from projects (the majority) and against the press for trying to make him a star

        Naa yo y mi Sra. Somos de barrio la de urba se caguen en sus madres!!  mi sra vale mas q todas juntas me ama por lo q hago por ella y mi hija y no por lo q la mierda de prensa quiere hacer q me vean como estrella

        A ultima hora quiero q sepan q represento realmente a mi gente del barrio y CASERIO y no a todos los masca bola q se lucran de mi éxito para decir q son boricuas #apuntateesedato
        Mi CASERIO 4 life aunq llegue a la luna sigo siendo del CASERIO FULL!!


        Me and my wife, we are from the project. Those who are not from the hood can **** on their own mothers. My wife is worth more than all the other women combined because she loves me for what I do for her and my daughter, and not for what the **** press wants, who wants other to see me as a star.

        At the end I want people to know that I really represent people from the hood, and not every testicle muncher who uses my triumphs to say he is boricua.

        2. All-out attack against fan after someone said that Nonito is too big and strong @ 122 and that Nonito is fast and hits hard

        Así decían de sonsona y me les vine en el culo a todos y esta nova hacer la ecepsion por q mientras los deseos de ustedes son negativos yo los convierto positivo para dar un resultado a mi favor y después vengan donde mi a mamaria el popo RT

        Que mucho MAMABICHO hipócrita hay!!! Pero saben q ustedes no medan nada y me importa un
        Cojon si vas a mi o no por q lo q realmente me importa es q mi esposa y mi nena estén bien y su apoyo es el real y es el q me interesa...#apuntateesedato


        You all said the same thing about Sonsona, and I came in your ass*s and this time will not be the exception. You negative desires I turn into positives and they you all will come here to suck my d*ck.

        How many hypocrite c*cksuckers there are. But you give me nothing and I don't give a testicle if you cheer me or not, because I only really care about my wife and daughter being good, and their support is real and that's the one I care about.

        Fan then told him that he wishes that Nonito beats him, and that Cotto is better than him.
        Sounds like he's takin it up the a$$.


        • #24
          Inclusion of wives in boxing trashtalk is very low.


          • #25
            lol whats wrong with this kid


            • #26
              Originally posted by Chups View Post
              Inclusion of wives in boxing trashtalk is very low.
              Well at least he didnt bring up kids or mothers.


              • #27
                Originally posted by Chups View Post
                Inclusion of wives in boxing trashtalk is very low.
                Yeah, **** this guy (wv2).


                • #28
                  He call's Donaire's wife a pig? Damn, i can't wait for this fight, Donaire will surely do anything to knock his head off.

                  Originally posted by shadeyfizzle View Post
                  I don't follow this dude's career but how in the world can he be from the project with all the success daddy had in his career???

                  And lol at him saying his wife is worth more than all the other women while calling donaire's wife a pig when donaire's wife is a multiple time olympic gold medalist
                  For real? Didn't know that man. I'm sure she's not.


                  • #29
                    Cant wait now


                    • #30
                      WV2 is a thug, just shat on everyone. This'll look a lot better if he actually wins though.

                      I hope Wilfredo wins, cause all cherrypickers need to lose. That goes for May and Pac too if their next fight is a cherrypick.

