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The TRUTH why GOD allows Suffering...

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  • #81
    Lets say this is true.

    Then why did god give dinosaurs cancer ?

    Did they sin also ? or was it because of Adam and Eves sin that hadn't happened yet ?


    • #82
      Originally posted by MindGame View Post

      This is the first Threat I've written in the Lounge, I've only replied to posts here though I've written threads in the main forum that were 100% boxing related...
      This website is a escape from life's stresses for me... A place to decompress and follow the Sweet Science...

      Many here express anger with God and seem to blame God for all things wrong in this World... I feel compelled to share with you what I believe to be the TRUTH... There is much to cover, I'll write a thorough explanation, but This is the condensed Biblical cliff notes version of how/why God allows suffering and related issues....


      Heaven is a Spiritual Realm, not a Physical World...
      GOD created everything Perfect.... Lucifer was also Perfect, a powerful Angel... Lucifer corrupted himself through SELFISH PRIDE ... Lucifer wanted to be Higher than GOD, to overthrow GOD and rule himself... Lucifer devised Lies (Jesus described Lucifer as the Father of Lies.) as a means to introduce SELFISH PRIDE to the Angelic beings in Heaven...

      The was the litmus test for the Angels...
      1/3 of the Angels believed Lucifer's Lies and were corrupted with insatiable SELFISH desire to overthrow GOD and take all creation for themselves....

      But GOD'S True nature is SELFLESS and Speaks TRUTH.... 2/3 of the Angels in Heaven Rejected Lucifer's Lies and temptation to be SELFISH with SELFLESS TRUTH reflecting the nature of GOD their Father... GOD creates a physical place solely intended for Lucifer (Now Satan) and his now fallen Angels, (Now Demons) The Lake of Fire/ Hell...

      THE BIG BANG...

      GOD created the physical Universe in a single instant, science calls this the THE BIG BANG Theory... GOD creates the Earth with Hell being under the Earth....


      GOD first created the Plants and Animals before Adam and Eve... GOD created the Garden of Eden with fruitful trees of every kind for For Food... GOD aslo created the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil....

      In the image of GOD Body, Soul and Spirit (WITH A HEART SELFLESS AND SPEAKING TRUTH) GOD created Adam, the first Man...
      GOD gave Adam Dominion over the Earth and everything in it... The Earth was in Perfect Harmony and there was no Sin or Death... (Satan introduced Sin to his fellow fallen angels, thus the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil before the creation of Man.)
      The Animal kingdom was also in Harmony and they did not kill/eat each other... The Earth was filled with a mist continuously, not rain... GOD knew Adam was lonely and from Adam GOD created Woman and Adam named her EVE...

      GOD told Adam and Eve every fruit in the Garden of Eden was food for them except the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.... Warning them that if they eat from the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil the shall surely die....

      THE FALL OF MAN...

      Satan used the same temptation tactic on Eve as he used on the Angels of Heaven...
      Through Lies Satan in the form of a serpent, tempted Eve with SELFISH desire... Asking Eve why she didn't eat from the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil ???
      Eve told Satan that GOD said all fruits from every tree in Eden are food for them except the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, being warned that if they did eat of that fruit they shall surely die...

      Satan told Eve to look at the ftuit and see that it is good to eat and that she would not die but be as GOD, knowing Good from Evil... Eve then desired the fruit and did eat it... Then she knew Good from Evil and enticed Adam to also eat the fruit tempting Adam repeating Satan's words...
      Adam then desired and did eat the fruit...


      (This can't be over stressed, Man's Heart is now corrupted... Man's Heart now SELFISH and feeds off of Self Gratification... Now Satan has taken Dominion over the Earth from Adam... Now all of Adam's descendants will be born with a desperately wicked Heart in the image of Adam their father... Satan becomes the Prince of the Air and god of this World...)


      (Metaphorically, being warned that eating poison will result in the consequence of death, Satan Lies and says the consequence of eating that poison is to be as GOD and eternal life... Don't blame GOD who warned you of the consequences blame Satan who Lied to you about the consequences... If you touch fire, it will painfully burn you.... Don't blame GOD for this Pain, blame the one who told you to touch it....)

      GOD calls Adam and Eve, they say they are hiding because they were naked... GOD asks them who told them that they were naked, did they eat of the fruit of the tree they were warned no to eat ??? Adam points to Eve and Eve points the Satan in the form of a serpent...
      GOD MAKES A COVERING FOR THEIR NAKEDNESS FROM INNOCENT ANIMAL SKINS... (This is the foreshadow of innocent JESUS SELFLESSLY Sacrificing Himself for Salvation of Mankind while Speaking the TRUTH ...)


      GOD tells Adam the Earth will no longer easily give up its fruit to him.... The mist will be lifted from the Earth, (Thus the rain) and by the sweat of Adam's brow will he toil for food... The Earth is cursed, death, disease and predation are introduced..
      God tells Eve that she shall have pain in childbirth, that her desire will be to control her husband but her husband will rule over her.... (But GOD also gave Eve a prophecy of Triumph in GOD'S rebuke of Satan...)
      GOD tells them that as He warned them, that they Shall Surely Die, that they were made from dust and onto dust they shall return...
      GOD tell the serpent that no longer will he have legs but on its belly it will slither eating the dusts of the Earth...
      (Then the prophecy.) GOD tells Satan that because he tempted Women, out of a Woman will his head be crushed (JESUS) and his head will bruise her heel....
      Then GOD cast Adam & Eve out from the Garden of Eden....


      Simple, becsuse Man choose it...
      GOD labored to Create everything Perfectly for Humanity... GOD gave of Himself, His Spirit (Life itself) and Soul (Our reasoning consciousness) GOD is long suffering to give us His Body also (JESUS) as a opportunity to return to our original state, SELFLESS AND SPEAKING TRUTH...

      Adam gave up Dominion over the Earth to Satan.... Satan introduced diseases, natural calamity, animal predation and the list goes on...
      Satan told Jesus when tempting Jesus, that all the Kingdom's of the Earth were given to Satan to lift and lower those as he pleases and offered all to JESUS, but was rejected.... Satan was allowed to afflict Job, his children and possessions Satan destroyed and ultimately Job's body but not onto Death... But Job resisted blaming GOD knowing Satan is the root of all Evils...

      Man's Heart is now SELFISH and full of desire to satisfy these SELFISH desires by varying degrees depending on how Wicked each individual actually is...

      Mankind choose to touch the Fire, GOD warned us it would burn.... Satan spreads disease and catastrophe.... Satan is responsible for all EVIL... Satan and all his Demons have their own SELFISH desires that they satisfy through us, humanity... Don't blame GOD when a Man chooses to drive Drunk and Kills soneone...

      GOD turns the Evil of Satan and his Demons into opportunities for TRUTH...
      The Rain falls on the just and the unjust...
      If GOD were stop this then GOD would be going back on His Word... Every time you jump out of a airplane at 30,000 feet, you die... Don't blame GOD for these consequences....

      The Wages for Sin is Death...
      We are dust and onto dust we shall return... A Man is appointed once to die, no reincarnation....


      All innocent animal sacrifices in the Old Testament were Atonement for Sin... You know why there are no longer any innocent animal sacrifices for the atonement of sin ???

      Because the prophecy that GOD gave Eve has been fulfilled.... GOD left Heaven and became a Man, born of a Woman... GOD came to crush the head of Satan while being bruised for our iniquity...

      Read the first few lines of the Gospel of John...
      GOD shows everyone His True SELFLESS nature... In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD... GOD was made Flesh and dwelled among us full of Grace and Truth... JESUS IS GOD, THE BODY OF GOD IN THE FORM OF A MAN...

      As foretold all over in the Old Testament, JESUS CHRIST came into this World to be the Innocent Blood Sacrifice at the hands of Man in order to take the consequence of Death that was pronounced upon man in the Garden of Eden...

      As Adam and Eve believed Satan's Lies and their Hearts turned from GOD'S SELFLESS TRUTH, being transformed from Satan's Lies into Satan's SELFISH nature...

      GOD is always knocking on the door to your Heart,...
      Each one of us must reject Satan's Lies and overcome our SELFISH Heart and believe GOD'S TRUTH to Cover their nakedness of Sin with the Atoning Blood of JESUS... Then Your Heart will Feed off of TRUTH and develop a SELFLESS Heart... When a person does this the SPIRIT OF GOD enters their Heart... The SPIRIT OF GOD is the Great Comforter, it will lead them and teach them TRUTH...

      They will become hypersensitive to Sin, recognizing it when temptation materializes... Sin becomes much easier to resist... When that person does fall to temptation the Spirit of GOD in their Heart is grieved and they feel it... We are still human will fall from time to time, but will get back up and continue on the path... He who does persevere until the end shall be saved...

      At this point Satan is now Knocking at the door of that persons new transformed Heart...
      As long as we live on Earth in our physical bodies, we are subject to temptation... But you're not alone anymore...
      Originally posted by MindGame View Post
      It's inconsequential, but this might be my 2nd or 3rd thread posted in the Lounge ??? Who keep track of such things...

      I'm going to edit this post to answer questions presented to me.... This being the first reply post, will make it convenient to find...

      I don't have that much time to answer everything all at once. But will get to each question , one at a time... Hopefully I'll get to them all, it might take a while....
      All these answers are biblical in nature...

      Post #3
      Siablo 14, you're up first... My replies in the order of your questions...

      Lucifer was created perfect but having to capacity to corrupt himself.
      Someone might have a perfectly functioning body, but if they willingly consume lethal poison, that body won't be perfectly functioning anymore, it will be corrupted...
      Lucifer's Pride was his poison... His question, if it were possible to destroy GOD and replace GOD with himself, would he do it... This question became his Selfish desire... The answer is to be to GOD as GOD was to him...

      Of course GOD was aware of Lucifer's Rebellion... But each Angel had to decide for themselves who they will believe and follow... GOD allowed the Angels to decide... Their question was the same... Would they be to GOD as GOD was to them or adapt Lucifer's Self serving desire to destroy GOD...

      GOD knew Lucifer would corrupt himself the same way we know what will happen in a movie we've already seen before... Every time we watch that movie we see that the exact same thing happens.... We know what will happen but we aren't the ones who made it happen... We know Jaws dies in the end of the movie, but we didn't make it happen...

      Post # 4
      Siablo 14 the next set.....
      You quote Genesis 1:24-27 and Genesis 2:18-22 suggesting they disagree... They agree perfectly, there is no contradiction... You are confusing WHAT and WHEN GOD made us with the details of HOW GOD made us... Are you googling the Bible ???
      Read the real thing, try the New International Version (NIV) Bible, it's not Old English...

      Genesis 1:24-27 describes WHAT GOD made and WHEN he made it on the 6th day... Animals first on the 6th day then Man & Woman later that day... The Bible did not say GOD made Man and Woman simultaneously, only that they were made on the same day...

      Genesis 2 describes the details HOW GOD made Man in Genesis 2:7 GOD made Man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into Man making Man a living Soul...
      In Genesis 2:19 "Now the Lord GOD had formed out of the ground all beasts" (You see PAST TENSE, they were already formed/created.. ) GOD brought these to Adam to name... Adam did but was lonely, then GOD created Eve from Adam in Genesis 2: 21-22...

      Finally, we are not Animals... We were created in the image of GOD with a Body, Soul & Spurit the Animals were not...
      Genesis 2: 7 Man became a living Soul..
      Animals were not created with a Soul and are not made in the image of GOD...

      Post # 7 & 8
      Siablo 14, Your next 2 posts are much more sarcastic rants then actual questions...
      Look, GOD'S not sending babies to Hell... GOD alone is our/their Judge... Have a little Faith...

      No, GOD is not to blame... Just because GOD created laws of nature and GOD knows what's going to happen if you break them doesn't mean He's making it happen...
      If you try to breath water instead of air, you'll drown.... You expect GOD to say "Just Kidding", Breath Water if you want, I'll suspend the laws of nature for you...

      Unlike us, GOD keeps His Word and will never break it or Lie.... That is why GOD chose to come to Earth as JESUS in the Body of a Man to endure the Judgement/Consequences for Sin in our Place... GOD pronounced the consequence of death as the penalty for Sin... So GOD came to Earth as JESUS and Sacrificed Himself for the Salvation of Mankind.... GOD'S not asking for much, seek Him in sincerity...

      GOD describes our lives being very short, like a mist in the air that is here one second and gone the next...
      In this short life we endure the suffering because our ancestors were deceived into choosing it... Get over it and Man up, whining about it gets you nowhere... But we have this whole life to answer the knock from Christ on our Hearts door... Then all of eternity to live as GOD originally created us to live....

      Post # 9
      Siablo 14, the question for links.
      Satan causes diseases natural calamity and so on... The Demons are the spirits of disease... There's way too many examples to list, but here's a few...

      Read Job chapter 1 & 2... (You could read the whole book ya know...)
      In Job 1: 9-19 Satan tells GOD that Job is only faithful because GOD is protecting him... GOD then ALLOWS Satan to afflict Job, but not allowing Satan to hurt Job's body... Then Satan causes calamities...

      Verse 15, a invasion stealing oxen and donkeys and killing Jobs workers with the sword..
      Verse 16 Fire from heaven destroyed Job's sheep and workers there, sounds like a meteor shower or small asteroid...
      Verse 17 another invasion stealing Job's camels and killing jobs workers with the sword...
      Verse 18 a great wind destroyed the house where Job's children were, killing them all, sounds like a tornado...

      But Job remain faithful and did not blame GOD... (Unlike many here seem to do over far less)

      Job 2: 4-6 Then Satan told GOD that Job was only faithful because his body was unharmed and then GOD allowed Satan to harm Job's body but not kill him...
      Verse 7 Then Satan covers Job's body with painful sores from head to foot...
      But Job still didn't blame God...

      The New Testament is filled with examples of JESUS casting out evil spirits and demons in healing people...

      Matthew 12: 22 A possessed man who was both deaf and blind was brought to JESUS and He healed the man casting out the Demon...

      Luke 13: 11-13 A woman was crippled by a Spirit for 18 years, hunched over and could not straighten up JESUS healed her..
      Luke 13: 14 The Pharisees were mad at JESUS for healing her on the Sabbath..

      Mark 9: 17-18 Jesus was braught a boy who was both deaf & mute and would fall to the ground foaming at the mouth and grinding his teath..Sounding a whole lot like epileptic seizures boy...

      Mark 9: 25 -27 JESUS commanded the deaf and dumb Spirit to leave the boy and never return, the spitit cast out and the boy was healed...
      Mark: 29 A side note, JESUS told his disciples that this Spirit only comes out through prayer and fasting...

      Post # 11
      Siablo 14, this is your last one....

      Relax..... No, you have not committed any unforgivable sin... The Bible is clear as to what sin a man can commit that is Unforgivable....None of us alive today are capable of this sin....

      It's called blasphemy against the HOLY SPIRIT... It was committed only in the time of Jesus.... It was watching Jesus commit a miracle, usually healing or raising the Dead... Then telling people that JESUS was only able to heal through the power of Satan because He was possessed by Satan.... Ok, we are done...

      I like how God keeps things so simple.


      • #83
        Originally posted by KovalevGGG View Post
        it has to be washed away by baptism and even then some countries arent loyal enough to the lord to be forgven which is why they suffer.
        so these innocent children who died even before they get baptized got to go to heaven or not?


        • #84
          Originally posted by Thraxox View Post
          Adam and eve's c

          Your analogy is incorrect because the children are already present with the father and was accounted also with the father, Adam's children were never present to be accounted for anything .

          With your analogy, it would mean that GOD MUST put the every children of adam and eve back into paradise, because they didn't commit the crime of their father.

          The correct analogy is that a guy working in a great company with a high paying job, then because he didn't to work X, the boss fired him and he can't find a job that matched his original job, so then his future wife and children did not have the luxury they should have had the father was not fired.
          Wouldn't a better analogy be a tweak of Semigreat's original?

          A man and woman commit a crime, both are thrown in jail for life. They have kids and they grow up in jail and so do all of their descendents from then on.


          • #85
            Originally posted by Dr Kewl Hair View Post
            Wouldn't a better analogy be a tweak of Semigreat's original?

            A man and woman commit a crime, both are thrown in jail for life. They have kids and they grow up in jail and so do all of their descendents from then on.
            No because God never punished Adam and eve's children. They were blessed in their lives.


            • #86
              Originally posted by Rip Chudd View Post
              Not at all, He is just and loving. So much so that even though he created you and could of made you a mindless drone just to serve him he gave you free will instead. Wouldn't be love if He didn't give you a choice. You have obviously made your choice (a bad one in my opinion) but you do have the right to make it
              That freewill is limited. I can't fly, I can't use my mind to control things, I can't make my dick stay hard however much I want to. That "freewill" is limited. That means God could have added other limits such take away our ability to be greedy, take away our ability to lust at our neighbor's wife, take away our ability to not care for others, etc. Why didn't he add other limits to the freewill he gave us? The current freewill is quite limited if you ask me.


              • #87
                Originally posted by Rip Chudd View Post
                Not at all, He is just and loving. So much so that even though he created you and could of made you a mindless drone just to serve him he gave you free will instead. Wouldn't be love if He didn't give you a choice. You have obviously made your choice (a bad one in my opinion) but you do have the right to make it
                No. I can't make it right. I have committed the unforgivable sin.


                • #88
                  Originally posted by KovalevGGG View Post
                  heathens burn in hell god has love but if we turn him away we fall it the devils paws. like you said god knew there would be suffering but he respected us enough to let us decide what we do and who lives and who dies. theres no other way to decide who gets into heaven or hell and thats what the heathen forgets to say.

                  if babies die without the washing of sin then they go to hell because they pay for the original sin. the devil got them through the other people. they were always going to be demons. the ones that survive are future angels as long as they stay kneeling to the lord. the heathen was supposed to be an angel but the devil has him now.
                  When are you going to grow up? Joke!


                  • #89
                    Originally posted by megas30 View Post
                    He's talking bull****. In Isaiah 45:7 God acknowledge he created evil.
                    Good looking out. Isaiah 45:7

                    "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."


                    • #90
                      Originally posted by The Noose View Post
                      I like how God keeps things so simple.
                      Hey what number post is this?

                      I can't find it to reply.

