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Your thoughts on wrestlemania 30

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  • Your thoughts on wrestlemania 30

    I think this years wrestlemania should be pretty good, at least on paper..

    I like the hhh-Bryan fight with winner in the Bautista-orton fight

    Cena-Wyatt should be great fight and I can see cena putting Wyatt over,, also think we could see the rock do a run-in and save cena from the Wyatt family

    Undertaker-lesner won't be as good as other streak matches but best case scenario is it's on par with Bautista-taker from a few years ago...

    I really like the young talent in wwe right now, and think the mid card talent is as good as it was in 97-98 when we had young Austin, rock, hhh, mankind, new age outlaws, etc becoming big stars.. I see the same with ziggler, bray, shield, cesero, etc.. A lot of good young talent

    The battle royal should be cool if they have some old school guys like rvd in it..

    Another cool thing would be to start the sting-taker wrestlemania 31 hype with the stin logo hitting the Titantron screen when taker is celebrating his victory, don't show sting, but just his logo,, this would draw huge anticipation for next years event

  • #2
    Have tried watching WWE lately, but I can't watch a full Raw show...the WWE is crap now a days. The only way to stay afloat is by bringing back the legends of the Attitude Era!

    Nothing will ever top the WWF from 1997-2000...young Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Kane, The Rock, The original and complete 6 member DX, The Nation, The Brawl For All segments...

    If anything, I'm just interested in watching The Undertaker defend his streak.


    • #3
      Originally posted by -Huey- View Post
      Have tried watching WWE lately, but I can't watch a full Raw show...the WWE is crap now a days. The only way to stay afloat is by bringing back the legends of the Attitude Era!

      Nothing will ever top the WWF from 1997-2000...young Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Kane, The Rock, The original and complete 6 member DX, The Nation, The Brawl For All segments...

      If anything, I'm just interested in watching The Undertaker defend his streak.
      When did u start watching wrestling, was it around that time,, that was the best ever from 95-01 with the Monday night wars, and ecw..

      I started watching mid 80s and thought that was the best.. I think that whenever u started watching as a kid, u will always believe that is the best time, but in reality, it was you were just a kid, and it was the first time you see something you think it's great, but after many years u realize they pretty much do the same thing over and over


      • #4
        Originally posted by -Huey- View Post
        If anything, I'm just interested in watching The Undertaker defend his streak.
        Spoiler alert : He's not really defending anything and he'll "win" again.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ßringer View Post
          Spoiler alert : He's not really defending anything and he'll "win" again.
          Lol.. Yeah they make money off this streak every year.. It's become a main part of mw, and I don't see them ending it anytime soon, unless it's vs cena and cena turns heel... That would bring a huge amount of heat on cena, which is good for a bad guy...


          • #6
            I tried watching the RAW show this week, couldn't do it. They had Rowdy Roddy Piper doing a segment, "Piper's Pit", and it seems they're doing an Andre the Giant memorial Royal Rumble at WM30, most likely set up for Big Show to win.

            Plus I highly doubt Undertaker will ever lose, he's set up now to end his career as a legend and not like Ric Flair who practically bled for every one of his last fights I can remember watching as a kid


            • #7
              Originally posted by SlySlickSmooth View Post
              I tried watching the RAW show this week, couldn't do it. They had Rowdy Roddy Piper doing a segment, "Piper's Pit", and it seems they're doing an Andre the Giant memorial Royal Rumble at WM30, most likely set up for Big Show to win.

              Plus I highly doubt Undertaker will ever lose, he's set up now to end his career as a legend and not like Ric Flair who practically bled for every one of his last fights I can remember watching as a kid
              I just started watching again right before the royal rumble in January, and they have a lot of great young talent, Ambrose, Rollins, roman reigns, cesero, Bryan, bray Wyatt,, I think this is the beginning of a good era if they let these guys shine...


              • #8
                I actually think its trash. Its pretty bad when the crowd has to heckle the hell out of you to get Bryan the WWE title. Lesnar-Taker is ******ed as there's no chance Lesnar beats the streak as a part time estler who appears every six months. Would have been 1,000x better back in the early 00's when Lesnar was a badass if Taker had the streak thing then because Lesnar was whooping his ass all over the place back then. If anything its bad for Takers health as Lesnar is a rough guy to work with and rusty.

                Shield vs Kane, Outlawss so damn random and pointless. Total waste of all their talent.

                Bray vs Cena would be so sick if Bray went over. He's clearly the top heel and best thing they have going right now. There is no way this happens. Bray could shoot Cena in the face with a gun, behead him with a machete, and light him on fire yet still lose to the 5 moves of DOOM! Cena is rumored to be pushed hard after Mania as usual which is a HUGE MISTAKE, Bray is so good on the mic. Yet Cena will win to please 10% of the crowd, all women and children.(I know children are a big part of the audience right now but its Mania, casuals rule this and hardcores flood the place.

                Divas are ***y but awful, Big show will win the battle royal which is completely ******ed as Big Show is so irrelevant and terrible its a total waste. Best case scenario they use it to put somebody over, hopefully Reigns or Cesaro.

                Best case scenario, Punk returns....or this will be total garbage. WWE is ******ed.


                • #9
                  I'm not that interested.

                  The whole Bryan thing has dragged out way too long, and is only happening because Punk walked out, otherwise bryan would be facing sheamus

                  It's way too predictable, Bryan is going to beat HHH, but get beat down in the aftermath then come out all ****** up in the main event but end up winning. 100% guarenteed.

                  I like a bit of unpredictability in my mania main events


                  • #10
                    I hope HHH beats Bryan.. perhaps steph helps

                    Hogan makes it a fatal 4 way..

                    HHH goes over Bryan in the main event..

                    The crying would be glorious...

                    I read through the raw results these days.. if there is something interesting i check it on youtube..

                    I don't get the love for Bryan.. he looks like a homeless bum.. he can't talk great and 100% srs.. i a guy who works alot and works out 2-3 times a week is in better shape

