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Education level of states that voted red or blue

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  • #21
    Its just a statistical anomaly


    • #22
      This doesn't mean anything. Unless it's Hillsdale College (which doesn't accept federal funding to stay independent)I'm generally not impressed. Not with their political opinion anyway.

      I've seen a documentary a while back...with a camera crew going to Universities to ask student about politics. Asking a few who the vice president is...and they didn't know it. And everyone knows about Academia's bias towards Big Govt. ideologies and preference to Central planning.

      But keep patting yourselves on the back if it makes you feel smarter or in the smart camp.


      • #23
        Originally posted by Uncle Kadyo View Post
        Hahaha and you mentioned statistics haha. You're actually using what statisticians call lying with statistics by citing a selected group to back up your argument which will result into a bias.
        Just calling a spade a spade brother, idiots exist everywhere, even in the educated circle.

        Originally posted by DTMB View Post
        just because you know a couple of people that are like this doesnt make it the norm.

        & being ******* isnt a bad thing.
        edit:before i get too far into my rant, i dont see being *******(socially atleast) as being a bad thing. I do see being ******* fiscally as foolish. Ultimately, what has made this country so great is the comingling of the two ideals, in the form of checks and balances.

        What im essentially trying to say, is nothing about a college education makes one any more informed, specifically politically, than the next guy. Everybody is fed bull****, and few can see past it.

        Was just watching real time with bill maher, a show i can barely stand to watch once in a blue moon because of the ******ity and ******* circle jerk. A quote that i just heard that stands out to me 'bill clinton raised taxes and it created 22 millions jobs' dot com boom created millions of jobs and clinton merely raised taxes at the right time. They want to bash bush for drone strikes, all the while ignoring the fact that ***** has ordered 5 times more drone strikes than bush did. Before i get too far into any rant, im going to stop and hopefully my point resonates, just because one is 'educated' doesnt mean they cant fall for some b.s.

        Btw, that looks like an edumacated person in your sig lol

        Originally posted by Cuauhtémoc1520 View Post
        That is such a ridiculous and simplistic way to look at things. A degree isn't some "piece of paper"

        Are there some degrees that are worthless? Sure but the world is changing and becoming more technically advanced and the jobs that are high paying are requiring degrees.

        Your home computer isn't going to teach you anything in that regard. If you got nothing from college, that sucks for you but it has for millions of people and there are millions more coming from out of country just to have the opportunity to study here in the States.
        Point beingg, nothing about education prevents one from being a misinformed ignorant fool when it comes to politics.

        I got alot from college, most in the math and science fields. The rest, was by and large filler b.s. and a waste of time. My philosophy class went like this; ' i want you guys to think outside the box, think for yourselves'.....proceeds to teach us how we should think. And apparently, judging from my writing class, im supposed to live in guilt for being white.


        • #24
          Originally posted by One_Tycoon View Post
          This doesn't mean anything. Unless it's Hillsdale College (which doesn't accept federal funding to stay independent)I'm generally not impressed. Not with their political opinion anyway.

          I've seen a documentary a while back...with a camera crew going to Universities to ask student about politics. Asking a few who the vice president is...and they didn't know it. And everyone knows about Academia's bias towards Big Govt. ideologies and preference to Central planning.

          But keep patting yourselves on the back if it makes you feel smarter or in the smart camp.
          So following your logic, use only schools which accept only private funding.
          A school renown as a pillar of "American Conservatism"
          GTFO you're the same as the ********, you are biased as hell.
          Of course the majority of the school will 'll vote **********.

          Jesus, this is the type of quarrels that divide the country and doesn't help to get **** done.


          • #25
            Originally posted by DUnknown1 View Post
            So following your logic, use only schools which accept only private funding.
            A school renown as a pillar of "American Conservatism"
            GTFO you're the same as the ********, you are biased as hell.
            Of course the majority of the school will 'll vote **********.

            Jesus, this is the type of quarrels that divide the country and doesn't help to get **** done.
            Of course I'm biased....towards Free Market Capitalism that is. My name should tell you that. I never pretended to be a Journalist.

            I'm biased towards Capitalism and freedom. Individual freedom, fiscally or otherwise. But other then that I'm independent. If a ********** doesn't follow the script and embrace Capitalism, a small Govt that doesn't get in the way of said Capitalism, no taxes.....I generally don't support him.

            It's about the ideology not the party.


            • #26
              Originally posted by DUnknown1 View Post

              Jesus, this is the type of quarrels that divide the country and doesn't help to get **** done.

              Doesn't help get **** done? If done means more govt. and more bills passed that undermine freedom and enterprise...then it's better that **** doesn't get done. Sometime nothing being done at all is more productive then something horrible being done in the name of...."we got something done in a bi-partisan matter".


              • #27
                Originally posted by Cuauhtémoc1520 View Post

                I keep hearing on Foxnews from Hannity, O'reilly and all the others how the dumb people voted, how the people that want "stuff" voted for *****.

                All the other smart people wanted Romney.
                Epic pwnage in this post of GOPers, Fox News et al.


                • #28
                  Originally posted by akScoundrel View Post
                  Point beingg, nothing about education prevents one from being a misinformed ignorant fool when it comes to politics.

                  I got alot from college, most in the math and science fields. The rest, was by and large filler b.s. and a waste of time. My philosophy class went like this; ' i want you guys to think outside the box, think for yourselves'.....proceeds to teach us how we should think. And apparently, judging from my writing class, im supposed to live in guilt for being white.
                  So because your experience of college was BS dribble except for science and math, you lump everyone's experience as the same?

                  Come on man, don't be angry because I showed the least educated states tend to vote **********. The poorest people in this country in the south, vote against their own interest. Makes no sense to me.


                  • #29
                    For supposed ******** a lot of you all sure do love to stereotype the south and ***** up your own intellectual superiority in comparison. Some of the chillest posters on this board are from there. What's the point of everyone on here constantly ****ting on each other?


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by Miburo View Post
                      For supposed ******** a lot of you all sure do love to stereotype the south and ***** up your own intellectual superiority in comparison. Some of the chillest posters on this board are from there. What's the point of everyone on here constantly ****ting on each other?
                      i agree. i know it doesn't seem like it based on the amount of forum skirmishes that I have had but I do.

                      now go get your phuckin' shine box!

