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Have you ever been caught cheating?

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  • #11
    I don't care what anyone says anyone would cheat if one of the finest women you have ever seen was spread eagle wanting it.


    • #12
      I have never cheated on my girl, but at one time, about a year ago, we were having problems. She was being a b*tch all of the time, would always be in pissy moods, and just argue all of the time.

      I would constantly let her know that I wasnt happy, and that if it continued, I could, and would find another girl who would appreciate me.

      Well it continued, and I started talking and texting my best friends cousin, who was fine as hell, and who I had clicked with from the first time that we had met. My girl hated this girl with a passion, but at the time, we were going through the same ****. Me with my girl, and her with her dude.

      Long story short, I ended up going to lunch with her, and talked a lot, and almost fell for her. My girl caught a random text one time, and she got pissed. She tried to punch me, hit me, and get in my face. I calmly explained to her again, that I wasnt happy, and that the way she had been treating me that last couple of months, is what made me talk to her. I never ****ed her, never kissed her, but we connected so perfect.

      My girl was mad for a few days, but I think she realized that she was the root of everything that had happened, and apologized for being how she was being.

      I didnt want to break up after 8 years, and Im glad we didnt. But I am glad that she found out that I was talking to that girl because it totally changed how my girl has acted, and we havent had any problems since.


      • #13
        Originally posted by ANDROIDISM View Post
        Man I cheated and got caught in the worst Efin way and still to this day feel bad about it (was about 6 years ago).

        Had a great GF for almost 2 years. She was great to me, beautiful, great body, very nice and charming she was just a great GF to me! Well i was about 23 at the time and she was about 26 so there was some differences in maturity between her and I with me obviously being less mature, not sure where we wer really going with our relationship and I had/have some friends that were/are a bad influence on me but nevertheless my boys.

        Long story that i'll try to make short

        We end up moving in together and have been living with each other for about 6 months. The reason I moved in was because my commute to work was like 45 minutes one way. Moving in with her cut it down to about 15 each way.

        She surprises me with tickets to catch a Golden State Warriors game for my birthday so we spend the weekend in the Bay area and catch the game. Taking lots of picture throughout the weekend. We had a great time at the game and in the bay.

        about a week later I get a call from one of my boys inviting me over to his place because he has females coming over that want to party. I tell my GF that I'm going to hang out with my buddy (who she knows) for a while and I'll be back I wont be long.

        Well one of the girls that ends up being there is a girl I used to have a casual relationship with. We drink and hang out and flirt and talk about how we used to hang out all the time. After a couple hours of drinking and bullzhiting she asks me if my buddy has an extra room. I take her into the room and we start making out and undressing each other. I grab my cell phone and start messing around telling her I want to take pictures of us. To my surprise she was for it!

        I start taking pictures of her azz and D's and take pictures of me kissing on her neck and *******. She starts masturbating and I get off her and take pictures of her doing it. I then take pictures of her going down on me then put the phone away and go at it with her.

        anyways it's past midnight and after we've been done for about an hour we both get up and get ready to leave my boys house. I get home to my GF and she's asleep in the ***en living room which I found EXTREMELY rare! She's completely under the blankets and thought she maybe fell asleep on the couch or was waiting for me. She plays the shes waking up roll and asks me what time it is and why im home so late. I tell her I was with my boys and we were hanging out playing poker and it got late.

        Well she throws the blanket off of her and says " OH YEA?!!!" "WHEN THEN WHAT THE *** IS THIS???!!!!"

        She had printed out EVERY ***EN PICTURE that i had just taken with that girl having ***!!

        How did she do that????

        Her and I had Sprint together under her name. I had no idea that Sprint had this thing called Picturemail! When you take a picture from you Sprint device, Sprint thought it would be a good idea to automatically upload that picture online to your picturemail! So she was su****ious of me and logged on to our sprint account and went to the picturemail website and was seeing EVERY SINGLE PICTURE I was taking. She obviously new of this feature, I didn't!

        Needless to say I was ***ed, caught red handed, and had nothing to say but apologize for doing this to her. She was crying, I ended up crying cause I felt so bad and it was just a huge mess. She ended up going to the room and leaving me in the living room. I slept on the couch and woke up early in the morning and went to knock on her door and she as gone. She left me a note asking me to please be gone by this afternoon.

        I pack my belonging and move out. We still talked for a couple weeks after that. Mostly it was her asking me why I did that to her and how many other girls I had cheated on her with. That was the one and only time I cheated on her and it back fired.

        To this day I still regret it. She was a keeper, but I was too immature to understand how hard good girls are to come by. My boys bring it up every now and then and I get clowned for it for getting caught in the most ugliest way possible lol.

        100% true story.
        wow bro

        aint that somethin? crazy. as immature and ****** as that was, (get ready for the cliche) everything happens for a reason. The Lord can turn your shortcomings into a huge blessing for you in the future.


        • #14
          if He hasn't already


          • #15
            Originally posted by Own3d View Post
            I don't care what anyone says anyone would cheat if one of the finest women you have ever seen was spread eagle wanting it.
            Finest in what sense? A great deal of attraction is mental, and that's something you can't have with some random you don't know.


            • #16
              Honestly, I've cheated on every single woman I've been in a relationship with, and I don't feel an ounce of guilt.


              • #17
                Originally posted by ANDROIDISM View Post
                Man I cheated and got caught in the worst Efin way and still to this day feel bad about it (was about 6 years ago).

                Had a great GF for almost 2 years. She was great to me, beautiful, great body, very nice and charming she was just a great GF to me! Well i was about 23 at the time and she was about 26 so there was some differences in maturity between her and I with me obviously being less mature, not sure where we wer really going with our relationship and I had/have some friends that were/are a bad influence on me but nevertheless my boys.

                Long story that i'll try to make short

                We end up moving in together and have been living with each other for about 6 months. The reason I moved in was because my commute to work was like 45 minutes one way. Moving in with her cut it down to about 15 each way.

                She surprises me with tickets to catch a Golden State Warriors game for my birthday so we spend the weekend in the Bay area and catch the game. Taking lots of picture throughout the weekend. We had a great time at the game and in the bay.

                about a week later I get a call from one of my boys inviting me over to his place because he has females coming over that want to party. I tell my GF that I'm going to hang out with my buddy (who she knows) for a while and I'll be back I wont be long.

                Well one of the girls that ends up being there is a girl I used to have a casual relationship with. We drink and hang out and flirt and talk about how we used to hang out all the time. After a couple hours of drinking and bullzhiting she asks me if my buddy has an extra room. I take her into the room and we start making out and undressing each other. I grab my cell phone and start messing around telling her I want to take pictures of us. To my surprise she was for it!

                I start taking pictures of her azz and D's and take pictures of me kissing on her neck and *******. She starts masturbating and I get off her and take pictures of her doing it. I then take pictures of her going down on me then put the phone away and go at it with her.

                anyways it's past midnight and after we've been done for about an hour we both get up and get ready to leave my boys house. I get home to my GF and she's asleep in the ***en living room which I found EXTREMELY rare! She's completely under the blankets and thought she maybe fell asleep on the couch or was waiting for me. She plays the shes waking up roll and asks me what time it is and why im home so late. I tell her I was with my boys and we were hanging out playing poker and it got late.

                Well she throws the blanket off of her and says " OH YEA?!!!" "WHEN THEN WHAT THE *** IS THIS???!!!!"

                She had printed out EVERY ***EN PICTURE that i had just taken with that girl having ***!!

                How did she do that????

                Her and I had Sprint together under her name. I had no idea that Sprint had this thing called Picturemail! When you take a picture from you Sprint device, Sprint thought it would be a good idea to automatically upload that picture online to your picturemail! So she was su****ious of me and logged on to our sprint account and went to the picturemail website and was seeing EVERY SINGLE PICTURE I was taking. She obviously new of this feature, I didn't!

                Needless to say I was ***ed, caught red handed, and had nothing to say but apologize for doing this to her. She was crying, I ended up crying cause I felt so bad and it was just a huge mess. She ended up going to the room and leaving me in the living room. I slept on the couch and woke up early in the morning and went to knock on her door and she as gone. She left me a note asking me to please be gone by this afternoon.

                I pack my belonging and move out. We still talked for a couple weeks after that. Mostly it was her asking me why I did that to her and how many other girls I had cheated on her with. That was the one and only time I cheated on her and it back fired.

                To this day I still regret it. She was a keeper, but I was too immature to understand how hard good girls are to come by. My boys bring it up every now and then and I get clowned for it for getting caught in the most ugliest way possible lol.

                100% true story.
                See i honestly dont get that. The girl was basically perfect for you, so why cheat?

                I can see if there are big problems but from what i gather there was nothing wrong


                • #18
                  I've never cheated and never plan too.

                  Most importantly is avoiding certain situations with women. If you're the type of guys who gets very guillible when drunk, then do go around flirting it up with chicks, cuz they can easily manipulate you into ***

                  Just a couple weeks ago some ***y puerto rican chick in my school came on to me. I usually let em down by saying i had a gf but i was bored so i threw her a bone. After talking for 6 hours, she started to get really touchy and showing me her thong cuz he was wearing a tiny skirt. I felt really fcuking guilty cuz she started asking me to go to a family party and for my number (this is all after meeting her 6 hours ago)

                  But i didnt give her my number or anything and just walked away.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by Shiranui View Post
                    Most people are in bad relationships so they may as well. It's very obvious right from the initial meeting if someone is the type who will cheat or if there is zero chance of them ever cheating (girls especially).
                    Disagree with this. Sometimes people cheat when they had no intention of doing so. Sometimes one thing really does lead to another. With that said I never did it myself.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by ANDROIDISM View Post
                      Man I cheated and got caught in the worst Efin way and still to this day feel bad about it (was about 6 years ago).

                      Had a great GF for almost 2 years. She was great to me, beautiful, great body, very nice and charming she was just a great GF to me! Well i was about 23 at the time and she was about 26 so there was some differences.......

                      I pack my belonging and move out. We still talked for a couple weeks after that. Mostly it was her asking me why I did that to her and how many other girls I had cheated on her with. That was the one and only time I cheated on her and it back fired.

                      To this day I still regret it. She was a keeper, but I was too immature to understand how hard good girls are to come by. My boys bring it up every now and then and I get clowned for it for getting caught in the most ugliest way possible lol.

                      100% true story.
                      Great story

                      Im against cheating completely and hope I will always be strong enough to say no to that ****

                      But damn, you got caught out in a fkin crazy way, wonder if she did it knowing all along she could watch your every move tho?

