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My gaming PC is the biggest waste of money in my entire life

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  • #41
    How much did this build cost you?


    • #42
      Hi, I think this PC is not useful for you since you hardly use it. I am a gamer and I play Adopt Me!, which is a pet-adopting game. The best part of the game is the Adopt Me values, which allows you to trade pets with others. To use this properly, I need a high-performance, top-quality PC. The PC I am currently using is good, but not ideal. So, could you please tell me if this PC will meet my requirements? That way, I can decide whether to buy it. Thank you!
      Last edited by Adrian00; 12-28-2024, 10:48 AM.


      • #43
        5 years later and I still don’t use it


        • #44
          As a longtime PC gamer, it's hard to say how much of a waste a gaming PC is in comparison to a console. It all depends on how hardcore you are I suppose. When I switched from console player to PC gaming decades ago, I never went back. The amount of customization and unlocking the full potential of a game was night and day on PC compared to console. Not only for gaming, you can do so much more on a PC, it just became my all around go to media station, whether watching movies, clips, ****, everything. I had no reason to leave my seat.

          Now fast forward to now where consoles have become more flexible in what they offer and have comparable PC traits. I continue to rock my gaming PC and try to build it to allow future upgrades that matter. That usually means, the graphic card will eventually have to be upgraded at the midpoint of its respectable life. Nowadays, graphic cards are very expensive, mostly do to their other usage than just gaming and this is what has caused a lot of gamers to stick with consoles. That said, anyone whose a true PC gamer will still try to stick with the gaming PC route. It's still undefeated in flexibility with modifications to existing games, unlocking full graphical/performance potential, etc. If you're not into most of that though, then it does not make sense to drop a lot of money on one. I can say years ago, I found the right budget friendly build amount that gave me a solid, strong 8 years of gaming and that was around 1.2k total spent. Nowadays, that is impossible to do, simply because the graphic card alone has sky rocketed in prices. You probably get a better deal buying a pre-built, but I still would never cross over 2k on a pre-built because there are strong ones below 2k.

          PC gaming has become a lifestyle similar to a car guy who dumps thousands in car parts and you wonder why. The car will continue to degrade, you're not going to get the entire money back if you sold the car + parts or even just the parts separately. It's not really any different than PC gaming where the parts become older and the build becomes outdated. It's just what you call a hobby. A hobby that you're willing to spend on because you enjoy and and don't expect to receive those funds back if you ever decided to leave it.


          • #45
            Originally posted by ELPacman View Post
            As a longtime PC gamer, it's hard to say how much of a waste a gaming PC is in comparison to a console. It all depends on how hardcore you are I suppose. When I switched from console player to PC gaming decades ago, I never went back. The amount of customization and unlocking the full potential of a game was night and day on PC compared to console. Not only for gaming, you can do so much more on a PC, it just became my all around go to media station, whether watching movies, clips, ****, everything. I had no reason to leave my seat.

            Now fast forward to now where consoles have become more flexible in what they offer and have comparable PC traits. I continue to rock my gaming PC and try to build it to allow future upgrades that matter. That usually means, the graphic card will eventually have to be upgraded at the midpoint of its respectable life. Nowadays, graphic cards are very expensive, mostly do to their other usage than just gaming and this is what has caused a lot of gamers to stick with consoles. That said, anyone whose a true PC gamer will still try to stick with the gaming PC route. It's still undefeated in flexibility with modifications to existing games, unlocking full graphical/performance potential, etc. If you're not into most of that though, then it does not make sense to drop a lot of money on one. I can say years ago, I found the right budget friendly build amount that gave me a solid, strong 8 years of gaming and that was around 1.2k total spent. Nowadays, that is impossible to do, simply because the graphic card alone has sky rocketed in prices. You probably get a better deal buying a pre-built, but I still would never cross over 2k on a pre-built because there are strong ones below 2k.

            PC gaming has become a lifestyle similar to a car guy who dumps thousands in car parts and you wonder why. The car will continue to degrade, you're not going to get the entire money back if you sold the car + parts or even just the parts separately. It's not really any different than PC gaming where the parts become older and the build becomes outdated. It's just what you call a hobby. A hobby that you're willing to spend on because you enjoy and and don't expect to receive those funds back if you ever decided to leave it.
            At this stage of my life, the money aspect is no longer an issue. Now the issue is time.

            When you want to upgrade your GPU to play more powerful games that old GPU can’t really handle, you sometimes have to buy a new a motherboard as well. Because the motherboard would bottleneck the GPU. Sometimes, the more powerful GPU might also need a higher power PSU as well. So just one change can lead to multiple changes, all of a sudden you’re just in need of a new pc altogether.

            In that case, what you said is true, that nowadays it’s better to just buy a pre-built gaming PC, sell it for whatever when you’re done with it, and buy a new pre-built one, and so on.


            • #46
              Originally posted by -Kev- View Post

              At this stage of my life, the money aspect is no longer an issue. Now the issue is time.

              When you want to upgrade your GPU to play more powerful games that old GPU can’t really handle, you sometimes have to buy a new a motherboard as well. Because the motherboard would bottleneck the GPU. Sometimes, the more powerful GPU might also need a higher power PSU as well. So just one change can lead to multiple changes, all of a sudden you’re just in need of a new pc altogether.

              In that case, what you said is true, that nowadays it’s better to just buy a pre-built gaming PC, sell it for whatever when you’re done with it, and buy a new pre-built one, and so on.
              Yeah man, I hear you with time. Same deal. I mean, I still use my PC for everything, but I don't game like I used to. I'll do quick ones that I can jump in for a quick sesh and get out. I'm mostly done with anything story related and sitting around watching cinematics.

              Yeah, the part where you might need a new CPU and PSU is true if you really go budget on the initial build. Like I said, I try to do a mid build where it's still somewhat future proof. This would include the motherboard and PSU. The CPU I try to go pretty strong from the get go because that will also be powering the immediate build with whatever graphic card is in there, so it should in theory be future proof.

              The motherboard is a piece that is usually overkill when you're talking the expensive ones vs the non-expensive ones. You will still get top performance from a cheap mobo that an expensive would would provide you. The only difference is usually the expensive one has additional features that you may never even use or extra slots that again, you may or may not need for HDDs or perhaps memory. You could get a nice mobo for just around 200, yet an expensive one can be around 500+ but totally unnecessary.

              Nowadays, you can get a pretty safe wattage power supply that can handle more than what you need, also future proof. I picked up a 1000 watt for under 200 by a newcomer brand a couple years ago and it's been rock solid since.

