Arcade? I usually liked brawlers/beat em ups, so Vendetta, which was a sequel to an earlier Konami game Crime Fighters, which was also pretty good. Vendetta took Crime Fighters and turned it up to 11. You had a wrestler that looked like Hulk Hogan, a martial arts guy that looked like a young Chuck Norris and fought like Van Damme, a boxer that looked like Holyfield a mohawked brawler looking like either a white Mr. T or later a young Chuck Liddell. The other cool thing was all 4 guys had 2 special moves, one standing and one you could do in mid air when you pushed all 3 buttons.
Also liked Double Dragon, Double Dragon 2 and 3, X-Men game was fun. ROOOOOAR people loved doing the yell when Colossus did his special move and "NOTHING moves the BLOB" lol.
Arcade? I usually liked brawlers/beat em ups, so Vendetta, which was a sequel to an earlier Konami game Crime Fighters, which was also pretty good. Vendetta took Crime Fighters and turned it up to 11. You had a wrestler that looked like Hulk Hogan, a martial arts guy that looked like a young Chuck Norris and fought like Van Damme, a boxer that looked like Holyfield a mohawked brawler looking like either a white Mr. T or later a young Chuck Liddell. The other cool thing was all 4 guys had 2 special moves, one standing and one you could do in mid air when you pushed all 3 buttons.
Also liked Double Dragon, Double Dragon 2 and 3, X-Men game was fun. ROOOOOAR people loved doing the yell when Colossus did his special move and "NOTHING moves the BLOB" lol.
Besides fighting games(SF, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Capcom vs), these were the ones I played a lot at the arcade(too bad today's "arcades" aren't like they were back then). I liked Final Fight, The Simpsons, TMNT and of course X-Men.
My co worker actually had Captain America and the Avengers in her house, but I actually preferred Punisher over that one.
Arcade? I usually liked brawlers/beat em ups, so Vendetta, which was a sequel to an earlier Konami game Crime Fighters, which was also pretty good. Vendetta took Crime Fighters and turned it up to 11. You had a wrestler that looked like Hulk Hogan, a martial arts guy that looked like a young Chuck Norris and fought like Van Damme, a boxer that looked like Holyfield a mohawked brawler looking like either a white Mr. T or later a young Chuck Liddell. The other cool thing was all 4 guys had 2 special moves, one standing and one you could do in mid air when you pushed all 3 buttons.
Also liked Double Dragon, Double Dragon 2 and 3, X-Men game was fun. ROOOOOAR people loved doing the yell when Colossus did his special move and "NOTHING moves the BLOB" lol.
I loved Crime Fighters when I was a kid. In the early 90s my mom took me to this kid's party at Pistol Pete's Pizza (Chuck E. Cheese type place) and that was the only time I beat the game. But I had three other kids playing with me.
Also beat WWF Wrestlefest that same day. Ultimate Warrior and Mr. Perfect was my team.
I still love playing Final Final, Double Dragon, and Streets of Rage games on my NES classic.
Also liked that Xmen arcade game. I downloaded it for my PS3 when I had it.
Last edited by Willy Wanker; 09-10-2021, 01:53 PM.
I loved Crime Fighters when I was a kid. In the early 90s my mom took me to this kid's party at Pistol Pete's Pizza (Chuck E. Cheese type place) and that was the only time I beat the game. But I had three other kids playing with me.
Also beat WWF Wrestlefest that same day. Ultimate Warrior and Mr. Perfect was my team.
I still love playing Final Final, Double Dragon, and Streets of Rage games on my NES classic.
Also liked that Xmen arcade game. I downloaded it for my PS3 when I had it.
This man knows his arcade. Not sure if SD still got some around but I bet I could find a couple here in Vegas that may have Wrestlefest. I liked Boss Man and Hogan. Warrior's shoulder press took too much time lol