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Silver Champion - 100-500 posts  389
Last Activity: Today, 04:33 PM
Joined: 08-21-2021
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  • I don't think both will win though I see Joyce and dubious getting stopped and losing but no harm in making the fight regardless, be a fun watch even if they lose , boxing needs to lose this mentality that a loss makes a guy finished for good , this is what's Ben happening the last decade , a loss is...
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  • I'm not sure why all the hate , the dude has 16 first round knockouts that's ****ing impressive, just because he had a bad showing against the former ggg opponent , this is a good fight , regardless off what all the keyboard warrior s who have nevver got in the ring have to say lol David benavides is...
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    Last edited by Sammy7861992; Today, 05:08 AM.
    Knuckle sandwich Knuckle sandwich likes this.

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  • The Saudis have been making boxing great again with great shows , how about a show with this fight , Haney vs Isaac Cruz and Ryan Garcia vs teofimo Lopez all on the same show and hand out a lot of money and make a good night for the fans from midget boxing in the lower weights
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  • I did buddy lol...
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  • 100 percent agree, but some people act like Ryan had loaded gloves or something, Haney got what he deserved he is a dirty fighter Il love to see him fight more guys with a left hook,did U see him sparring tank he threw so many dirty punches when tank wasn't even looking, I v also seen clips of him getting...
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