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Black or not, Broner needs to be FINED for his comments

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  • #81
    Originally posted by Bardamu View Post
    You are trying to clean up your community by crying about something one person said, that is said every single day by millions of black people? Really?

    Starting a thread, under an anyonymous name, to whine and cry is trying to clean up your community? What community are you in son? You up in Over-the-Rhine, where Broner is from?

    Yep, what better way to clean up your community and make a real change than to make anonymous posts on the Internet. lol.

    I don't find anything you said offensive, just amazed that someone is such a crybaby.

    If you found that offensive you wouldn't even be on the Internet, let alone watch AB's press conference. For real, they have parental controls on every t.v. and computer nowadays. You can set it to only show g rated programs if such everyday things cause you to get your panties all in a bunch.
    Don't worry about how I choose to clean up my community.

    Are you with me as a basketball coach as I coach kids 12 and under on not only basketball skills, but reviewing each child's weekly progress Report to ensure they remain academically eligible to play on my team. Are you with me when I'm grilling them about missed homework assignments? Are you with me when I preach to them about the value of getting good grades and prepping them on the value of being small busineas owners?

    Are you out here putting a non profit together to support said kids? Of course not. You bring no solutions to my community, but advocate the chaos.

    Fascinating how I offend this white guy by trying to clean up a community he gives two schits about... I know why my words trouble you so much as do you.
    Last edited by Chollo Vista; 11-20-2018, 12:28 AM.


    • #82
      I guarantee all of you that attack me that if Broner was raised in my house from the age of 5-18 he would NOT be the idiot he is today...

      Guarantee you that... And I know exactly why this threatens many of you


      • #83
        Originally posted by Chollo Vista View Post
        I guarantee all of you that attack me that if Broner was raised in my house from the age of 5-18 he would NOT be the idiot he is today...

        Guarantee you that... And I know exactly why this threatens many of you
        Who attacked you?


        • #84
          Chollo, thanks a lot for sharing your frustration with us.


          • #85
            Originally posted by BoxingIsGreat View Post
            Who attacked you?
            A few. No big deal though


            • #86
              Originally posted by Chollo Vista View Post
              Don't worry about how I choose to clean up my community.

              Are you with me as a basketball coach as I coach kids 12 and under on not only basketball skills, but reviewing each child's weekly progress Report to ensure they remain academically eligible to play on my team. Are you with me when I'm grilling them about missed homework assignments? Are you with me when I preach to them about the value of getting good grades and prepping them on the value of being small busineas owners?

              Are you out here putting a non profit together to support said kids? Of course not. You bring no solutions to my community, but advocate the chaos.

              Fascinating how I offend this white guy by trying to clean up a community he gives two schits about... I know why my words trouble you so much as do you.

              If you really care about the (black) citizens of Chicago and want to “clean it up” then start volunteering for any of these organizations. These organizations are actually doing real work, making a difference and trying to decrease gun violence in the area.
              Or maybe you should just get in touch with them, to let them know what Adrien Broner said at a press conference. Tell the Interrupters to get off the streets and try to force Broner into using language you personally find less offensive. Idiots trying to stop shootings when AB is letting N bombs fly all day! Talk about misplaced priorities.

              Cure Violence

              Chicago Area Project

              The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence

              Chicago Survivors

              Build Chicago


              • #87
                Originally posted by Chollo Vista View Post
                Don't worry about how I choose to clean up my community.

                Are you with me as a basketball coach as I coach kids 12 and under on not only basketball skills, but reviewing each child's weekly progress Report to ensure they remain academically eligible to play on my team. Are you with me when I'm grilling them about missed homework assignments? Are you with me when I preach to them about the value of getting good grades and prepping them on the value of being small busineas owners?

                Are you out here putting a non profit together to support said kids? Of course not. You bring no solutions to my community, but advocate the chaos.

                Fascinating how I offend this white guy by trying to clean up a community he gives two schits about... I know why my words trouble you so much as do you.
                lmao. I don't go around preaching to others. I do my thing. And I guarantee you I've volunteered more than you ever will. And you have no idea what color my skin is.

                Getting on a boxing site and literally crying because of something AB said is not helping anyone. It really isn't.

                All it is doing is crying. I'm sure AB can't sleep knowing that he made ole' Chollo cry.

                (btw, I actually am in the process of starting my own non-profit. Its just I usually don't talk about it, I do it.)


                • #88
                  Originally posted by Bardamu View Post
                  If you really care about the (black) citizens of Chicago and want to “clean it up” then start volunteering for any of these organizations. These organizations are actually doing real work, making a difference and trying to decrease gun violence in the area.
                  Or maybe you should just get in touch with them, to let them know what Adrien Broner said at a press conference. Tell the Interrupters to get off the streets and try to force Broner into using language you personally find less offensive. Idiots trying to stop shootings when AB is letting N bombs fly all day! Talk about misplaced priorities.

                  Cure Violence

                  Chicago Area Project

                  The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence

                  Chicago Survivors

                  Build Chicago
                  For one, I live in DC and am in my community heavy. Don't worry about how I handle my business

                  The fact that you can't wrap your head around why eradicating the n word from African American/Spanish boxers vocabulary is a big deal either shows how out of touch with history and reality you are or shows how you are no better than the COINTELPRO agents that disrupted/deterred many black initiatives by black organizations

                  Either way, you're a worthless troll who opinion holds no value to me

                  If you knew anything about the black community, you would know that African American kids will listen to a dumb ass like Adrien Broner before they will listen to Chollo Vista

                  If they see Adrien Broner pulling up his pants, not using the n word, acting like he has sense, acting like a responsible black adult male, who would have more influence over children in the years to come? Broner or Chollo?

                  If you can reach black sports figures, you will reach black youth

                  That's not Chollo's rule, that's just the unfortunate reality in the black community. Whether you start small with a small win, at least you're starting somewhere and not just spectating waiting for the democrats or republicans to save your community

                  The fact that you don't know this, can't see or understand this, let's me know you have no idea on such a subject and aren't worth anymore of my time... Either that or you do understand and are operating like a COINTELPRO agent using similar tactics... Either way, you bring jack to the table and aren't worth a damn in this conversation


                  • #89
                    Originally posted by Bardamu View Post
                    If you really care about the (black) citizens of Chicago and want to “clean it up” then start volunteering for any of these organizations. These organizations are actually doing real work, making a difference and trying to decrease gun violence in the area.
                    Or maybe you should just get in touch with them, to let them know what Adrien Broner said at a press conference. Tell the Interrupters to get off the streets and try to force Broner into using language you personally find less offensive. Idiots trying to stop shootings when AB is letting N bombs fly all day! Talk about misplaced priorities.

                    Cure Violence

                    Chicago Area Project

                    The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence

                    Chicago Survivors

                    Build Chicago
                    This is the big picture. I can understand Chollo's anger too.


                    • #90
                      Originally posted by Bardamu View Post
                      lmao. I don't go around preaching to others. I do my thing. And I guarantee you I've volunteered more than you ever will. And you have no idea what color my skin is.

                      Getting on a boxing site and literally crying because of something AB said is not helping anyone. It really isn't.

                      All it is doing is crying. I'm sure AB can't sleep knowing that he made ole' Chollo cry.

                      (btw, I actually am in the process of starting my own non-profit. Its just I usually don't talk about it, I do it.)
                      You admitted to being white the other day

                      Anyway, good luck in your future endeavors.

                      BTW, if you don't think people in the boxing arena don't read these threads, you're even more sillynthan you portray yourself to be... But if I am wrong, why waste all your time here debating me? All of a sudden you care about Adrien Broner?

                      You know how symbolic this is and what it could represent if something like this was enacted. Of course you would want it shut down

                      It could do too good in the community... You know the one you care so much about

                      Oh and my non profit will be finalized by the end of the year. Thnx

