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Comments Thread For: Mayweather: Focus More on Police Brutality, Less on Bill Cosby

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  • Comments Thread For: Mayweather: Focus More on Police Brutality, Less on Bill Cosby

    Floyd Mayweather Jr. (49-0, 26KOs) has been on a roll as of late with his interviewed thoughts on racism.

    Last week he created viral headlines when discussing what he perceives to be an ongoing issue with racism in combat sports and used fighters like Gennady Golovkin, Ronda Rousey and Conor McGregor as direct examples of athletes who are receiving favorable treatment due to their skin color.

    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    If Cosby did it then lock him up and throw away the key....but the media is making it look like he killed those women.


    • #3
      Mayweather was too focused on being brutalized by Khan so he got scared into retirement. Not the first time it happened but the most recent no doubt.


      • #4
        We don't talk about police brutality? Interesting. Mayweather must live in some protected bubble being shielded from current events and never watches the news. Police brutality has obviously been a hot topic with the mainstream media over the past several years.

        I see where his diehard fans get their logic. Take one subject then bring up something else entirely different and unrelated and try to make them connected somehow. "Golovkin is pound for pound top five huh? Well what about nuclear fusion? Why ain't y'all ever talkin about that? Exactly. I rest my case."
        Last edited by ИATAS; 01-09-2016, 03:51 AM.


        • #5
          What a weird headline.. Floyd says some random shlt


          • #6

            these people were all instantly shot and killed on sight for carrying real guns in walmart just like black people were shot and instantly killed for carrying airsoft guns in an open carry state. oh wait that never happened. floyd is right for once! people see black people with a toy gun and they get scared and think they are about to die, people see white people with a gun and they are patriots protecting us!


            • #7
              Maaaaaaan Floyd, I was on your side until you said this garbage. So let's not worry about what happened 30 or 40 years ago? As long as it's not current it doesn't matter? So all of the 40 plus "alleged" victims don't count anymore because it's not current events? News flash, kiddo--nothing can happen in the past or future. Everything can only happen in the NOW. When Cosby drugged and ****d these women, it happened in the moment. Not some past or future time. So for any victim of ANYTHING, it always happened in the present tense. Do you want to deny these women of what was done to them? Is it not as important as police brutality? Don't you think they'd rather be living normal lives and not having to talk about this at all? You know that police brutality happens on every level. White cops profile, attack, frame, beat, kill white people. Have you not watched Making a Murderer? It's literally 1 of 500,000 examples of white cops profiling white people--and obviously all police aren't bad. Just like any facet of life, there's good and bad of anything and everything. If Steven Avery ("Making a Murderer") was black, it would be a race thing. But since he's sort of a white hillbilly type, no one says anything. Labeling doesn't help anything. Toni Morrison said it best--"There is no such thing as race. None. Scientifically, anthropologically, racism is a construct. A social construct." She's an amazing black leader and talks about how a lot of the conversation holds us back from truly achieving equality. I can't believe I'm talking about this on a boxing forum. I know you'll never read this and are out doing something extravagant (I love your twerk team instagram post fanning bills at them--just awesome), but ya gotta know, if you're not a part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.


              • #8
                What Cosby did (if he did, and it looks like he did) is horrendous. I don't care if it was 200 years ago. C'mon Floyd, you're being ridiculous.


                • #9
                  You think this has to do with Shantel Claiming Floyd ****d her and held her captive? Maybe he can relate to Bill Cosby Plight.


                  • #10
                    Easy for someone who didn't get ****ing ****d by him to say. Jesus, Floyd. Think before you speak.

