So? It was unable to win fights at a certain point. Does it really matter?
If If Joyce was exposed by losing to Zhang, then Wilder was also exposed by getting KOd by Zhang, correct? They both got KTFO by the same guy, at the same age.
Joyce was old as well. That's why he was fast tracked.
How did Ortiz get jerked around?
I can't say if Ortiz was jerked around per se as I don't know the story behind him coming into prominence vs Jennings.
In fairness he was only 5 years into his pro career when he had that fight, but it also took 3 and a half years for him to get a title shot after that
I will say though undoubtedly Joyce had an easier path to prominence in terms of getting fights, being put on big cards and having exposure. As a British Olympian coming through in the years UK was dominating heavyweight boxing, he wasn't lacking opportunity.
Ortiz in my opinion turned pro way too late, his title shot really should have come against Wlad, who is only a couple of years younger than him.
Ortiz belongs in the Wlad/Pulev/Povetkin type era, it was him turning pro far too late that meant he was a "prospect" at the same time as dudes 10-15 years younger than him.
It seems you can't even count either, dumbass. It was 3 lines you wrote. And those 3 lines were embarrassing. But using your "Logic", you were crying which is why you wrote those 3 lines in the first place. So that makes you a double dumbass. That's before we even get to the value of what you wrote. Maybe all these doubles has you thinking you're making the usual McDonalds order, fatty.
I can't say if Ortiz was jerked around per se as I don't know the story behind him coming into prominence vs Jennings.
In fairness he was only 5 years into his pro career when he had that fight, but it also took 3 and a half years for him to get a title shot after that
I will say though undoubtedly Joyce had an easier path to prominence in terms of getting fights, being put on big cards and having exposure. As a British Olympian coming through in the years UK was dominating heavyweight boxing, he wasn't lacking opportunity.
Ortiz in my opinion turned pro way too late, his title shot really should have come against Wlad, who is only a couple of years younger than him.
Ortiz belongs in the Wlad/Pulev/Povetkin type era, it was him turning pro far too late that meant he was a "prospect" at the same time as dudes 10-15 years younger than him.
Ortiz had offers but refused to take them.
Ortiz hadn't done anything to earn a title shot. Plus he was failing drug tests.
Ortiz was getting hyped by Eddie on Matchroom cards. He was the mandatory to the WBA title that AJ held. But he first had to make a mandatory of the IBF title. Ortiz would have been next. But he ran for the Wilder fight as he knew it would be so much easier. He lost millions by making that decision. That was on him. They even got offered the AJ fight after Miller busted with a multi million dollar cheque. But his ridiculous team claimed he was worth 10 million. Even though he'd only been paid 500,000 for the Wilder fight. How do you lose that fight for that amount and have your value rise in an obscene way? Your value drops after a loss. Not rise in the extreme.
Ortiz definitely didn't earn a fight with Wlad. Plus, on the backend of Wlad's reign, he was fighting mandatories. Where was Ortiz going to fit in? He'd have to fight Wlad after only a handful of fights without anyone knowing who the hell he was.
not really? he has shown he can knock over tomato cans and people who take dives like malik scott. only notable opponent who was even ranked that he ko'd was ortiz. that was nice but 1 guy in your entire career and you are a huge puncher? i think not.
actually his ko of helenius proves that wrong. he went back to weak competition and ko'd them. he fought strong competition before and after and didnt get the ko and lost easily. data. facts.
Dude... Seriously? Read my posts... First of all there are seldom absolutes, Wilder is a devastating puncher but so was Shavers... However if you watch them both there are differences, like Shavers can box, move, etc... If you look at the division that time (70's) Most guys had such skills. That matters when we discuss greatness.
I know that from watching the fights, which is how one knows Wilder's punch ability...
why do you keep pretending beating soft competition is something good? you actually think more highly of guys who dont fight good competition. as wilder would say mind-bobbling.
It is what it is... Your understanding of competition is flawed because you ascribe differences that are non existent.