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Comments Thread For: Erislandy Lara: I'm The Modern-Day Hopkins, I Can Keep Doing This For Years

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  • #11
    He was/is a talented fighter no doubt. But dude your latest reign seems more like m charr than Hopkins.

    Obscure wba champion and nobody can figure out why.

    Barely fights and remains champ.

    0 demand to see him fight.

    0 talk of unification or pursuing anything beyond that paper belt.

    Id love for him to prove me wrong and maybe with less legs he gets more aggressive.


    • #12
      His straight left hand is still lethal, but unfortunately, his main defense was always his footwork of constantly moving and now he can’t do that consistently anymore. That’s why he wasn’t able to get on the same tier level with the likes of, Andre Ward and Floyd, those two had more dimensions to both their defense and offense.


      • #13
        Hopkins can barely speak nowadays. Sure the boxing run was impressive, but at a cost.


        • #14
          I like Lara, but I wouldn't compare him to Bernard. Lara is more like a Sanderline Williams-- a seasoned veteran who knows his way around the ring, fought tough fights, knows how to do 12 without getting hurt, but doesn't really hurt anyone either
          Last edited by archiemoore1; 01-31-2024, 08:54 PM.


          • #15
            Face it, you're no B-Hop, Lara. FOH.


            • #16
              I think Lara was just talking about longevity when he mentioned Hopkins. He is a solid fighter though. The
              Canelo fight could've went either way IMO, and also IMO the only reason he lost to Hurd was the size difference.
              Zerafa will make a decent account of himself for a few rounds, but I just think Lara will stop him by mid rounds.


              • #17
                Originally posted by wrecksracer View Post
                The Hurd and Castano fights had a lot of action, and could have gone either way. I'm interested to see what he's still got. He's more of an action fighter now that he's slowed down a bit. He literally has to fight his way out of spots.
                Yeah this is exactly itakea Him more popular than he’s ever been the fact that he’s actually standing and trading
                Little fughed has power or maybe it’s cause I always envisioned him to be a rock’n’roll sock’em fighter
                Let’s hope we can see more of him and hoping Father Time hasn’t creeped up


                • #18
                  Does anyone know how in the world did Zerafa became #1 ranked fighter with his joke of a resume? This is why someone needs to investigate corruption at these sanctioning bodies. Something smells!!!

