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Comments Thread For: Jarrell Miller: I Feel Honestly That Joshua Made a Mistake in Picking Otto Wallin

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  • #11
    What am I missing? I thought it's the Saudis that came up with the cards. Did Wilder pick Joseph Parker?
    Last edited by Bullrider; 12-04-2023, 09:55 PM.


    • #12
      Miller vs Dboi. Zombie vs damaged goods.


      • #13
        Originally posted by ßykeryder View Post
        What am I missing? I thought it's the Saudis that came up with the cards. Did Wilder pick Joseph Parker?
        They wanted Wilder to fight Bakole but his team insisted on Parker.


        • #14
          No injuries announced yet for any of the fights. Let's see if they all go ahead as planned on the 23rd


          • #15
            This dude has his own fight, on the same card but I've seen and read him talk about AJ more than his opponent or anything to do with his own fight. He shouldn't be fighting at all.


            • #16

              he made a mistake picking you, you cheating pr1ck.


              • #17
                Originally posted by joe strong View Post
                I hope Triple Knee lays a beating on Miller. This is a huge crossroads fight for both. I see Dubois looking more like another David Price than contender. He can still make some money but If he can’t beat this version of Miller than any aspirations of another title shot are gone. Post-PED Miller needs a win over any credible opponent to have a chance of moving forward. Dubois is a tough assignment if Miller can’t volume punch like he did prior to failed drug tests.
                Pre or Post PED Miller has no credible wins in the first place.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by archiemoore1 View Post
                  I wish i could see Jarrell Miller juiced up on 10 different types of anabolics against AJ, in a small ring with small gloves on.. I wanna see what that fight looks like
                  It would probably look like an obese man getting his ass whooped regardless of whether he's on PEDs or not.


                  • #19
                    I was thinking Miller picked wrong guy in DDD.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by Nomadic View Post
                      I said the same thing when the fight was announced. AJ is about to get beating and broken by Wailin. After that, the Wilder fight will pretty much dead unless Wilder loses his next too. Then they will have the battle of the losers! Only if the Wilder and AJ fight was made years ago, it would have been worth paying for. Now, I would probably only watch the highlights.
                      AJ has already beaten Wallin twice. Not sure how Wallin suddenly became a monster? What has he done since losing well to Fury?

                      All fights are tough. AJ pretty much always fights top-10 guys. No difference in this fight.

                      It's going to be harder for Wallin - he has taken too long to step up his opposition. Meanwhile AJ went 24 rounds with Usyk....
                      greeneye99 greeneye99 likes this.

