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The First World Title Fight

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  • The First World Title Fight

    If modern boxing started with James Figg in 1719, perhaps American John C. Heenan vs Brit Tom Sayers should be considered as the very first true world title fight.

    On the morning of 17 April 1860, boxing’s inaugural "world title" international boxing match took place and, illegal as it may have been, sporting historians on each side of the Atlantic accept that Heenan v Sayers, US v England, in a Hampshire field, was the one and only true beginning – the very first of many thousands of "fights of the century". (The Guardian)

    After more than forty rounds, the fight ended in chaos when the ropes were cut, the crowd invaded the ring, and police moved in to put a stop to proceedings. The referee finally declared a draw, but hostilities continued for some weeks outside the ring, with the American camp claiming that Heenan had been cheated of victory, and the British insisting that Sayers had been on top. In fact, a careful study of newspaper reports of the fight [ … ] leaves little doubt that Heenan was on the verge of victory when the action was stopped. No American ever admitted that Sayers had been on top, but a number of British commentators broke ranks to say that Heenan had not had fair play. (Wiki)
