Originally posted by TheGreatA
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Are you serious about those names? Hardly any of them were ranked even in the top 10. Louis won convincingly against a lot of fighters too who were better than this lot.
Yes and Ruiz has been the type that gets better as he gets older while Tua got worse and worse since the Ruiz win.
A comeback KO of a cruiserweight after losing just about every round on the scorecards. Much like most of Tua's wins. A prime Moorer wouldn't have needed a comeback KO to beat Jirov at heavyweight.
And why exactly do Lance Whitaker, Corey Sanders, Kirk Johnson and Oliver McCall have more power than anyone Louis ever faced? Tua is the only notable puncher in the list. The rest were big but size doesn't mean you can punch. Otherwise 6'4, 240 lb Zuri Lawrence wouldn't have 0 knockouts in 50 fights.
"Cruiserweight" Max Baer who was in shape at 210 lbs while the likes of Johnson, Sanders, Whitaker were just fat and out of shape most of the time punched a lot harder than any of them. Abe Simon and Buddy Baer were also very big and Louis slaughtered them.
How many men had ever stopped Baer at the time Louis KO'd him? No one. Whose punching power had taken him to a world heavyweight title and whose did not?
Agreed about the heart. Baer never gave up after getting hit by a couple of right hands in the first round like Tua did against Lewis.
He had more muscles but do muscles win fights? If they did, this man would have surely won over Louis:

This is what happened:

If he wasn't brilliant then why do you rank him among your top 10 greatest heavyweights? McCall hardly used his reach, he just plodded forward and exploded with his counter right hand every once in a while.
Tyson had other claims to fame than having a fight against Douglas. For example making McCall quit in a sparring session.
I didn't know that lasting the distance against Buster Douglas makes you great.
Derrick Jefferson is equal to Wilson, Nicolson, Sullivan, Bell. Tony Thompson & Jameel McCline are better and were ranked in the top 10. Those fighters you listed weren't any good at all.
Chambers vs Dimitrenko should have been a draw? It was a near shut-out and a beatdown of Dimitrenko that some blind judge scored a draw.
The fact is that Wladimir never struggled against men his own size. Chambers has. It could be a closer match-up if the two were the same size but Wladimir would still be favoured. Chambers has not yet shown the kind of work ethic and dedication that Wladimir has. If he can put those together, he could win even if he's out-sized.
You can't just say that Tua would've destroyed everyone if he were taller. First of all the reason he has such explosive power is because he's very compact, stocky and has strong legs. His bobbing & weaving makes fighters miss due to his short height and his left hook comes from the opponent's blind side. The reason he hasn't beaten every fighter he has fought is because he lacks consistent work ethic and because he is simply not as good a boxer as the likes of Byrd.
A focused Baer would go through today's top 10 like butter outside of the Klitschko brothers. Schmeling was better than the likes of Chagaev and Povetkin. More skilled, smarter and with a harder punch.
You don't need a Tua punch or a McCall chin to beat them, that has been proven over and over. And Baer had a hell of a chin and easily a bigger punch than McCall whose power comes mostly from his ability to catch people with punches they don't see coming. Baer had raw power and could club opponents down.
Haye has a chin made of glass.
Something happened even when Byrd caught Tua, not to mention Lewis. He got discouraged. Tua is not some kind of a "terminator" even if his nickname is such, if he gets hit it'll make him think about his next move or if he makes another move at all. No one wants to take unnecessary punishment. In fact neither McCall or Tua are like Baer who was willing to walk through punishment to land his own. They're much more defensive fighters.
Are you kidding me? Louis would destroy Haye worse than Carl Thompson ever could.
Tua is very comparable to Louis's opposition. He was just a contender who never won a title.
He didn't try very aggressively at all. The reason he only reached is because he didn't try to force Lewis to fight in close unlike Frazier, Dempsey, Marciano. He was content on staying at Lewis's range and being picked apart but not knocked out.
Byrd was also able to trade punches and hurt Tua to the body. Holyfield did beat Bowe the one time he actually used his boxing and didn't brawl with Bowe. I've seen power punchers KO Wladimir far more often than I've seen tall jabbers beat Louis.
Yes and Ruiz has been the type that gets better as he gets older while Tua got worse and worse since the Ruiz win.
A comeback KO of a cruiserweight after losing just about every round on the scorecards. Much like most of Tua's wins. A prime Moorer wouldn't have needed a comeback KO to beat Jirov at heavyweight.
And why exactly do Lance Whitaker, Corey Sanders, Kirk Johnson and Oliver McCall have more power than anyone Louis ever faced? Tua is the only notable puncher in the list. The rest were big but size doesn't mean you can punch. Otherwise 6'4, 240 lb Zuri Lawrence wouldn't have 0 knockouts in 50 fights.
"Cruiserweight" Max Baer who was in shape at 210 lbs while the likes of Johnson, Sanders, Whitaker were just fat and out of shape most of the time punched a lot harder than any of them. Abe Simon and Buddy Baer were also very big and Louis slaughtered them.
How many men had ever stopped Baer at the time Louis KO'd him? No one. Whose punching power had taken him to a world heavyweight title and whose did not?
Agreed about the heart. Baer never gave up after getting hit by a couple of right hands in the first round like Tua did against Lewis.
He had more muscles but do muscles win fights? If they did, this man would have surely won over Louis:

This is what happened:
If he wasn't brilliant then why do you rank him among your top 10 greatest heavyweights? McCall hardly used his reach, he just plodded forward and exploded with his counter right hand every once in a while.
Tyson had other claims to fame than having a fight against Douglas. For example making McCall quit in a sparring session.
I didn't know that lasting the distance against Buster Douglas makes you great.
Derrick Jefferson is equal to Wilson, Nicolson, Sullivan, Bell. Tony Thompson & Jameel McCline are better and were ranked in the top 10. Those fighters you listed weren't any good at all.
Chambers vs Dimitrenko should have been a draw? It was a near shut-out and a beatdown of Dimitrenko that some blind judge scored a draw.
The fact is that Wladimir never struggled against men his own size. Chambers has. It could be a closer match-up if the two were the same size but Wladimir would still be favoured. Chambers has not yet shown the kind of work ethic and dedication that Wladimir has. If he can put those together, he could win even if he's out-sized.
You can't just say that Tua would've destroyed everyone if he were taller. First of all the reason he has such explosive power is because he's very compact, stocky and has strong legs. His bobbing & weaving makes fighters miss due to his short height and his left hook comes from the opponent's blind side. The reason he hasn't beaten every fighter he has fought is because he lacks consistent work ethic and because he is simply not as good a boxer as the likes of Byrd.
A focused Baer would go through today's top 10 like butter outside of the Klitschko brothers. Schmeling was better than the likes of Chagaev and Povetkin. More skilled, smarter and with a harder punch.
You don't need a Tua punch or a McCall chin to beat them, that has been proven over and over. And Baer had a hell of a chin and easily a bigger punch than McCall whose power comes mostly from his ability to catch people with punches they don't see coming. Baer had raw power and could club opponents down.
Haye has a chin made of glass.
Something happened even when Byrd caught Tua, not to mention Lewis. He got discouraged. Tua is not some kind of a "terminator" even if his nickname is such, if he gets hit it'll make him think about his next move or if he makes another move at all. No one wants to take unnecessary punishment. In fact neither McCall or Tua are like Baer who was willing to walk through punishment to land his own. They're much more defensive fighters.
Are you kidding me? Louis would destroy Haye worse than Carl Thompson ever could.
Tua is very comparable to Louis's opposition. He was just a contender who never won a title.
He didn't try very aggressively at all. The reason he only reached is because he didn't try to force Lewis to fight in close unlike Frazier, Dempsey, Marciano. He was content on staying at Lewis's range and being picked apart but not knocked out.
Byrd was also able to trade punches and hurt Tua to the body. Holyfield did beat Bowe the one time he actually used his boxing and didn't brawl with Bowe. I've seen power punchers KO Wladimir far more often than I've seen tall jabbers beat Louis.
Originally posted by TheGreatA
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You're now admitting that light heavyweights and cruiserweights have been able to compete today when a moment earlier you said that they couldn't. None of the fighters you listed were as great as the men I'm talking about. If light heavyweights and cruiserweights could beat McCall and Tua then so could Louis.
Savon was adept at fighting teenagers in 4 rounders but Schmeling was an actual pro who had fought 15 round fights and had held the heavyweight championship of the world. A young Louis lost to him and avenged the loss in devastating fashion. It's far more excusable than the many losses on McCall's record.
Savon was adept at fighting teenagers in 4 rounders but Schmeling was an actual pro who had fought 15 round fights and had held the heavyweight championship of the world. A young Louis lost to him and avenged the loss in devastating fashion. It's far more excusable than the many losses on McCall's record.
