San Juan - The film "Hands of Stone", which tells the story of former boxing world champion Roberto Duran, will begin filming June 4 in Puerto Rico, one of the production companies announced.

Rosi Acosta, of KCPR, said that a group of the film's producers is currently in Puerto Rico looking for sites at which to shoot the movie, which stars Gael Garcia Bernal as the Panamanian fighter.

Along with Garcia, Acosta said that the cast includes Robert De Niro, who will play the role of Ray Arcel, Duran's trainer, and pop singer Usher as Sugar Ray Leonard.

She said that there are still other potential cast members who have yet to confirm that they will be part of the film, including actress Michelle Rodriguez and Puerto Rican rapper Tego Calderon.

Acosta said that the film will be made in Puerto Rico because of the "versatility of locations that allow any Latin American country to be recreated".

She also emphasized that the film project will be reinforced by the incentives offered by the Puerto Rico Film Commission, a state agency.

Acosta estimated that the production will provide Puerto Rico with about $16 million in revenues.