By Mark Vester

Promoter Frank Warren says that his former fighter Ricky Hatton is not smart enough, in the ring, to beat Manny Pacquiao on May 2 in Las Vegas. He says Pacquiao is too fast and too smart for the Manchester superstar. He gives Hatton a shot in the early rounds, but if Ricky doesn't close the show early - Warren predicts a Pacquiao win.

"If Ricky Hatton doesn't do it early, I don't see how he can win the fight," Warren told Sky Sports News. "I just think that Pacquiao will be too fast and too clever for him."

Ricky says his power will be the difference with Manny, but Warren disagrees. He says Ricky is not a big puncher and doesn't see his power being a factor. He says Hatton has not looked good in his last couple of fights. Warren blames Hatton's wild lifestyle that he leads between fights.

"Ricky is not a big puncher. He's not been stopping guys. Let's take Paulie Malignaggi out of it, because he certainly didn't look very good when he fought in Manchester and he certainly didn't look good after eleven-and-a-half rounds with Ricky," Warren said.

"Looking at the other performances he's had, he's not really looked that great to me. That's basically because he hasn't lived the life of a professional boxer. You can't abuse your body like he has done over the years. Of course he's going to be in shape, but you've got to think about what has happened in between, that catches up with you. I just think Pacquiao will be too smart for him."

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